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Wipeout - (3rd Thread)

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Posts: 5,373
14:22 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't get this wrong, but I doubt I can this time - traveling with a few others so don't really have time to sneak away on this trip...

I'll be back though, and sure would like to hook up for a pint or three... I'm sure there are other FPers in or about the city as well.....
Posts: 38,097
14:46 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hows everyone?

Edited at 21:28 Fri 30/07/10 (BST)
Posts: 504
17:03 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
im sure there is alot, would be very intresting all meeting up im sure, we should try organise a Wipeout day out haha!

im good james you?
Posts: 38,097
17:04 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
half and half really but getting there.
Posts: 38,097
06:38 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
68th orig tournie to you all, 1st tournie ive entered since ive moved to firefox, played poor all way through with only 42 break going into final then all of a sudden i hit a 77 and playing alright.

its weird.

play well > play poor at late stages and lose
play poor > play well at later stages and win

hows that work out?
Posts: 38,097
09:59 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 19,967
10:01 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
well i've just woken up after going to sleep at about 06:45

zantetsukenz said:
03:00 8 us tourny
Round 1 - BYE
Round 2 - 2-0 cragd001
Quarter final - 2-1 jakes
Semi final - 2-0 stresseddek
Final - 3-2 _flawless_

(missed out the the uk tourny)

05:00 random tourny
Round 1 - tamtheman (9 ball on 9)
Round 2 - ex_champ (8 uk 6 balls remaining)
Quarter final - bradonforest (8 uk on black)
Semi final - joker86 (9 ball on 9)
Final - sstlaure (9 ball on 9)

(ex_champ, bradonforest and joker86 all in a row and early morning tournys are easy??)
Posts: 38,097
10:02 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
wd mate
Posts: 5,373
13:26 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Tower of London - check (disappointment, few if any authentic parts left really)
St. Paul's - check. Impressive for sure

RAF museum left for tomorrow, then back home and get ready for season start and summer holiday end
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:35 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I might be biased but oh well.......

The RAF Museum at Hendon is a great day out - with free entry too - for anyone looking for a cheaper day out than you can normally plan for nowadays.

Let me know how you get on Jan.
Posts: 38,097
15:59 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Wipeout Team

Snooker Names in Brackets -

dgeneratio (dgeneratio)
obero (unknown user)
crazy_greg (crazy_greg)
jaaaames (jaaaames)
daan (2hot2handle)
rapid_pot (adam_147)
unknown_id (__matt__)
zantetsukenz (zantetsukenz)
cue_power (cue_power)
jgo3000 (jgo3000)
janmb (janmb)
bumshakalaka (nicko)

Pre Season Friendly:

Wipeout 67 v Nutters 23

nufc_4_life 13 v bloodhound 2
dgeneratio 10 v blackpool2 5
jaaaames 12 v spazmatron 3
daan v bazzacu
cue_power 7 v vendetta 8
bumshakalaka 12 v warney7 3
zantetsukenz 13 v jooodles 2
jgo3000 v dished

Unbeatables 39 v wipeout 81

raymondrfc52 0 v nufc_4_life 15
killerblue 7 v dgeneratio 8
welshdragon 5 v jaaaames 10
_kayleigh_ 1 v daan 14
marcolupetti 1 v cue_power 14
teamplayer 8v bumshakalaka 7
funkystar 8 v zantetsukenz 7
nh425 9 v jgo3000 6

This is to get into the league, so...
5 frames of 8 uk, 8 us and 9 ball
20 second game rooms
message opponents to organise times

and most importantly
good luck!

deadline 1st August

how these getting on lads?

Edited at 23:22 Sat 31/07/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:22 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Just not been able to get on the same time as dished I've been on quite alot, it was just thursday vergin media decided to die in my area for 24 hours!
Posts: 38,097
16:30 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ul mate but i know you have been on a little more than dished, keep trying mate.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:18 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Nufc_4_life has deactivated what a noob!
Posts: 38,097
18:19 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
man why do people do these things
Posts: 5,373
18:39 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
chris said:
I might be biased but oh well.......

The RAF Museum at Hendon is a great day out - with free entry too - for anyone looking for a cheaper day out than you can normally plan for nowadays.

Let me know how you get on Jan.

I've been deeply interested in WW1 and WW2 aircraft since I was a little boy and couldn't possibly look more forward to it than I already am - thanks for backing up the impressions I've already had about that museum - I'm sure it will be great.
Posts: 38,097
06:27 Sun 1 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
have nice time Jan

report from snooker world:

69th orig tournie but most importantly going 7th in overall tournies by passing fa_cup_73 with 125 to you all
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:30 Sun 1 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
lol if you wait long enough dgen good things will happen now after 3 or 4 years on snooker very good things are happening and you are storming the leaderboards well done mate
Posts: 38,097
08:49 Sun 1 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers mate.

now your making me sound like im old lol.

about the games, dan and bazz has been on equally for me (bazz more in game) but the craig dished game i think craig has been on a little more.

Edited at 13:58 Sun 01/08/10 (BST)
Posts: 19,967
11:41 Sun 1 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
a little more? dish logs in once every few days
i think so far hes logged in twice is it?
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Wipeout - (3rd Thread)

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