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Crazy Eights - brotherhood of mayhem

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18:20 Mon 24 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Why are you lying? I have pm still open, I invited you and you won't accept?!
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18:54 Mon 24 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Bella has no excuse for not playing her games, so if every week she doesn't get her games played, and I have to keep playing them for her when I have other things to do, and espicially make me play against a clown like that opponent who just constantly lies, I will leave!
Posts: 7,164
19:14 Mon 24 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 v midgett

5-0 uk
2-3 8 ball
3-2 9 ball

10-5 doubted2

golden you need to speak with midget
i will say nothing more on this subject but im sure if you speak to one visit or ruby im sure they will tell you im being truly diplomatic
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19:17 Mon 24 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
midgett said:
Bella has no excuse for not playing her games, so if every week she doesn't get her games played, and I have to keep playing them for her when I have other things to do, and espicially make me play against a clown like that opponent who just constantly lies, I will leave!
Posts: 1,274
21:02 Mon 24 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 - I won't be asking anyone anything seen both of your sides in the matter well mostly midgett's and that is between you to, i just want these games played so goodluck to you and your clan.

midgett - you was subbed in to play the games, i didn't pick the players to play this set of fixtures, i thought you would have been chosen but i can not determine who is a "clown" and who is not one. Threatening to leave the clan does nothing for me as you as anyone else in clan can always be replaced, not saying we want to lose you but being honest here anyone can be replaced even me.
Posts: 1,274
21:05 Mon 24 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Clan League Games

Top Dogs 20 vs 25 Crazy Eights

max vs ucyforit
alxima 6 vs 9 viking4life
_egotistical vs golden_shot
antione08 vs jerry
slimeball vs fired_up_cue
andyw1 4 vs 11 onevisit
arpeggi vs midgett
crazzymadman 10 vs 5 seasider

Sharpshooters 29 vs 31 Crazy Eights

gold_fish vs ucyforit
metterzrocks 8 vs viking4life 7
chalkie35 5 vs 10 golden_shot
blueberry 6 vs 9 jerry
virtuoso14 vs fired_up_cue
poolooq vs onevisit
doubted2 10 vs 5 midgett
justafluke vs seasider
Deleted User
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06:59 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
He's so annoying, I invited him like 4 times and he wouldn't accept it, and he asked me to play and I said yeah and he kept going are you playing or what? and I had already said yeah like 50 times.
Deleted User
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07:04 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
And also, Jay, I'm just saying that Bella has no excuse for not getting her games played, I offline messgaed her to tell her to play it a few days ago, and she thought she was playing me, and once I told her that it wasn't against me it was against someone else, she didn't reply, :S.
Posts: 1,634
07:34 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Time to catch up i see lol
Ul midgett bud on your clan match its hard to just get thrown into a match especially against ole doubted he is definately a bugga to shoot against very strong opponent dont know much on the clown part anytime i have played him he has been class player but its points that matter and you brought us 5 so hold your head high good accomplishment i would say and gl doubted to you and your clan this season my friend you guys got a great team
No fight to get the vice position back this i have known from the start it was only a temporary deal and i will hand control back over to liam when he can have a go at it again
And on a further note i have really enjoyed my time as vice for those (onevisit and seasider) who have stayed by my side and gave me advice and helped me when i needed it i want to send out a cheers to them its been an honor to be your vice captain eights and will do the best i can til liam the bender bergerstein returns to action lol
Another quick note !!!!!
This ridiculous we are even having this ongoing discussion about getting our games played folks what is the deal i guess i dont quite understand???
1) We all joined for a reason ,to play the game we love against others who love to play and see where we each stand against the class level players!
2) We are counted on to get our games played not just for our team but for each other !
3)We are obligated to play the matches we are designated to that is why we joined!
Posts: 1,634
07:46 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
4) If we are going to shun our opponents for whatever reason and not play the matches we are designated to then let someone play who wants toplay have a go, we got a great squad of subs now who a clan match not to be played ,would to them be like a piece of raw meat thrown to a pack of starving dogs the games will get played! Aint that right dave i know you would love to go lay the beat down as an eight
5) We are better than this guys and gals now is not the time to decide anything other than to play your darn games out win or lose we need the points!!!!
6)And entirely not enough smiles going around on the team of teams ,we are together on this people unified til death lets buck up take this season its there shining strong for us and i know we can bag this with a little more effort by everyone
7) So less of this more of this or even this and way less of this and this , The team of teams people lets take what is ours!!!!
Posts: 113
08:25 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
what a fantastic post from our spiritual leader who goes by the name of Viking4life. Agree with everything u say mate, will be great to have liam back on the scene for sure, the light hearted banter has deffos been missed... As for my remaining match, I have pm'd my sharp shooters opponent but has been offline for 4 days now!
Posts: 7,164
08:33 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
viking ty for your comments like myself being a new captain im sure you and i both agree it isnt as easy orgainising as it is just to play, i think your doing a great job well done and i hope you and you clan have a great season and keep improving

golden im sorry about midgett ,, i cant and wont say to much however i must say he never once said gg gl or ggs at the beginning or at the end .. manners cost nothing
and to answer midgett i was tired thats why i lost be graciuos in defeat midgett you were truly beaten ,,, for being tired and thats why you lost ,, very strange because im sure you won a tournament straight after our match iv checked the time so no more silly excuses that is the end of the matter

midgett gl with the rest of your season
Deleted User
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08:37 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
You can't and won't say much cause there is nothing to say. No manners towards you cause I don't like you, you were just being awkward saying you wouldn't be on for a few days, then being on that night and saying you've been waiting all day! Need to make your mind up. Was tired, played in random tourney because they are quick. And stop going on and writing things in thread that are sorted, just trying to make everything kick off like you did in the King of the Hill thread. And also, stop PM'ing with your crappy remarks. You PM saying your a disgrace and that I'm sad, then you log out. Wise up! Clown!
Posts: 7,164
08:40 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hi seasider i have left a message

if we dont here from him by wed night i will make a sub
Posts: 1,274
08:56 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
From what i have been reading it looks lk some of you think viking4life is your captain, when indeed he is not i am unless you see fit for me not to be.

doubted2 - matter was closed as soon as i posted mate but thanks for a reply to it, not my business to ge involved in you and midgett's business as i have a clan to worry about.
Deleted User
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08:59 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Everything was sorted after your post, but he keeps going on and on, and PM'ing me with things like, 'u r a disgrace' and 'u r sad', then logging out, which is pointless.

He just never shuts up, did it on KIng of the Hill thread too, causing it to be capped.

Posts: 1,634
09:26 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Viking4life is only fill in sub no one is trying to take your spot golden_shot geez man we are friends never would i ever do anything to jeopardize that , i filled in for liam per your request ,i have been doing all i can to fill a really big pair of shoes not ever once saying i am captain or want to be captain but to try to keep this team together and win out this season , i am a crazy eight on a team of people who i have grown very fond of and consider my friends i aint out for anyones spot or to make any enemies i only want success for me and my friends , and jay you are high on that list so no worries my friend your position is safe and so is liams im no captain im just a lowly white boy wanting to play him some fudging pool So enough of this distraction folks we got more to worry about than who is what or he/she said this or did that we got a bunch of teams watching this smiling cause they think we are crumblin lets not give the satisfaction , lets keep them in fear lets do what we (wish i could throw in a swear right here) and that is beat people up in pool and take what is rightfully ours dam it people get it going here lets have fun and win some dam clan matches OUR TIME IS NOW
Deleted User
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09:46 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
ok midget and doubted, hope you both have it out of your systems now, time to move on.

midget if he is doing that in pm put him on ignore mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:49 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Kev mate, I have moved on, it's him that keeps going on, he likes to make things kick off.

I've stopped, just need him too.

And I will mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:05 Tue 25 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Golden seasiders ppost clearly says spiritual leader not THE leader and Pete I love the post quoth the smilies.
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