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Cobras Clan - Cup Champions

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Posts: 7,164
12:25 Mon 13 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by forum moderator
Posts: 2,198
12:27 Mon 13 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by forum moderator
Posts: 7,164
12:33 Mon 13 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers thanks

Posts: 2,198
12:35 Mon 13 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  

X Factor 25 vs 35 Cobras

red4ever 8 vs. 7 podgoricanin
_trueblue_ vs. ub3rnator
funkypro vs. me_again
steve986 vs. sharkgeetee
frank_flops 4 vs. 11 mrmagic
english_tchr vs. qpounder
friendy 5 vs. 10 kevross
vader 8 vs. 7 slimeball

Cobras 19 vs 26 Nutters

podgoricanin 9 vs. 6 dark_angel
ub3rnator vs. spoonie
me_again 4 vs. 11 vendetta
one_republic 6 vs. 9 stokies_back
ukspinshot vs. bazzacu
qpounder vs. kaza
kevross vs. colio
eemad vs. player87

Deadline: 19/09/2010


Cobras 10 vs. 5 Most Valuable Poolers

eemad vs. ab_rfc
dark_chocoo vs. destiny
kevross 10 vs. 5 mich
ukspinshot vs. alexander
_noodles_ vs. __robdut__

Deadline: 19/09/2010
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:51 Mon 13 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
kev and doubted, please keep you arguements OFF the main forum , posting rights can easily be revoked if thats what you 2 want ?
Deleted User
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16:30 Mon 13 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
go on kev stamp your authority my boy lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:11 Mon 13 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i messaged urb a few days back and he's been on everyday since but ive not heard anything back from him
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:37 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Dear Cobras,

I just wanted to tell to all of my clan mates, that today on 13. September my baby girl Stela is born. I am delighted and in celebration mood so needed to share with you my mates.

Posts: 851
13:59 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Congratulations mate!!!!!
Posts: 7,940
15:41 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan Cup

eemad has been offline for the last 7 days, do I wait or are you thinking about a sub ?

Congratulations podgoricanin
Posts: 2,198
15:43 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Great news Savo, congratulations mate!!

Alan I asked mich yesterday to text him and see if he'd be on to play, waiting for answer from mich, will let you know ASAP
Posts: 2,198
16:30 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  

eemad vs ab_rfc

is now

mrmagic vs ab_rfc
Posts: 2,198
18:21 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
eemad vs player87

is now

mrmagic vs player87
Posts: 2,198
18:28 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 16:00 Tue 14/09/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:59 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Cobras 21 39 Nutters

podgoricanin 9 v 6 dark_angel
ub3rnator 2 v 13 spoonie
me_again 4 v 11 vendetta
one_republic 6 v 9 stokies_back
ukspinshot v the_garden
qpounder v kaza
kevross v colio
mrmagic v player87

Subbed bazzcu out the_garden in
Posts: 2,198
19:00 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  

X Factor 25 vs 35 Cobras

red4ever 8 vs. 7 podgoricanin
_trueblue_ vs. ub3rnator
funkypro vs. me_again
steve986 vs. sharkgeetee
frank_flops 4 vs. 11 mrmagic
english_tchr vs. qpounder
friendy 5 vs. 10 kevross
vader 8 vs. 7 slimeball

Cobras 19 vs 26 Nutters

podgoricanin 9 vs. 6 dark_angel
ub3rnator vs. spoonie
me_again 4 vs. 11 vendetta
one_republic 6 vs. 9 stokies_back
ukspinshot vs. the_garden
qpounder vs. kaza
kevross vs. colio
mrmagic vs. player87

Deadline: 19/09/2010


Cobras 10 vs. 5 Most Valuable Poolers

mrmagic vs. ab_rfc
dark_chocoo vs. destiny
kevross 10 vs. 5 mich
ukspinshot vs. alexander
_noodles_ vs. __robdut__

Deadline: 19/09/2010
Posts: 851
20:38 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh goody....I have to try and fill damee's shoes
Deleted User
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23:03 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
nutters vs cobras

me vs the_garden

4-1 to me in 8us
4-1 to me in 9 ball
3-2 to me in 9 uk

overall 11-4 win

was nice playing u food luck in the future
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:04 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  

X Factor 25 vs 35 Cobras

red4ever 8 vs. 7 podgoricanin
_trueblue_ vs. ub3rnator
funkypro vs. me_again
steve986 vs. sharkgeetee
frank_flops 4 vs. 11 mrmagic
english_tchr vs. qpounder
friendy 5 vs. 10 kevross
vader 8 vs. 7 slimeball

Cobras 32 vs 43 Nutters

podgoricanin 9 vs. 6 dark_angel
ub3rnator 2 vs. 13 spoonie
me_again 4 vs. 11 vendetta
one_republic 6 vs. 9 stokies_back
ukspinshot 11 vs 4. the_garden
qpounder vs. kaza
kevross vs. colio
mrmagic vs. player87

Deadline: 19/09/2010


Cobras 10 vs. 5 Most Valuable Poolers

mrmagic vs. ab_rfc
dark_chocoo vs. destiny
kevross 10 vs. 5 mich
ukspinshot vs. alexander
_noodles_ vs. __robdut__

Deadline: 19/09/2010

Took the liberty of updating for you mate

Edited at 20:20 Tue 14/09/10 (BST)

Edited at 20:25 Tue 14/09/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:22 Tue 14 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
spoonie (13) vs (2) ub3rnator

8 ball = 4 - 1 to spoonie
9 ball = 4 - 1 to spoonie
8 ball uk = 5 - 0 to spoonie

dont no what this is about but this result is on the nutters thread but not ours lol;.... thats an interesting result
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Cobras Clan - Cup Champions

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