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Posts: 9,456
02:11 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funky Please dont leave the team because of a result. I have joined this team for the very reason why clans are fun............ its fun WIN OR LOSE!

As a team event this dont matter on the result the game is over loads and its about the overall result that can count. Win or lose mate all you can do is play the best on the night, so consider that and get the pic back up and come back!

Even when they win. What do they get....................... Nothing!

Ive said it now

The end!
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03:12 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's not just one result, taking nothing away from strobe cos he played very well but tonight was just surreal- a 10-5 loss would have been an ul result for me, but that's part of the game, it'll be the opposite on another day.....but I've lost all my clan matches so far, some badly. Im a believer in u make your own luck, so for lots of reasons I find it very frustrating...not least cos I can do so much better. Dunno, I'll sleep on it.

Edited at 01:34 Wed 24/11/10 (GMT)
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11:19 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
funkyskunk said:
Dunno, I'll sleep on it.

Good man - would love to see you back!!

And, if nothing else, you can then get to watch someone that can hardly see take on Mr 147 destiny
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12:24 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
9 Ball tournament win dedicated to Captain JoJo and all of you in The Vikings.

And I can only echo the words of the great Crazzymadman above
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12:40 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done Chris!
Hope your feeling better today funky,these things happen mate,Ive lost all my games too.
Hope you stay with us,i know your bounce back!
Do you know what time your playing destiny chris?
I'll try and be there for much are the tickets?
I'll have a look on eBay
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12:50 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Still waiting to hear from dgen.

It will be the biggest mismatch since David Haye and Audley Harrison
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14:09 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers for the support people
I'm still torn- I really enjoy all aspects of been in a clan apart from the actual matches- I just play so out of character from normal in clan games and I dunno why. As I said earlier I don't wanna moan about luck- but it feels I've had very little of the good stuff so far. I know it's only a game/no one really cares/it doesn't matter etc... but it does to me. I want my team to win. I play to win, or at least compete and I'm not so far.
Posts: 38,097
16:17 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
can captains please check clan news, thanks
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17:20 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
come on funky i new to clan and i will probaly mess up but it for the taking part not the winning, although winning nice lol
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17:47 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funkyskunk ,,sorry for interfering ,but i have myself gone through exactly wat u are now ,,i lost badly in 2 clan matches ,i wanted to quit so badly.I recieved alot of support from my team mates plus other players on this site who told me to relax and move on ,not to take it serious but just to try my best and the wins will come.You no wat ,they were right ,the wins came and i cheered up soon as i got a win under my belt . So u see if i have learned from defeats im well sure u can too ,just chill play your own game and i gurantee u will win more clan matches than u lose by end of season .

Head up mate ,u can do this .

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19:42 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Awww just lost 9 ball finalmakes it worse when you play a bad sport too.never mind
Posts: 8,780
19:49 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
chris said:
9 Ball tournament win dedicated to Captain JoJo and all of you in The Vikings.

Well done christopher, woooooo - dont you just love ranked tournies lmao? , unlucky cymber

The Vikings 22 v 47 Sharpshooters

destroyer_16 5 v 9 17_male (subbed in)
mdj v tratter
cymberline 4 v 10 andyw1
funkyskunk 4 v 10 doubted2
tozzie v chaulkmeup (subbed in)
crazzymadman 3 v 11doyley (subbed in)
thorstein 6 v 6 bumble37

Each game will be played to 4 of each .....

8 Ball UK
9 Ball US
9 Ball US
Plus two bonus points for the winner of your game

Deadline is friday 26th november

Time is running out, please get these games sorted

Edited at 17:57 Wed 24/11/10 (GMT)
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20:42 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
From 15-0 i suppose the only way is up.
To those who have pm'ed me to ask how it happened- i dunno either, thanks for the comments, i guess the only decent thing to do is hang around for the rest of the season to try find out how it not a quitter so i suppose im a sucker for punishment. im back if you'll have me?
Posts: 8,780
21:14 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would have pm'ed you but i was scared the pm was going to get closed on me for the 4th time lol , welcome back funky glad you decided to stick it out
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21:14 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good to have you back funky!!
You know it makes sense
Posts: 38,097
21:18 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
there you go, you made the right choice
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21:20 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry but im leaving!!
Just going for a quick pint!be back later!:-)
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22:08 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done Funky for your decision to stay, welcome back !

Well done Chris on your tourney win if i'm on invite me to watch ! and can i just say welcome Kenny, (death_viper) to the Vikings, meant to do it earlier lol
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22:09 Wed 24 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
oops Chris meant to say invite me to watch your game later lol
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00:35 Thu 25 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funky - Im really pleased to hear your staying with the clan mate.

Nice one,
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