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14:43 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi all,

Good effort Kenny
I should be playing my games early this week hopefully.
Brrrrr cold out isn't it!!
Posts: 8,780
15:01 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Afternoon vikings, i hope you are all out having fun making snowmen are more igloos if you have enough snow far too cold for my liking

Ok thanks for letting me know anne, good luck cymber
Deleted User
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20:45 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL game

a_j v master_p00l

0 - 5 8 ball

3 - 2 9 ball

2 - 3 8 uk

10 - 5 master_p00l

Good Games Matt

Posts: 8,780
21:01 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done anne, good effort

Week 1 & 2 FCL Games

Untouchables 52 v 23 The Vikings

mich v mdj
rubber_duck 10 v 5 warney7
_emily_ (subbed in) 8 v 7 jooodles
vendetta v thorstein (subbed in)
janmb 12 v 3 death_viper (subbed in)
whocares8x8 11 v 4 destroyer_16
destiny v chris
dgeneratio 11 v 4 cymberline

The Vikings 12 v 47 FBI

thorstein 5 v 10 nurse
a_j 5 v 10 master_p00l
destroyer_16 v bloodhound(subbed in) good job i take the time to read the threads
chris (subbed in) v jimmy__1878
funkyskunk 0 v 15 strobe
jooodles (subbed in) v 9onserrot
cymberline v colins
mdj 2 v 12 zantetsukenz

5 games each of UK8, US8 and 9 Ball (15 games in total)
Deadline is Sunday 5th December


Bulldogs 6 vs. 9 The Vikings

paulshaw7 vs. thorstein
mikejen88 vs. destroyer_16
welsh_boi_13 6 vs 9 death_viper (subbed in)
roxdude vs. mdj
greyhound vs. chris

Deadline is 5/12/10
5 games each of UK8, 8 and 9


Bulldogs 8 vs 5 Vikings

welsh_boi_13 vs chris
no_talking vs cymberline (subbed in)
paulshaw7 vs jooodles
mikejen88 vs funkyskunk
relisys 8 vs 5 thorstein
cannibals vs mdj

Deadline: Mon 6th December

First to 3 in UK8, US8 & 9 ball and one game of Straight.

One point for each rack won plus a bonus point for Golden Breaks, Seven Ballings and Runouts plus two bonus points for winning a Straight game by more than 30.

CPL qwerty cup

Pool Sharks 1 v 5 The Vikings

rustybmf v a_j
ben_dins91 1 v 5funkyskunk (subbed in)
craig_afc v thorstein

The Vikings 1 v 5 The Firing Squad

destroyer_16 v deano75
chris v daveygee
death_viper 1 v 5 mtk

The Vikings 4 v 2 The Sharpshooters

tozzie 4 v 2 doubted2
cymberline v tratter
funkyskunk v metterzrocks

Deadline Monday 6th December, at Middnight
2 games in each, 6 games in total

Good luck everyone in your games, can you please message your opponent to arrange your game as soon as possible please

Edited at 22:14 Sun 28/11/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:48 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
jooodles said:
FTAO the captain

Could you please make deano aware he has a CPL qwerty cup game against destroyer_16 (vikings) as when destroyer_16 spoke to him to try and arrange the game he replied he doesn't have a game with him

Thank you

captain aint on joo so ill deal with it

theres no player in our team called deano


theres someone calle deano75

hope that as helped
Posts: 8,780
22:51 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol well someone made a mistake somewhere because i have him playing against deano, so he is playing deano75 yeh?
Deleted User
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22:53 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes jo hun i blame cphaynes for a bad spelling mistake
Posts: 113
22:56 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah he keeps messaging me im in pool sharks and i dont have a game against destroyer..
Posts: 8,780
22:58 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's either his or your captains fault lol no worries though i'll correct it with destroyer_16

woooooooooooooooo i'm so excited and i just can't hide it
Wagner out wooooo woooooooo
Posts: 8,780
23:00 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
deano said:
yeah he keeps messaging me im in pool sharks and i dont have a game against destroyer..

Ok sorry about the confusion deano but he was only trying to get his game arranged with the person he thought he had a game with lol, it will be sorted out
Posts: 113
23:02 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah ino no problem ,, i was looking everywere to see if i was playing him and i couldnt find it lol

btw wagner was my fav :(
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:37 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl cup

vikings vs bulldogs

welsh_boi_13 vs death_viper

8uk 3-2
8us 1-4
9b 2-3

result 6-9 death_viper

ggs ul to welsh_boi.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:38 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
good effort a_j
Posts: 8,780
23:46 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done viper
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:52 Sun 28 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Kenny, well done u too
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:08 Mon 29 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
CPL qwerty quick cup

the vikings vs poolsharks

funkyskunk (5) vs ben_dirs91 (1)

9ball 2-0
8us 1-1
8uk 2-0

at last

ggs, the guy was very unlucky at times
Deleted User
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00:11 Mon 29 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
well done funky
Posts: 121
00:17 Mon 29 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
death_viper said:
fcl cup

vikings vs bulldogs

welsh_boi_13 vs death_viper

8uk 3-2
8us 1-4
9b 2-3

result 6-9 death_viper

ggs ul to welsh_boi.

Can you change the order a bit, as it appears you play for opposite clans as you have Vikings first then your name second in the scores
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:55 Mon 29 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done Funky only a matter of time!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:56 Mon 29 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
warney said:
death_viper said:
fcl cup

vikings vs bulldogs

welsh_boi_13 vs death_viper

8uk 3-2
8us 1-4
9b 2-3

result 6-9 death_viper

ggs ul to welsh_boi.

Can you change the order a bit, as it appears you play for opposite clans as you have Vikings first then your name second in the scores

sorry warney
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