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Posts: 8,780
23:27 Thu 4 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done destroyer, nice result

chris said:
CPL Fixtures

Unbeatables 54 v 44 The Vikings

killerblue 3 v 9 (+2) crazzymadman
sporting 8 (+2) v 4 smudger
nh425 10 (+2) v 2 jooodles
balany1 10 (+2) v 2 warney7
buzzboxxuk 8 (+2) v 4 a_j
toptip (subbed in) 5 - 7 (+2) mdj
loco 2 v 10 (+2) tozzie

The Vikings 40 v 28 Evolutions

crazzymadman 0 v 0 tnsk1988 (subbed in)
tozzie (subbed in) 0 v 0 thanatos (subbed in)

chris 8 (+2) v 4 _k1rk_
destroyer_16 4 v 8 (+2) fattmikee
cymberline 7 (+2) v 5 spoonie
funkyskunk 6 v 6 poolbiird
thorstein 9 (+2) v 3 kimbo_xx

Each game will be played to 4 of each .....

8 Ball UK
9 Ball US
9 Ball US
Plus two bonus points for the winner of your game

Due to Funkypool downtime, we'll be adding 2 days to the deadline, Deadline - 7th November at Midnight (12am)!

FCL Clan Friendly

The Vikings 46 v 44 Evolutions

smudger v spoonie

warney7 7 v 8 tnsk1988 (subbed in)
a_j 11 v 4 kimbo_xx (subbed in)
jooodles (subbed in) 6 v 9 friendy
destroyer_16 9 v 6 pool_god123 (subbed in)
cymberline v thanatos (subbed in)
funkyskunk 5 v 10 fattmikee (subbed in)
thorstein 8 v 7 poolbiird

5 games each of 8 Ball, 9 Ball and UK 8 Ball

Deadline for these games is now 9/11/10 due to downtime, anyone having trouble arranging their game please let us know as subs are available - just let me or JoJo know.

Any news on these games please? if you haven't already messaged your opponent to arrange your game can you please do so

Edited at 22:15 Thu 04/11/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:41 Thu 4 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Friendly - vikings vs evolutions

cymberline v _trueblue_

is now:

cymberline v thanatos

Posts: 8,780
23:45 Thu 4 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not bad only 23 hours late thank you
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23:46 Thu 4 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha sorry, spoonie isn't online so i am being nice and helping
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00:12 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vikings v Evolutions

warney7 v tnsk1988

8ball US: 2-3
9ball US: 2-3
8ball UK: 3-2

Overall: 7-8
Posts: 8,780
00:17 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done warney, i'm so proud of you and not for the score lol

Not many left to play now, well done everyone so far

Chris are you getting these scores updated onto the other site?, chop chop
Posts: 9,456
00:41 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Done Warn!

Ill be playing tnsk tomorrow sometime!

Posts: 2,601
00:59 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
extremely sorry, i made the sub and forgot to post on this thread, posted on all others, just had a lot to deal with last night, thankyou kimberley
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17:52 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
well im sorry its taking so long to play my games guys i am on every day but sum how im missing my opponent we e is online been on line for about 3 hours now still no sign of him
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:38 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

The Viking 0 Versus 0 Evolutions
chris 0 Vs. 0 fattmikee
crazzymadman 0 Vs. 0 weirdo_1
mdj 0 Vs. 0 _k1rk _
thorstein 0 Vs. 0 kiba1
tozzie 0 Vs. 0 poolbiird
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18:57 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deadline for the Cup game is 12th November at Midnight!

Deadline for the Fixture set 1 is Sunday at Midnight!
Posts: 8,780
18:59 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok tozzie, just keep trying

Thanks chris, you answered the question i just asked lol
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19:00 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Should we just have an Ashes type series against Evolutions?

3rd time already
Posts: 8,780
19:21 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
CPL Fixtures

The Vikings 49 v 33 Evolutions

crazzymadman 7 (+2) v 5 tnsk1988 (subbed in)
tozzie (subbed in) 0 v 0 thanatos (subbed in)
chris 8 (+2) v 4 _k1rk_
destroyer_16 4 v 8 (+2) fattmikee
cymberline 7 (+2) v 5 spoonie
funkyskunk 6 v 6 poolbiird
thorstein 9 (+2) v 3 kimbo_xx

Each game will be played to 4 of each .....

8 Ball UK
9 Ball US
9 Ball US
Plus two bonus points for the winner of your game

Due to Funkypool downtime, we'll be adding 2 days to the deadline, Deadline - 7th November at Midnight (12am)!

Only two days left to play the remaining two games, chop chop


The Viking 3 v 11 Evolutions

chris v fattmikee
crazzymadman v weirdo_1
mdj v _underscore_ (subbed in)
thorstein v kiba1
tozzie 3 v 11 poolbiird

Deadline for the Cup game is 12th November at Midnight, please message your opponent as soon as possible to arrange your games

Good luck

FCL Clan Friendly

The Vikings 46 v 44 Evolutions

smudger v spoonie

warney7 7 v 8 tnsk1988 (subbed in)
a_j 11 v 4 kimbo_xx (subbed in)
jooodles (subbed in) 6 v 9 friendy
destroyer_16 9 v 6 pool_god123 (subbed in)
cymberline v thanatos (subbed in)
funkyskunk 5 v 10 fattmikee (subbed in)
thorstein 8 v 7 poolbiird

5 games each of 8 Ball, 9 Ball and UK 8 Ball

Deadline for these games is now 9/11/10 due to downtime, anyone having trouble arranging their game please let us know as subs are available - just let me or JoJo know.

Edited by forum moderator jooodles, at 00:12 Sat 06/11/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
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19:26 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vikings v Evolutions, Ashes series of just three matches
Posts: 2,601
21:11 Fri 5 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vikings vs evolutions CUP

mdj vs _k1rk_
is now

due to kirk leaving.
Posts: 9,456
01:22 Sat 6 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Vikings v Evolutions

crazzymadman v tnsk1988
8US 3-1
9Ball 2-2
8uk 2-2


Nice fella to play as well as all his team
Good games mate thanks for playing!

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01:35 Sat 6 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done Dave, tough opponent is tnsk.
Posts: 8,780
02:15 Sat 6 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unlucky tozzie good effort, well done crazzy good effort
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16:30 Sat 6 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi all vikings and bye all vikings

as i am not on much nowadays i have decided not too participate in the vikings clan as dont want to let anyone down especially captain so good luck for season and hope you all do well cya arounds vikings
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