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Hitting strength using spin

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17:34 Sat 1 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
True, then again, the entire concept of a limit to how hard you can play is simply a necessary, but artificial thing for computer systems...

And in real life, all players have a physical maximum to how fast you can move the cue - with speed or without. If trying to make a spin shot, that maximum goes down, both because of increased precision requirements, as well as getting a clean contact on the cue ball (the friction has a limit, meaning at some point you get bad hits and bad reactions instead of the shot you want)

I don't think the maximum ball motion we have in FP is too bad - if you look at how much / how little you can make happen on a break here, that translates quite well into real life too imo

I watched yesterday snooker again.. i know - diff table smaller balls - but all same size!
Now the player pots the black and the white runs into the rack. He played it very hard + max spin. I could the that as the white went through the rack and kept "climbing" in the balls splittin them from the inside.

This was a real shot which will never happen on funkypool or funkysnooker... in my opinion anyway.


Edited at 22:50 Sat 01/05/10 (BST)
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17:39 Sat 1 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
nufc_4_life said:
If your talking about making it realistic then when the white ball is on the cushion, it is impossible to screw the white back to the other side of the table

It is possible but not many people can play that shot accuratly..
so yes youre right - and thats another thing i wonder allways bout too.

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17:50 Sat 1 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
In my opinion its a game. Games will never be the same as real life.

I agree with robdut, how it is now is fine. The last thing we need in my opinion is "different strength cues" and the sorts of things like that; its a social pool site not world championship play offs.

I see no problem with how it is now.

Agreed 100% - it is the most realistic type of poolgame if seen so far.
Have i seen all?? surely not - im happy here and i stay
But nevertheless i like thoose kind of dicussions - as the more expierienced players have also more fun here. Any changes might keep the "mainstreamplayer" away - which wouldnt be good for anyone. But some slight changes for the "better" might still work.

For the 9er break - in real life the most high standards matches have lots of runouts so it wouldnt be wrong to have here in the higher standards more runouts.
Or maybe there comes a systemfailure if the game has to produce more Announcements?


P.S. dont spellcheck me.. please im a foreigner
Posts: 5,373
19:39 Sat 1 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
pool_pig said:
Now the player pots the black and the white runs into the rack. He played it very hard + max spin. I could the that as the white went through the rack and kept "climbing" in the balls splittin them from the inside.

For professionals, with professional equipment, yes you can play pretty hard and still make sufficiently decent contant to produce and control spin, but it's dicey. More often than not, amateurs trying to play powerful shots with significantly off center hit on the cueball will merely produce a shank instead.

Back to funkypool I think it's pretty fine as it is, but of course, the maximum cue speed could of course be adjusted upward a bit. That in fact ought to be player configurable, since it comes at the cost of less precision when it comes to lower end power control.
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01:33 Sun 2 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
pool_pig said:
Now the player pots the black and the white runs into the rack. He played it very hard + max spin. I could the that as the white went through the rack and kept "climbing" in the balls splittin them from the inside.

For professionals, with professional equipment, yes you can play pretty hard and still make sufficiently decent contant to produce and control spin, but it's dicey. More often than not, amateurs trying to play powerful shots with significantly off center hit on the cueball will merely produce a shank instead.

Back to funkypool I think it's pretty fine as it is, but of course, the maximum cue speed could of course be adjusted upward a bit. That in fact ought to be player configurable, since it comes at the cost of less precision when it comes to lower end power control.

Now we get somewhere... i used to a play view leagues.. and what i really miss in funkypool is a decent "kick" sometimes...

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Hitting strength using spin

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