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11:56 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry to point out but you are quite clearly posting on something you know nothing about, i dont mean this in a negative attacking way but spoonie is not talking about shaun in fact i think shaun would be one of the few players that havnt been stolen.

Spoonie means people like smith and others that i cant remember as im not so up to date. Also i dont see the point in coming to the snipers thread and attacking them, i know what they have done is wrong but most people know the character of the clan and if people leave then were they worth having?
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12:13 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't see how snipers have "stolen" any other players when there are only 4 players if that at the moment on the squad sheet.

You know like me that when people are planning to go to another squad 19 out of 20 times they forfill that season and go next season.

You know as well as me having both run clans, noone waits till the week or so in the middle of the season to look for new clan players, and that there constantly on the look out.
Posts: 4,195
12:16 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
People have left spoonie's clan to play in a clan that isnt in the league yet, i think that's what he is getting at and it is wrong, but in my opinion spoonie is better off because they are obv unreliable and not really good players. But i see his frustration.
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12:20 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
best_pooler said:
1.cphaynes (Captain) / Chris
2.???? (Vice Captain)
3.best_pooler (Vice captain) / Owen
4.me_again / Peter
5.devils_brain / David
6.urban_riot / Marco
7.natania / Nats
8.retral /
11.jordanwake / Jordan
12.steventait88 / Steven
13.nichharve10 / Nick

As far as I'm concerned the only player in there that could be considered as a Fugitives player is jordan who quit a while ago.

The only other person I can therefore draw the conclusion he is talking about is Shaun, as Spoonie also plays for nutters in the FCL if my sources are correct.
Posts: 4,195
12:21 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
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12:42 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Actually i haven't signed a single player from any other clan. clan trials are happening and i have a few that want to play for us and have loyalty to me, me_again, myself and kevross had a conversation bout him, he knew that he will join us, ran_rack is still playing for wipeout, smith is still playing and steventait88 is still playing for his clan if needed. now the rest are avialiable members, and you can only poach or snipe someone if you in the league and were not yet. thats the last on the matter thanks
Posts: 2,601
14:39 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
so why have you, or one of your vice's approached one of my players offering them a chance to join your clan either this season or next?
Posts: 2,601
14:41 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
and i am not talking about shaun
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15:01 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
spoonie said:
so why have you, or one of your vice's approached one of my players offering them a chance to join your clan either this season or next?
Your allowed to approach players, theres not a rule where you cant, the rule is to announce a player, read up on the rules spoonie and check it
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15:04 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
smith is still in your clan, hes only having try outs, thats all
Posts: 2,601
15:15 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
im not speaking of the rules, and i would rather prefer you didnt try to recruit my players, unless they ask to be recruited. thanks
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15:19 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Unfortunately Spoonie if your playing in clans thats a side of it you will have to get used to. It happens alot not just from this clan. Its a case of get over it and move on unfortunately.
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15:22 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
thats not for you to decide, they may feel that there get more chance to play over her. they may like me or than another person, i'm allowed to talk about future seasons, i did try to get like a contract system in last season but no one wanted it, so i will ask any player if i want to :-)
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15:31 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Your more than welcome to ask any player you want to. But expect to get the arguments that go along with it!
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15:42 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
-Waits for apple's and spoonies posts on every clans threads towards the end of the season-
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15:48 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Ask all my players to join your clan if you like. You can ask away simply because i respect a players decision. If he wants to leave then it's his/her choice. Some other captains may not appreciate it that much, which is why you get the arguments. You cant expect to be attempting to take players that are already in clans and not get someone who doesn't like it. Doing it in the middle of a season you aren't even part of simply tells me you have little respect for any other team.
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15:50 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
To be honest I believe when your a new clan its more important to ask earlier. Remember you have to fill 13 places as a new clan, not just the couple that is expected as an established clan!
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15:54 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
And the clans that get the furthest are the one's that bring their own players, that find and persuade players to join without them having to leave another clan. If you have players that have left clans sneakily, or however they have left, there is going to be rifts in the clan. Also if that player is willing to leave a clan to join yours, whats going to stop him/her from leaving your clan if they get a better offer. All your doing is lowering the chances of your clan ever becoming "established".
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15:55 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Ha, Sam please, I know most of the captains well, so if your saying that why has 1 captain alreday said that i'll you if any players are leaving. Your fpb are you saying i dont respect your team if so your wrong, your just going to have to get used to it
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15:58 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
apples_back said:
And the clans that get the furthest are the one's that bring their own players, that find and persuade players to join without them having to leave another clan.

Please go discuss that comment with people from MVP. I think its fair to say that almost all of MVP's players have been in more than that clan.
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