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Posts: 5,201
07:58 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey blink , don't think i'll get my game done , i don't see deejay online,when does he come on ?

Oooo just checked he hasn't logged in for 7 days ,do i get the default win the lol
Posts: 8,539
08:11 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
no you dont donna you get 13 weeks to play all matches

ill be sending him a message donna so dont worry hun
Posts: 5,201
08:15 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
blink182rip said:
Round 1
agrovasion v robski
blink182rip v clooneman
habibti_britv no1_stokie
deejay v chaos_
jimmy_1878 v mr_pink_eyes
jayrah v master_p00l

Deadline: Midnight 22nd april

If you don't see your name in the fixtures its because we av got 13 players playing so everyone will have a week off where they can catch up on games they didn't play

That would be deadline in 13 weeks then lol

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08:20 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
blink182rip said:
agrovasion v blink182rip
no1_stokiev robski
clooneman v deejay
mr_pink_eyes v habibti_brit
chaos_ v jayrah
master_p00l v jimmy_1878

deadline: midnight 29th april

oustanding fixtures
jayrah v master_p00l
deejayv chaos_

If you don't see your name in the fixtures its because we av got 13 players playing so everyone will have a week off where they can catch up on games they didn't play
Posts: 8,539
08:28 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
the dadline is there for me to release new fixtures donna on a weekly basis

cheers liam m8 was goin to do it but you have got me hooked on that game lol
Posts: 5,201
08:40 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
blink182rip said:
the dadline is there for me to release new fixtures donna on a weekly basis

cheers liam m8 was goin to do it but you have got me hooked on that game lol

* Throws chill pills at blink *

was only joking, i'm not that thick

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08:45 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
lmao you sure donna?
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10:45 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
no1_stokie said:
blink182rip said:
agrovasion v blink182rip
no1_stokie 15 v 0 robski
clooneman v deejay
mr_pink_eyes v habibti_brit
chaos_ v jayrah
master_p00l v jimmy_1878

deadline: midnight 29th april

oustanding fixtures
jayrah v master_p00l
deejayv chaos_

If you don't see your name in the fixtures its because we av got 13 players playing so everyone will have a week off where they can catch up on games they didn't play
Deleted User
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18:08 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I have been waiting for Matt to come online... He hasn't been on at the same time as me, and there is no way i am gettin up early mornings to play him lol when you ready to start ours Donna? :)
Posts: 5,201
22:14 Thu 22 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Mental note cos im mental and will forget

~ games started ~

jayrah v chaos_

2 - 1 8 ball
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08:40 Fri 23 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Jayrah - master_p00l

8us 1 - 4
8uk 2 - 3
9ball 1 - 4
Overall 4 - 11

Well done Matt, very well played, i was way outclassed, almost 7 balled him though ;)

No bonus points
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14:20 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Is it me, or is there a deadline for these games?
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09:23 Mon 26 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
robski said:
Is it me, or is there a deadline for these games?

Is it me, or are you not in the clan no more? ;) lol
Posts: 8,539
09:26 Mon 26 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Round 1
agrovasion (9) v (6) robski
blink182rip (8) v (7) clooneman (1 bonus point each)
habibti_brit (8) v (7) no1_stokie
deejay v chaos_
jimmy_1878 (6) v (9) mr_pink_eyes (1 bonus point each)
jayrah (4) v (11) master_p00l
Posts: 8,539
09:30 Mon 26 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
agrovasion v blink182rip
no1_stokie (15) v (0) robski
clooneman v deejay
mr_pink_eyes v habibti_brit
chaos_ (1) v (2) jayrah TBC
master_p00l v jimmy_1878

deadline: midnight 29th april

oustanding fixtures
deejay v chaos_

If you don't see your name in the fixtures its because we av got 13 players playing so everyone will have a week off where they can catch up on games they didn't play
Deleted User
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09:34 Mon 26 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
will do a table later mate
Deleted User
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09:34 Mon 26 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
will do a table later mate
Deleted User
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09:34 Mon 26 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
will do a table later mate
Deleted User
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09:35 Mon 26 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
jayrah said:
robski said:
Is it me, or is there a deadline for these games?

Is it me, or are you not in the clan no more? ;) lol

Is it me, or do you still have to wait to be in the clan?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:36 Mon 26 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
:O that was just mean Rob :(
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