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Posts: 8,780
18:30 Tue 17 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes but so does horse (mattywellie's opponent) lol, so if you swap them around we will still have the same problem
Posts: 1,381
18:35 Tue 17 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Gr players these days I'll have a l;ook at who i have available for destroyer game
Posts: 8,780
18:35 Tue 17 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol ok, i'm sure it will be sorted. We don't want our record of no defaults spoiling

Come on guys get these games organised please

Vikings 39 v 36 Crazy 8s

destroyer_16 v viking4life
master_p00l 3 v 12 onevisit
davybaumers 7 v 8 paulshaw7 (subbed in)
__robdut__ 10 v 5 liam__scfc
horse10000 v mattywellie
mdj v vidic
mighty_zeus (subbed in) 8 v 7 virtuosomuch
ab_rfc (subbed in) 11 v 4 zantetsukenz

Team Angry 35 v 40 Vikings

poolbiird 8 v 7 destroyer_16
ant v mdj
mofro 9 v 6 jooodles
badger2 9 v 6 __robdut__
derpatovski (subbed in) 7 v 8 horse10000
woowoo69 v master_p00l
cool_dude (subbed in) v davybaumers
ipotalot (subbed in) 2 v 13 thorstein

Deadline is Midnight on 22/5/11 - Good Luck all.
Posts: 1,381
18:38 Tue 17 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
destroyer_16 vs viking4life
is now
destroyer_16 vs dextr

There you go made sub, dextr is online way too much so should be no problem with the game getting played now
Posts: 8,780
18:38 Tue 17 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Okie dokie thanks, i'll message destroyer now
Posts: 1,381
18:43 Tue 17 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok hun i have posted sub on Dextr clan thread also as he is leaving us at end of season, should not be a problem with that game now.

Vidic - has also messaged mdj, vidic came on 10 minutes after mdj went offline haha

Matty - has not been on in 2 days but ill message him on facebook later on see what is happening with that game
Posts: 8,780
18:53 Tue 17 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol i just corrected your post on wolfs thread

Okie dokie i'm sure there will be no problems in getting them played on time
Posts: 1,381
18:54 Tue 17 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I noticed you witch
Posts: 38,097
21:29 Tue 17 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
review of rules on FCL Site please take a look.

Remember you need to be registered to be able to post.

after you have registered tell me or kev and we will activate you.

ALSO those in individual league you have about 3 weeks left to get games completed.

those who wish to withdraw send me a message and i will remove you
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:17 Wed 18 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
review of rules on FCL Site please take a look.

Remember you need to be registered to be able to post.

yeh thanks for that!!

Well done all - lets try and mop up these last few games early so that we aren't rushing around. (OK so that you aren't all rushing around!!)
Posts: 1,381
19:39 Wed 18 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
horse10000 vs mattywellie
is now
horse10000 vs seriousblack

Messaged Matt on facebook, his computer is broken and he is waitn gon it getting fixed so he has asked to be subbed out. Will message Ross (serious) about this match.
Posts: 8,780
19:59 Wed 18 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Come on guys get these games organised please

Vikings 39 v 36 Crazy 8s

destroyer_16 v dextr (subbed in)
master_p00l 3 v 12 onevisit
davybaumers 7 v 8 paulshaw7 (subbed in)
__robdut__ 10 v 5 liam__scfc
horse10000 v seriousblack (subbed in)
mdj v vidic
mighty_zeus (subbed in) 8 v 7 virtuosomuch
ab_rfc (subbed in) 11 v 4 zantetsukenz

Team Angry 35 v 40 Vikings

poolbiird 8 v 7 destroyer_16
ant v mdj
mofro 9 v 6 jooodles
badger2 9 v 6 __robdut__
derpatovski (subbed in) 7 v 8 horse10000
woowoo69 v master_p00l
cool_dude (subbed in) v davybaumers
ipotalot (subbed in) 2 v 13 thorstein

Deadline is Midnight on 22/5/11 - Good Luck all.
Posts: 38,097
20:49 Wed 18 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
dgeneratio said:
review of rules on FCL Site please take a look.

Remember you need to be registered to be able to post.

yeh thanks for that!!

have i done something wrong?
Posts: 275
23:45 Wed 18 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Vikings v Crazy 8's

mdj v vidic

8us 4 - 1
9us 3 - 2
8uk 4 - 1

Overall 11 - 4

Bit of a flattering scoreline I think, he had no run. Good lad though, very enjoyable games.
Posts: 8,780
23:59 Wed 18 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Very well done shy one

Come on guys get these games organised please

Vikings 50 v 40 Crazy 8s

destroyer_16 v dextr (subbed in)
master_p00l 3 v 12 onevisit
davybaumers 7 v 8 paulshaw7 (subbed in)
__robdut__ 10 v 5 liam__scfc
horse10000 v seriousblack (subbed in)
mdj 11 v 4 vidic
mighty_zeus (subbed in) 8 v 7 virtuosomuch
ab_rfc (subbed in) 11 v 4 zantetsukenz

Team Angry 35 v 40 Vikings

poolbiird 8 v 7 destroyer_16
ant v mdj
mofro 9 v 6 jooodles
badger2 9 v 6 __robdut__
derpatovski (subbed in) 7 v 8 horse10000
woowoo69 v master_p00l
cool_dude (subbed in) v davybaumers
ipotalot (subbed in) 2 v 13 thorstein

Deadline is Midnight on 22/5/11 - Good Luck all.
Posts: 8,780
01:48 Thu 19 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Subbed ab_rfc in to play woowoo69, playing tomorrow or friday
Posts: 5,250
04:26 Thu 19 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Set a time of 10pm bst Thurs (2moro) against Mark
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:00 Thu 19 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The Vikings - Team Angry

davybaumers - cool_dude

8 ball billiards: 2 - 3
9 ball billiards: 3 - 2
8 ball pool uk: 0 - 5

Good match in 8 ball billiards and 9 ball billiards!

8 ball pool uk: 0 - 5 everytime i was potting i had on a moment a foul, no matter how i played my shot, he cleared everytime with a bonus turn!

Luck totally 100 % against me in 8 ball uk!

Maybe i not deserved to win, but i deserved surely 1 game in 8 ball pool uk!

Sometimes you win when you play bad and sometimes you lose when you play good!

That's the game!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:30 Thu 19 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
It was a good match, and only 1 of us can win!

I can beat everyone and everyone can beat me!

Good games Mark: 10 - 5!

Disappointed, but deserved!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:16 Thu 19 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
chris said:
dgeneratio said:
review of rules on FCL Site please take a look.

Remember you need to be registered to be able to post.

yeh thanks for that!!

have i done something wrong?

You posted on this thread before asking for input, and on your forum it invited comment not only on the changes proposed but also inviting any other suggestions for discussion. When I did take the time to post it was edited by a league runner with no comment as to who had edited it, what had been edited or why it had been edited.

Bearing that in mind, to now post again inviting people to make an effort to provide further input on your forum is quite frankly a little cheeky, maybe even rude.
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