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Crazy Eights - brotherhood of mayhem

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Posts: 1,634
09:47 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I know this is a hit so early in our first division one season and we have had alot of change happen in a short period of time but also know the caliber jay is and he would want us to carry on so lets work as a team , lets support eachother the few left and lets show why we are eights folks i got faith in this team and am ready to lead us through the rest this turmoilic season !!!
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09:53 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
lets go eights - still a lot of season left to make a HUGE impact
Posts: 1,634
09:55 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
League Matches

MVP 46 vs 29 Crazy Eights

destiny 11 vs 4 golden_shot
mich 6 vs 9 gentle_giant
vi0la 6 vs 9 _vol_
alexander vs jerry
horse10000 vs ucyforit
hightops vs bella1998
ginomanx3 13 vs 2 onevisit
phased 10 vs 5 fired_up_cue

Wipeout 52 vs 43 Crazy Eights

strobe 10 vs 5 golden_shot
janmb 8 vs 7 gentle_giant
nurse 2 vs 3 ucyforit (TBC)
jgo3000 7 vs 8 jerry
hippesville 11 vs 4 viking4life
obero 8 vs 7 onevisit
ragefire 6 vs 9 midgett
_redherring_ vs bella1998

Clan Cup 1st Round Fixtures:

Crazy Eights 43 vs 17 Unbeatables

golden_shot 11 vs 4 david5
onevisit 11 vs 4 welsh_boi_13
jerry 10 vs 5 killerblue
ucyforit vs shooter001
midgett 11 vs 4 vendetta

in our match vs wipe out _vol_ is subbed in for bella1998 . Sorry girl we need to get this fixture completed
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09:55 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_vol_ said:
lets go eights - still a lot of season left to make a HUGE impact
Exactly. Love it Emily!!!

Dont care what anyone reckons, the best clan!! Up the 8's!!!
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09:58 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Have sent steveo a message to let him know I have been subbed in

He hasnt been on in near a week so here's hoping he is rusty lol


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10:11 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
its always the nice fellas tat get banned.. hope ta see jay back soon as he is a top top bloke
Posts: 113
11:37 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hi all, been busy moving so been difficult to get on, have i been kicked off team ??
Posts: 1,634
11:41 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry sea was a little in shambles when i got on this morning sorry man
Posts: 1,634
11:43 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Crazy eights team roster

gentle giant
fired up cue
and last but not least the one the only (women want him men want to be him ) the might y SEASIDER!!!
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12:27 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
sorry that you lost jay

gd luck in the rest of season guys
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15:18 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
adidas - jerry

8us 2 - 3
8uk 0 - 5
9us 1 - 4

total 3 - 12 to jerry

Kev was very very unlucky today
soz m8, if you want to replay it (for fun) invite me
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15:34 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
wow hon - awesome result

cmon the 8's
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15:40 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
League Matches

MVP 48 vs 42 Crazy Eights

destiny 11 vs 4 golden_shot
mich 6 vs 9 gentle_giant
vi0la 6 vs 9 _vol_
alexander 2 vs 13 jerry
horse10000 vs ucyforit
hightops vs bella1998
ginomanx3 13 vs 2 onevisit
phased 10 vs 5 fired_up_cue

Wipeout 59 vs 46 Crazy Eights

strobe 10 vs 5 golden_shot
janmb 8 vs 7 gentle_giant
nurse 9 vs 6 ucyforit (TBC)
jgo3000 7 vs 8 jerry
hippesville 11 vs 4 viking4life
obero 8 vs 7 onevisit
ragefire 6 vs 9 midgett
_redherring_ vs bella1998
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17:16 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Great score, Jerry!!
Posts: 8,149
17:37 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan Cup Quarter Final

MVP vs X Factor
Sharpshooters vs Bulldogs/Top Dogs
Nutters/snipers vs Crazy Eights
Wipeout vs FPB

List's of 5 to be sent to joker86 by Friday 11th June Midnight UK time please.

* Please send your list's just in case

No list this week guys, you will face either nutters or snipers.

100% My mistake for leaving snipers out.

Edited at 23:15 Thu 10/06/10 (BST)
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21:33 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
im sure your jay is very very close to this clan...closer than what u expect
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21:41 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
btw jays new name is _flawless_ he said hell be posting in no time
Posts: 1,634
22:01 Thu 10 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hay eights i figured i would take some time and do my howeyedoos for the day

For one i watched our beast jerry put in a performance rarely seen by anyone against one the most feared in the game. I missed the first set the us 8 which woulda been the set to watch both masters , raging and battling away to 3 to 2 historic match! What i did get to see was a one sided total domination by in my account one of the best to be playing the game and ladies and gentlemen lets all take a breath of relief that he is on our side, thank you jerry for always being one of our automatics we can always count on you thank you !! Adidas ran into ole lady luck when she was having her monthly friend and she definately frown down on him but he is a professional and a sport and he proved it hats off to adidas you are definately class my friend and gl to you and your clan the rest of the season!!

And i want to clear the air cause i know there is a little confusion to some on what has happened all i can say is jay will be back he is like the rest of us ADDICTED lol and want all to know he is now and will be our captain we owe him that people i think and when the time comes i will hand control back over to its rightful owner JAY! You hurry back man !!

And to rest of you who havent played your matches yet gl i would like to see em get played asap if possible , less stress and sooner bragging rights

Until next time , The team of teams dont forget my friends!!
Posts: 1,410
02:06 Fri 11 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Fans shout "he's here he's here"

They chant his name "Jay Jay Jay"

I am back my dear friends

Unfortunatly under these bad circumstances of a new user name which i may add to outside Crazy Eights members, I am allowed back i sent an email to the admin team and have saved it as prove which states i can have another account and play just can not have my banned account back.

What a great start to being back though, came back played a few games then out of know where this happens

TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to _flawless_ (Newbie) who won their 1st ever 9 Ball Tournament!

I did won 5 - 3 to a great finalist named mighty_bush. Also along the way i ran the rack 3 times.

I am going to bed guys peace out _flawless_

P.S what you think of new name?
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07:21 Fri 11 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Keep playing pool as well as they dance and you truly will be FLAWLESS

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Crazy Eights - brotherhood of mayhem

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