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Write A Poem 4 :)

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03:09 Sun 26 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  

I post ne soon
Posts: 13,570
11:31 Mon 27 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
wow we are privileged,
to hear from the queen,
we'd like to know what yer up to,
and where ya have been,
this threads been quite busy!
and you're not about,
so give us some reading,
or i'll start to shout!
Posts: 38,214
21:55 Mon 27 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Im so sorry and thats sincere
For not finding time to post on here
Im glad you lot still keep it alive
Keep er lit and make it thrive!!

Heard some news which was sad
It made me feel a little bad
I was needed and wasnt here
For someone who is so sincere
You'll know who you are if you read this
Someone special who i sorely miss
We go back to when Funky did start
And have never really been 'apart'
Maybe for months at a time...
But ended up back conversing online
This thread wouldnt be here if it wasnt for you
Or my promise i made to which i stayed true
To keep Poem thread plodding along
And like our Friendship its still going stong
So yes read this poem, and know its for you
Your in my thoughts and in my heart too

Posts: 13,570
21:17 Sun 2 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Sunday's here,
The weekend's near done,
Hope Saturday night was good,
And you all had fun,
Up early in the morning,
Porridge becomes more near,
But the light at the end, says,
That Friday will soon be here
Deleted User
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02:08 Mon 3 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hello m'dear u were sorely missed
i thought u were out getting drunk (rhyme it urself!)
thanks for ur message it made me smile
i'll see u soon in a little while,
so hurry up and come on here
coz like i said i missed u dear
Deleted User
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02:35 Mon 3 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
my name is john
i'm alright and i weigh a ton
only joking i'm very skinny
why i play a guy called tinie

i'm a good person when i want to be
maybe if you play me ill buy you tea
i'm going on Britain got talent , wish me luck
dancing is the thing i love but all i can say is i really suck

This is a terrible poem but who cares
i just want to chip in but i'm going to fall down the stairs

just a little go
Deleted User
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03:01 Mon 3 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
my name is john
i'm alright and i weigh a ton
only joking i'm very skinny
why i play a guy called tinie

i'm a good person when i want to be
maybe if you play me ill buy you tea
i'm going on Britain got talent , wish me luck
dancing is the thing i love but all i can say is i really suck

This is a terrible poem but who cares
i just want to chip in but i'm going to fall down the stairs

just a little go

Well done fella for joining in,
post it here not in the bin,
even if u think its bad
to see it here will make us glad!
Deleted User
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03:04 Mon 3 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks for the kindness from your mouth
to keep this rhyme up ill just keep to the south
some great players on this game
too much too answer too but there never the same
Deleted User
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22:17 Mon 3 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
iam_me or you are you
im so confused, oh what to do
ahhh hold on i think i see
im not you, oh i am me

with these proses im not too clever
to think them up just takes forever
but for the masses i will have a go
ive tried my best just so you know
Deleted User
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04:36 Tue 4 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mad_matt what a legend you are ,
using my name its not written in the stars
i love chicken i don't know why
one thing i will never take is steriods
Deleted User
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20:53 Wed 5 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mad_matt what a legend you are ,
using my name its not written in the stars
i love chicken i don't know why
one thing i will never take is steriods

Hahaha I love this
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:34 Wed 5 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Berty the Rooster

Berty was having some terrible luck,
Dispite his best crows, loud calls and his cluck.
He just couldn't find the girl of his dreams,
He knew she was out there but she was missing it seems.

The choices were many around his small farm,
The chickens ran freely, all over the barn.
But none paid him interest, not a hen cared
For whenever they spoke, Berty ran away scared.

WHATS WRONG WITH ME? Our poor Berty cried,
When the following morning, another egg fried.
I've got to do better! I'll get me some lines!
No, not from Tulisa, the cheese chat up kind!

So he found him a mirror and combed back his wattle,
Paced up and down and took swigs from his bottle.
Dutch courage! He thought was all a c0ck needs,
In order to get these frigid chickens to breed!

So he strut his way over, just swaying a tad,
The hens saw him coming, they knew it was bad.
"Whats a nice place doing in a chick like this?"
He stared at them eagerly in innocent bliss.

The chickens simply ignored him and sat on their beds,
Some stared right back, just shaking their heads.
Its a shame for old Berty for dispite all he begs,
It seems the only thing getting laid on the farm is the eggs.

Sorry its been a while
Deleted User
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23:02 Wed 5 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
In the far distant future, but not too long ago,
2 strangers did meet for the 10th time or so.
For an hour a minute, they blindly would stare,
although both 3 days late, with 10 seconds to spare.

How they sadly smiled, and grumbled with glee,
and silently laughed, as they stole what was free.
Then they said there goodbyes, and dawdled on fast
And looked forward to more chance meetings now passed,
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:03 Fri 7 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
some ppl say "we're together" here on funky pool
they wont ever meet or even phone they're acting like a fool
so go into the big wide world and go and get a job
i know ur skint u really need to go and earn a bob
no one likes a sponger with no goals at all in life
on here i can guarantee u wont ever find a wife
so chat to who's in favour now i know that it wont last
its just the same old story ur just repeating over ur past
So get a grip and stop ur lies trying to impress
the girls on here who are suckers the current one's just a mess,
taken in by all ur words and listenin to ur chat
in for disappointment though coz ur really not all that
so go on fill ur boots and play ur silly games
u know its u im talkin bout i wont even need to name names!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:13 Fri 7 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Sunday's here,
The weekend's near done,
Hope Saturday night was good,
And you all had fun,
Up early in the morning,
Porridge becomes more near,
But the light at the end, says,
That Friday will soon be here

the weekends here again at last
this week has flown its really past
so quickly with the weather hot
my gardens really a great spot
to have a drink and just chill out
c'mon fella give me a shout
i'm out tonight im on the town to have a drink or two
thought that i would go out there and try do something new
coz i really have a brill time when with my m8s i go
to town and have a few drinks without any men u know
its just the girls we have such fun we know how to have a laff
its better coz we go alone without our other half!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:02 Fri 7 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
if someone says they love u before u've even met
do a runner 123 now ready steady get set
its out of desparation they say these words to u
i really do love u would i lie honest its true
its strange this world of funkypool some ppl think its real
take it from me its really not like a person really feels
real love is with someone that u've seen face to face
nothing can beat it its really blummin ace!!!!
Deleted User
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22:09 Fri 7 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
now now chops you seem upset
it seems that youve been hurt
from someone that you havent met
maybe his name is bert
i take it that your aiming this
at someone thats on here
we all have some that we do miss
but go and drink some beer
live for today and party on
and cherish all thats good
and luck you out on the town
im skint but wish i could

keep smiling :)
Deleted User
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23:35 Fri 7 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hahaha i met him and a geek that he was for sure
then he got really annoyed coz i didnt want more
so on here he came and told some lies to make me look real bad
but everyone that knows me knows that hes just mad
he didnt like the way i like to talk to others here
because he wants me for himself hahaha no fear
so thats the story as it goes the truth is as i say
and one day he may get a job and learn to pay his way!
sour im not i have a man ive known a long long time
i love him with all my heart and i know that he is mine!
the guy on here is just a tool he's no real friends at all
he needs to pick himself right up and learn to take the fall
so thank you matt for ur kind words but worry not my dear
im really good and i dont care what ever he does on here

Edited at 20:44 Fri 07/06/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:45 Fri 7 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
its nice to know that you are good
and that you are doing well
and doing the thing that we all should
and live a life thats swell
if people here do get you down
then press the button ignore
theres no need to wear a frown
another drink you should pour
let the haters do there deed
and dont get too constricted
my words of wisdom you should heed
and not be too restricted
now with these words that i have said
and now the time is done
turn funkpool upon its head
and go and have some fun

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:49 Fri 7 Jun 13 (BST)  [Link]  
its nice to know that you are good
and that you are doing well
and doing the thing that we all should
and live a life thats swell
if people here do get you down
then press the button ignore
theres no need to wear a frown
another drink you should pour
let the haters do there deed
and dont get too constricted
my words of wisdom you should heed
and not be too restricted
now with these words that i have said
and now the time is done
turn funkpool upon its head
and go and have some fun


LOL matt ur good at this and all ur words i hear
My life is good i have a laff and so shud u m'dear
i have a job i work real hard so that i can have fun
and thats what ive been doin whilst we've had the sun
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