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Posts: 1,634
18:47 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry k1rk our beloved ucy is our mysterious assassin he might not of been on the last few days so wasnt sure of what was up quite?? I dont know why he wouldnt of played ill message him or jay will and find out the dealio you have my word!! Sorry for your time and the misunderstanding that i guess falls back on me and jay for not having better communication with the players but i do apologize and we will get it sorted bud ....pete
Posts: 4,195
18:51 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
It's ok mate, im willing to wait aint anyones fault really, just one of them things, i was psyced to take your silent assassin down was all
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18:54 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
viking4life said:
He shoots with the precision of the ages
potting balls with the cue he engages
he shoots to score with out a care
through the fpl world he'll surely tear!
BOOM!!!!! Sounds the break after he steps to the table,
the break is so devastating he is surely able
to take what looks best, the easiest route
that as his opponent watches his lip sticks out!
His name is carl_cj and he is a ninja with a goal
to show everyone how he makes these balls roll!

Ode to to my friend carl great job brother !!!

cheers the vikester, il come up for 1 for u in a bit lol
Posts: 1,634
19:06 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Really guys and i know some of you are wonderful about being swift getting your times set up for your matches and getting them played and i salute yous for it but have to say it again for everyone , it takes just a few minutes to read the thread and find out the deal ( well unless i go post mental then it might take a little longer) on who your playing or what the agenda is. For another teams player to approach an eight and that eight not know he has a match with that player is ridiculous straight up !!! I know things do come up and people arent on all the time but really how long does it take when you are on to log in read the thread of the team you have obligated yourself to and find out if there is anything happening . I realize this new league is new and just got brought to our attention recently and that dont help but then message me or jay . Carl_cj , mikeking , jerry, onevisit these guys are always up to tune on what is going on in our little world and all great guys who would jump at the chance to help, and i hate to sound like an ole b !7ch about this but i have the highest of hopes for this team this season and really just want to have a season with out chasing matches down and subbing in people and making excuses for why these matches arent getting played. We are so close people, to being the team i know we can be and the team we have been working for these past two seasons , we know what we need to do lets do it !!!
Posts: 4,195
19:23 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Without meaning to seem rude i think ucy in fairness aint really the type to bother with forums much, i mean i know many other great players who dont bother with forums, best thing to do is just keep on top of them with messages.

Just lable it down to one little mistake mate im sure it will get sorted and im pretty sure 9/10 in my position would understand, could you please keep me updated on untouchables thread mate or message as i wont message him for now until i know whats going on.

Cheers Kirk
Posts: 1,634
23:03 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I know it was just little mistake sometimes i am little to competative for my own good sorry guys Wont happen again !! So whats up eights hope everyone had a good night and had some fun?
Posts: 1,634
01:37 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well guys two tournys tonight two semi final losses sorry eights cyas tomorrow
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02:14 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
viking4life said:
Well guys two tournys tonight two semi final losses sorry eights cyas tomorrow

At least you reach the semi finals and congrats for your Random tourni win m8
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02:24 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi All,

Not sure what is going on... What is FNL.

Why is it a different format.

Does this count or is it just a friendly.

Sorry Kirk trying to get the heads up on all this.

Silent Assassin... L O L
Posts: 1,634
07:23 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
This is just a friendly ucy and i apologize i realized i really dont know the whole deal with this new league myself , this is our off season our time to forget about team points , match deadlines and messaging opponents , our time to play just for play and to have fun . Got to remember im still a little green behind the ears here and do what in my mind i feel i need to to keep everyone happy and motivated and ole pete is pretty sharp but sometimes what i feel is right regardless the sincerity behind it , isnt always the way to do things. I guess im just trying to say sorry you guys , your all old school leaguers here and know the routine so from now on just tell me to shut up k lol
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07:26 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Man you can write
Posts: 19,967
07:26 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Its another league, but these are pre-season friendlies for that league

3 games of 8uk, 3 of 9 ball, 3 of 8 us and 1 of straight
Posts: 1,634
07:32 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
And to the mod that is reading these i got a question , if we had the times from each player when they are on like normal times they are on and sent that in with the rosters could who ever that makes the fixtures and appoints the matches pair up players from one team with the player on the other team who has same timeline? Just thinking maybe that would save some of the hassle cause i know myself that when i have to play someone and its a time i aint usually on it adds a kind of pressure to it where i can see people thinking hell with it or having where they cant make that time and just losing the interest . And also then they dont need to set a time just set a day cause they know when their opponent is on cause its the same timeline they are on lol
Posts: 1,634
07:41 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks marco lol i know i do write alot but its what i do lol .

Thanks zan ole viking needs all the help he can get lol im blaming the hit to my head lol and i like the idea one game of straight that makes it a whole new challenge after playing 9 games still having to play the beast after lol wooo hooo talk about anxiety if your the one behind by the one game lol k what happens in a 5 to 5 lets say everyone by chance would have 5 to 5 results how would we decide which team wins not that it would happen but in a world of uncertainty nothing can be left without possibility
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09:33 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Post all finished fixtures here.


Posts: 351
11:43 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Up the eights , that is all.

Edited at 16:45 Tue 27/07/10 (BST)
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11:45 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry to but in here crazy 8's but i do remember him being a former crazy 8's player before jay kicked him out for being inactive i believe
Posts: 351
11:46 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ginomanx3 said:
Sorry to but in here crazy 8's but i do remember him being a former crazy 8's player before jay kicked him out for being inactive i believe

Haha, yeah i gathered, so i edited the post. Just wondered because he keeps asking me about Crazy 8s.
Posts: 1,410
11:48 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ginomanx3 said:
Sorry to but in here crazy 8's but i do remember him being a former crazy 8's player before jay kicked him out for being inactive i believe

gino you are right my friend i did get rid of him becuase of inactivity but also he didnt play any of the 4 games he was in even though he was messaged about them.
Posts: 1,410
11:57 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
To ucy our Sient Assasin

Ucy the FNL matches you have been giving the one _k1rk_ was wanting to play you in is for another league as we are in two leagues now.

Those games are friendly's and they are to show if we are reliable or not after games are done that league will start.
It has a diffrent format from the league we are used to but means games are done faster in a way.
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Crazy Eights - brotherhood of mayhem

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