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04:32 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
chaos_ said:
Isn't this a discussion thread though ??

Or is it if you disagree with the league runner your post will be removed ?

Not very fair IMO

yes it is ? but not about who can and who cant play, players are mentioning things on here that have nothing to do with them, the league runners know when players signed up and are eligible to play
Deleted User
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08:21 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Soon as everyones having a big hissy fit over not understanding the rules, i myself and janmb have spoken, to save the hastle for them and a few other league members i get on with. I will take this 2month rule which i am acctually okay on to sit out, this way it stops the crap from other people given the co-hosts time to sort out more important things then people spitting there dummys out.
The gf has now had someone go into hospital, which i shall not speak about at all EVEN through offline messages or PMs so my head will not be in the right place and i will have to look after her alot which then could stop me playing in the league, so i will take this 2months, of which almost 1 remains and then i shall continue to play in clans.

No more needs to be said on this topic so there we go, problem solved!
Posts: 5,373
08:27 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Fair enough Matt, and actually it's the right call as well.

It seems you played for Legends on hustler_no1, an account that was deactivated AFTER the rule was known and active. Which means the 2 month rule applies to the _matt_ account.
Deleted User
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10:47 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Can I just check... (as I know this was discussed) is it still 12 per clan?
Deleted User
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10:49 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
yes it is
Posts: 9,926
19:31 Fri 23 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Can we look at changing the individuals. I suggest several small leagues and top players qualify and play each other in knock out format. Think it would be tter as the large leagues of last year didnt really work through some people not playing etc.

Example:- 27 enter us 8ball, 23 uk 8 ball and 25 enter 9 ball.

2 options 8 leagues with x amount of players or 4 leagues with y amount of players.

Top players in each mini league then get drawn in a straight knock out format to decide who wins (Possibly could increase number of frames played in knock out section)

Just think looking for 15 games in individuals if you are mid table there is no incentive to getting games played as was shown last year. If we have less games in league format and something to play for it will ensure games get completed. Players that get top would have played games and would then be reliable for the knock out format.

Thoughts please!!
Deleted User
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19:45 Fri 23 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 13,570
00:04 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
sounds good hoss
Deleted User
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05:44 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
im new here . but sounds good!!

but then i would like to play every league..
Posts: 19,967
06:21 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Im happy with current format, as long as you dont leave it late you're gonna get all your games played if you just look for people

People have to play if you ask them (third time they decline someone they're kicked out) and those not active get kicked out as well

Just think you'd end up with a mini effect of the larger individuals

with a few players losing one or two and because they dont have as many games to play they think they've lost already and dont see a point in playing

Maybe a minimum amount a games that a person has to play or risk not being included in future individuals
Posts: 19,967
06:21 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Also how would you fairly seperate people into each mini league?
Posts: 5,373
07:00 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds more like a cup than a league though Keith.

I'm fine with whatever Rob and the individual league crew chooses to do, but in summary that sounded like a lot of fairly needless management to me.
Deleted User
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07:46 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it's best for now for this season at the very least to keep it as it is, theres only 2 weeks left and it would be a hell of a lot of work to get it changed in time, plus with dave_c not being around very much, the coding to change the website cannot be done by anyone but him.

On the note of the league now, I think it's fine as it is, if you think about it, the normal clan league season is 6-8 weeks in length. The most games that you would in theory have to play in the leagues is around 20, so in theory you only need to play 3-4 games per week to get all your games done. I personally don't think that's too hard to ask, most of us play enough to get these games done easily. there were also some of us that managed to get the games done in 2 weeks and people last season were actually asking for both a "home and away" game so everyone played each other twice. However, the "home and away" fixtures won't come in because it's definate that the vast majority won't get all games played.

As Zantet also said, if you don't play after 3 requests, the player in question will be contacted my a member of staff, if they have no reason for not playing or don't reply to the messages, they will therefore, be kicked out of the league and be banned from entering the following seasons individuals league.
Deleted User
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08:02 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
And last year there were only one or 2 players who played less than 10 games, which is the minimum limit of games that I would have been happy that someone has been active enough.

Also last year, the only "run away" winner was onua, but the other 2 leagues could have been won by 4-5 players. So in my opinion there was enough incentive for most players to try and get their games played, as vendetta and horse10000 both know, they could still have won the league if they played their remaining games.

Moving on to the new idea, I do like the sound of it, but it seems too much like the "pools champions league" events held in the pool events section of the funkypool forums, it's basically a 4-8 league groups, followed by a knock-out tornament. One thing that I have tried to do, is keep the individuals league run for the duration of the normal clan league season. if we were to do the "cup" format, after a week or 2, everyone who gets knocked out, won't be able to play in the indivs leagues for the rest of the season. Yeah okay people will say "well after we've completed the league format within two weeks the same applies", but this is your choice to play the games so early, with the cup format, it's not your choice, you have to sit the rest of the season out.
Deleted User
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08:10 Sat 24 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Finally I made the individuals league to be unique, which it is, if you look at the entrants compared to the pool events, this league has far more people entering and to my knowledge is the only event that has three available leagues, which the entrant can only choose 1 to play in. I think if we were to change to the "cup" format it would be too much alike to the pool events league and would lose it's "one of a kind" feel.

I think the main point that people are missing is the one zantet made, you have to play your games, otherwise you are evicted from the league and banned for the following seasons league.

However, I'm not ruling this change out fully in the future, development is good and thanks for the suggestion. It will be discussed and thoughtout thoroughly before a final decision to stay the same/change, in future seasons, is made. But for this season, due to time constraints and access to coding the site, we shall stay with the same format as last season.
Posts: 7,164
05:04 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
im just thinking out loud here but maybe this idea may work

why not have divisions as in main clan league say 8 in a league everyone plays each other twice

promotion / relegation format

the interest will be there because everyone will want to play at the highest standard

picking the players per division could easily be sorted by results in clan wins from last season ,,, then you could also have players playing in each catergory 8ball 9ball and uk

let me no what you think
this is only and idea you may wish to expand on it

again this is not a cup format but a league format best of 5 frames

following existing clan rules

with a clause any players not playing a game without prior arangment ie holidays etc to loose the fixture 5-0

then it helps unreliable , banned or deactivated players

dont pull grammer , just give feed back i think its a good idea what do you ppl think

Posts: 5,373
05:44 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
with a clause any players not playing a game without prior arangment ie holidays etc to loose the fixture 5-0

That one is a slippery slope since it can rarely be proven in black and white who are to blame and not for a particular game not taking place... Either you need proper defaults based on a good intelligence base or no defaults at all imo. Both having their pros and cons.
Deleted User
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06:17 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I think it's too much like the clan league, I made this league so that it was different to the clan league and was something a little different that clan players can take part in.

as said before though, at this point in time I can't split the lague due to the fact that dave_c isn't online much and he's the only one that can code the site. When he's back I may think about changes but for now I don't really have any scope of change.

Last season's format was a trial, it went better than expected, yeah okay a few people didn't want to play their games or got banned, but no-one messaged me about the problem.

The rule was there the whole time, that if players wont play, to message me, it's not my fault no-one reads the rules.
Posts: 5,373
06:57 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Actually I believe we have no written rule about that last part at all so I guess we ought to add something about that...

Then again, if player input (often one-sided) is to be the sole part of any sort of default awarding of points, just be aware of what a cesspit that is.
Deleted User
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07:25 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
10.10 Disputes
Disputes are handled at the discretion of the individual league hosts. For complaints or questions, please contact the league staff listed at the top of this page.

admittedly it's not the 3 reject rule, but it does state if there are any complaints to contact me to be sorted. Games not being played are a problem/complaint, theres I still should've been messaged.

Jan can you add the 3 game rejection rule in so it makes it clearer for this season, cheers

Edited at 12:31 Sun 25/04/10 (BST)
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