Funkypool National League: Staff Page
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12:26 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
I am currentley looking for some players to help me run this league and will be known as league staff. I am currentely trying to get this league a management thread so here is the positions I am looking for:
Websie Jobs:
Website Runner (Taken)
Someone who is able to update website and someone also able to run it and keep it going.
Clan Table Operator (2 of these)
To create and update table for the clan league and put on website. (When this side is up and running.)
Individual Table Operator (2 of these)
To create and update league table for individual league and to put on website.
League Jobs:
Individual Fixture Creater (Taken)
To create fixtures for the individuals league.
Clan Fixture Creater
To create clan fixtures and fixtures for the players playing in clan matches.
Rule Enforcer (1 for clan and 1 for individual and 1 for both) (1 taken)
Someone who knows the rules and will give reasonable punishments for any rule breaking.
Rule Creater
Someone to create, delete rules and then to pass on to website owners to be added or deleted from website.
Rule Advisor (Taken)
Will advise rule enforcers how to deal with punishements
I will be running the league and making sure you know how it works. Anyone want to apply please put your name down, how long you have played and the job you want.
Marco Lupetti
Edited at 21:11 Sun 18/07/10 (BST)
Websie Jobs:
Website Runner (Taken)
Someone who is able to update website and someone also able to run it and keep it going.
Clan Table Operator (2 of these)
To create and update table for the clan league and put on website. (When this side is up and running.)
Individual Table Operator (2 of these)
To create and update league table for individual league and to put on website.
League Jobs:
Individual Fixture Creater (Taken)
To create fixtures for the individuals league.
Clan Fixture Creater
To create clan fixtures and fixtures for the players playing in clan matches.
Rule Enforcer (1 for clan and 1 for individual and 1 for both) (1 taken)
Someone who knows the rules and will give reasonable punishments for any rule breaking.
Rule Creater
Someone to create, delete rules and then to pass on to website owners to be added or deleted from website.
Rule Advisor (Taken)
Will advise rule enforcers how to deal with punishements
I will be running the league and making sure you know how it works. Anyone want to apply please put your name down, how long you have played and the job you want.
Marco Lupetti
Edited at 21:11 Sun 18/07/10 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
12:29 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
this is my league thread
this is my league thread
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
14:31 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
Ok we have 2 new staff members for league:
Website owner will be kevrossa good friend of mine
Rule Enforcer will be the_arbiter
Still looking for more people c'mon
Website owner will be kevrossa good friend of mine
Rule Enforcer will be the_arbiter
Still looking for more people c'mon
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
14:40 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
We now have a fixture creater id like u to welcome _k1rk_
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
14:41 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
just reminder to staff here at the FPNL that i will soon be adding a clan league into this aswell to create more interest in the league.
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
14:55 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
thanks guys and feel free to chat here bout anythin doesnt need to be league related
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
15:44 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
i would like u to welcome mb1 as the rule advisor
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
16:11 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
Staff so Far:
League Owner - marcolupetti
Website Owner - kevross
Lead Rule Enforcer - the_arbiter
Individual Fixture Creater - _k1rk_
Rule Advisor - mb1
Rule Creater - elliott1234
Jobs left:
2 Clan Table Operators
2 Individual Table Operators
Clan Fixture Creater
2 Rule Enforcers
League Owner - marcolupetti
Website Owner - kevross
Lead Rule Enforcer - the_arbiter
Individual Fixture Creater - _k1rk_
Rule Advisor - mb1
Rule Creater - elliott1234
Jobs left:
2 Clan Table Operators
2 Individual Table Operators
Clan Fixture Creater
2 Rule Enforcers
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
16:25 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
To do List:
Take out funkypool killers on top of home page and main bit on home page.
Rename Clan page to Clan Leauge
On Season Winners input Season 1 Winner doubted2
If you can Redocoarate the website please.
Marco Lupetti
To do List:
Take out funkypool killers on top of home page and main bit on home page.
Rename Clan page to Clan Leauge
On Season Winners input Season 1 Winner doubted2
If you can Redocoarate the website please.
Marco Lupetti
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
16:41 Sun 18 Jul 10 (BST)
Hey all how r u? lets try and get a convo started haha
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
04:43 Mon 19 Jul 10 (BST)
Morning all.
Jobs left:
2 Clan Table Operators
2 Individual Table Operators
Clan Fixture Creater
2 Rule Enforcers
Jobs left:
2 Clan Table Operators
2 Individual Table Operators
Clan Fixture Creater
2 Rule Enforcers
04:59 Mon 19 Jul 10 (BST)
Hi mate, i would interested in helping out just pm me
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
05:14 Mon 19 Jul 10 (BST)
Staff so Far:
League Owner - marcolupetti
Website Owner - kevross
Lead Rule Enforcer - the_arbiter
Individual Fixture Creater - _k1rk_
Rule Advisor - mb1
Rule Creater - elliott1234
Co-Rule Enforcer - _flawless_
Jobs left:
2 Clan Table Operators
2 Individual Table Operators
Clan Fixture Creater
1 Rule Enforcers
Edited at 10:37 Mon 19/07/10 (BST)
League Owner - marcolupetti
Website Owner - kevross
Lead Rule Enforcer - the_arbiter
Individual Fixture Creater - _k1rk_
Rule Advisor - mb1
Rule Creater - elliott1234
Co-Rule Enforcer - _flawless_
Jobs left:
2 Clan Table Operators
2 Individual Table Operators
Clan Fixture Creater
1 Rule Enforcers
Edited at 10:37 Mon 19/07/10 (BST)
05:15 Mon 19 Jul 10 (BST)
Thanks mate
be scared be very scared i am an ENFORCER rawrr lol
be scared be very scared i am an ENFORCER rawrr lol
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
07:05 Mon 19 Jul 10 (BST)
Note to Staff:
I f you want to be called my a certain name just post here what u want it to be thanks. im just marco
I f you want to be called my a certain name just post here what u want it to be thanks. im just marco
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
08:11 Mon 19 Jul 10 (BST)
I have spoken to quick_pot and he says he might be able to get us a management page for this league.
Also: There will only be 2 rule enforcers not 3.
Edited at 13:46 Mon 19/07/10 (BST)
Also: There will only be 2 rule enforcers not 3.
Edited at 13:46 Mon 19/07/10 (BST)
10:03 Mon 19 Jul 10 (BST)
Eh well i get called Jay by most on here so Jay will do
and good stuff about the management page
and good stuff about the management page
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
12:00 Mon 19 Jul 10 (BST)
i can help out with Rule enforcement if you would like Marco? :)
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