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the 3 foul rule on 9 ball should be scraped who agrees???

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Posts: 6,262
17:02 Sat 24 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
redalert124 said:
just my view is if you are level should play to the end earn the win instead being a coward talking easy way out show u r the best

I'd be rich if I had a pound for everytime I've heard this... win by what ever means as long as its not cheating thats what I say.

I guess I'm a coward play you soon red mate
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19:26 Sat 24 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone who brings this up is just having a whine because it just happened to them and they're annoyed at themselves that they couldn't get out of the snooker(s).

Keep the rule, it's part of the game.
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19:30 Sat 24 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
so 3 fouls isnt part of 9 ball?!?!

watch it and weep

i like the rule, we all lose by it,
Posts: 351
07:12 Wed 28 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
If you foul 3 times in a row then you deserve to lose in my opinion. Plus the rules are the rules, keeeeeep it.
Posts: 8,149
08:23 Wed 28 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
The only way you will lose by this rule is if you put yourself in the position to start with.

It takes more skill to snooker 3 times in a row than pot.

In my opinion if you don't like this rule, don't put yourself in the position for your opponent to take the advantage.

I have been the one with that advantage and also been the one on the receiving end, thats the game!!

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08:26 Wed 28 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree...

with everyone else apart from you
Posts: 1,410
08:38 Wed 28 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
redalert124 said:
naw its not real rules in real 9 ball pool look them up i never seen in 9 ball 3 times u foul and u lose the frame its a fake rule

where are you looking?
I watch the 9 ball championship on on television and 3 fouls and you lose is always in affect so it is a rule.
Posts: 504
16:25 Wed 28 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
9ball is not 9ball without the snookers just like the flukes, dont change what you cant change.
Posts: 5,373
16:54 Wed 28 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
The only way you will lose by this rule is if you put yourself in the position to start with.

It takes more skill to snooker 3 times in a row than pot.

In my opinion if you don't like this rule, don't put yourself in the position for your opponent to take the advantage.

I have been the one with that advantage and also been the one on the receiving end, thats the game!!

Well spoken! All of it.

And in the end of the day... if you have something you feel is bad or cheap and you feel wrong about it.... If it's within the rules, suck it up, and rather than bury yourself in annoyance over it, live by the oldie goldie: Do unto others.....

...before they do unto you!
Posts: 31,220
17:18 Wed 28 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
agrovasion said:
so 3 fouls isnt part of 9 ball?!?!

watch it and weep

i like the rule, we all lose by it,

Brilliant. Not only is the rule part of the game, but both players were fouling themselves to gain full advantage of it. It's taught me a thing or two as well
Deleted User
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18:10 Wed 28 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Its the rule, also there could be a stalemate and it could go on all night like 8ball us games at times
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the 3 foul rule on 9 ball should be scraped who agrees???

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