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Posts: 8,780
23:35 Tue 7 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
funkyskunk 3 - 1 english_tchr uk8
funkyskunk 1 - 3 english_tchr us8
funkyskunk 3 - 0 english_tchr us9
funkyskunk 21 - 36 english_tchr straight

7 - 5 to funkyskunk (no bonus)
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23:38 Tue 7 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers Jo, and for the support

Edited at 20:40 Tue 07/09/10 (BST)
Posts: 8,780
23:42 Tue 7 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
well done on your win smudger and funky on your first clan game

Vikings 24 - 35 Eighth Rose

cymberline 6 - 7 frank_flops
funkyskunk 7 - 5 english_tchr ( subbed in)
a_j 6 - 11 top_hat_cat
mighty_zeus v steve896
mdj v chaulkmeup

smudger 5 - 12 vader

All games should be played by midnight monday 13th september

Players will play a best of 5 (first to three) in 8 Ball US, 8 Ball UK and 9 Ball. Players will also play one game of Straight Pool

1 Bonus Point for a 9 Ball Run out
1 Bonus Point for any Golden Break
1 Bonus Point for any Seven Balling
1 Bonus Points for any 8 Ball Run out
2 Bonus Points for winning a Straight Game by 30 points or more

Post your results on here and on the or message me

only two games left to play, how are you both doing with your arrangements for these games? please message your opponent to arrange a time suitable, any problems message me or pm me please

just been informed that mighty_zeus v steve896 are playing saturday, so just one game left to sort out

well done so far on getting these games played

thank you

Edited at 20:46 Tue 07/09/10 (BST)
Posts: 68
02:30 Wed 8 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi Vikings,

Im Mark and want to say hi and wish evryone good luck.

Posts: 8,780
02:42 Wed 8 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hello mark, hope you enjoy your clan experience

i would like to welcome our newest member crazzymadman to the team
about time he saw sense
he will be taking cleensheets place as he left due to personal reasons
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:11 Wed 8 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
thank you joanne and rob welcome crazzy and very well done funky
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(IP Logged)
03:15 Wed 8 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi Vikings, i have messaged chaulkmeup asking if there is any arrangement for the match. On your end, has mdj left any kind of clue as to when this is going to be played?

Cheers, Apples
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03:23 Wed 8 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok, appreciate that Jo, I'll get back to you with any info, and vice versa
Posts: 8,780
03:25 Wed 8 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ok no problem
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11:07 Wed 8 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Morning vikings,

well done funkyskunk on ya win
welcome on board to crazzymadman
And hello mark

Good luck guys, take care
Deleted User
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16:58 Wed 8 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hello Vikings! chaulkmeup has sent me a message, and he has said that something has been arranged, and the match is being played sometime this week

Posts: 9,456
02:27 Thu 9 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey FPL Team thanks for the warm welcome
Posts: 8,780
17:50 Thu 9 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
afternoon vikings, i hope you are all well and those that had games i hope you enjoyed them

i have been asked by one of our clan if i could arrange a friendly clan match, could you please let me know if you would be interested in joining in, i could do one just against ourselves or ask another clan if they would be interested in playing us a friendly

christopher come out come out where ever you are, your holiday must be over by now you have had your fortnight lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:27 Fri 10 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Afternoon fellow Vikings, I'm back from exploring yonder and i can indeed confirm that ......................

.... the world is indeed round!!

Hope everyone is OK and having a ball - despite any nagging from above

sorry i edited instead of quoting lol

Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 14:01 Fri 10/09/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:08 Fri 10 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hello all clans,

The week two fixture has now been released -

The biggest change for the next couple of weeks is that I will be away on an overseas trip. The FPL runner for the next 16 days is mich. All questions and problems should be directed to him from now on. Any messages to myself will not be read or answered.

In addition to this, all deadlines must still be met. Again, any team lists sent to me will be a waste of time. All team lists and concerns must be sent to mich. Messaging team lists to my account 'by mistake' is not an excuse for not meeting a deadline.

But best of luck to all clans for this round and over the next couple of weeks. I will be back on September 26.

Reminder, round one fixtures must be played by this Monday, midnight GMT or the default process will begin.
Posts: 8,780
17:01 Fri 10 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
Afternoon fellow Vikings, I'm back from exploring yonder and i can indeed confirm that ......................

.... the world is indeed round!!

Hope everyone is OK and having a ball - despite any nagging from above

Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 14:00 Fri 10/09/10 (BST)

welcome back stranger, it's been a long two weeks but i coped ok and without any nagging
Posts: 8,780
17:11 Fri 10 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
week one ....

Vikings 24 - 35 Eighth Rose

cymberline 6 - 7 frank_flops
funkyskunk 7 - 5 english_tchr ( subbed in)
a_j 6 - 11 top_hat_cat
mighty_zeus v steve896
mdj v chaulkmeup
smudger 5 - 12 vader

All games should be played by midnight monday 13th september

only two games left to play in which i understand have been arranged for the weekend

week two ....

Untouchables v Vikings

destiny v davy_baumers
kevross v thorstein
shooter001 v destroyer_16
ukspinshot v chris
eemad v crazzymadman
perfect_play v jooodles

All games should be played by midnight monday 20th september

Players will play a best of 5 (first to three) in 8 Ball US, 8 Ball UK and 9 Ball. Players will also play one game of Straight Pool

1 Bonus Point for a 9 Ball Run out
1 Bonus Point for any Golden Break
1 Bonus Point for any Seven Balling
1 Bonus Points for any 8 Ball Run out
2 Bonus Points for winning a Straight Game by 30 points or more

Post your results on here and on the or message me

thank you
Posts: 2,530
17:53 Fri 10 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ukspinshot out
nurse in

now is nurse vs chris
Posts: 2,106
17:55 Fri 10 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Nurse plays for you yeah?, cos master_p00l put her in our fixtures also lol
Posts: 8,780
18:01 Fri 10 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
FPB are entitled to a free substitution due to the honest mistake made.

hmm 2 honest mistakes in one week it seems
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