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08:25 Mon 15 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
alexander said:
Right well when madmiketyson ran the league he was the first to introduce individuals. I think it's great to have this back as it's yet another element of competition.

I wouldn't say "issues" as it has been run smoothly but some improvements need to be made to stop the possibility of cheating Nd to make it a team game. What they used to do was the captain would discuss with his / her clan about which discipline they would wish to participate in and they would then send off a list assigning 4 players to all 3 formats of pool.
It was therefore compulsory which could be controversial in some cases but I'm sure the vast majority would accept. This allows each clan to have another 3 competitions (every point ges towards clan talley) and possibly an overall table while still being an individual event.

Think this would work well and I'm sure I would have done a couple of years ago if there wasn't...complications lol

Posts: 19,967
10:00 Mon 15 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
alexander said:
2. Individual knockout event every player is entered into a cup draw that lasts the length of the season. This is an individual event and allows lower level clan players to play high players. Seeding is ofcourse optional.

I like this idea, but i think you can't overload what happens in the season as it would probably get very complicated (especially for the people new to clans)

Perhaps something for the 1/2 week break inbetween seasons e.g. inter-individual league matchs
top 3/5 from each league (in their final positions) play each other in clan format style (1st from uk vs 1st from 9 ball and 1st from us - same with the rest)

Could be interesting to see who wins that and maybe turn it into a team thing (9 ballers vs 8 uk-ers vs 8 us-ers

Not the only one with ideas alex
Posts: 19,967
14:46 Thu 25 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
pot_the_lot said:
as steve sed chris mate

basically come wk sunday u will be awarded a 15-0 default cause ur opp has deactivated

This was from the first week of this season, when did this change?
Posts: 5,373
15:41 Thu 25 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not familiar with the case you are referring to zantet, but nothing has necessarily changed since then - depending on when during the fixture that deactivation took place. There may also have been other factors contributing to make that default pretty one-sided.

I'd love to consider making a deactivation an automatic game forfeit from next season, but there are all sorts of problems related to that (as always lol)... Such as preventing the clan from making subsequent substitutions.

The current rules (all games to default no matter what) may seen less than intuitive at first glance, but is by far the most fair system and least prone to exploits.
Posts: 19,967
15:52 Thu 25 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
janmb said:
I'm not familiar with the case you are referring to zantet, but nothing has necessarily changed since then - depending on when during the fixture that deactivation took place. There may also have been other factors contributing to make that default pretty one-sided.

I'd love to consider making a deactivation an automatic game forfeit from next season, but there are all sorts of problems related to that (as always lol)... Such as preventing the clan from making subsequent substitutions.

The current rules (all games to default no matter what) may seen less than intuitive at first glance, but is by far the most fair system and least prone to exploits.

dgeneratio said:
dgen vs beefcake:

US: 2-3
UK: 2-3
9 Ball: 4-0
Total: 8-6

due to beefcake deactivating, if its ok with potty ill have the last point, so final score is 9-6. i wont post on website until potty says this result is ok

pot_the_lot said:
yes thats fine dgen

kl ill be on at 6 to watch

Posts: 5,373
09:10 Fri 26 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Steph has the final word in everything (and this is how it needs to be)

Why she made that ruling back then I don't know and don't care to speculate about - it's with all probability the correct call anyway.

I don't remember if that game was up for discussion in the default panel at all.
Deleted User
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13:50 Sat 27 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
So zante is on pick on steph then ?

Good to know

as for dgen he ws awarded remainder as it had started so nothing could be done so thats simple
Posts: 8,539
06:45 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
I tend to agree with Keith's points here - at least a higher cap.

wont that give the "better" clans a bigger squad with the better players on the site and the "lesser" clan wont be able to get the better players because they will go to the "bigger" clan?
Deleted User
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07:16 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I am rather concerned as a captain about the number of results that may be wrong!

Having seen a score of 7-8 on the forum... the inputed score is 11-4!?!

This is a worrying case and I'm now concerned about how many other times this has happen! At least when it was entered by staff we knew that this was not going to happen!
Posts: 5,373
07:22 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
A valid concern Emma, and with this many clans and this many games, mistakes may occasionally slip through the net unless all players involved pay attention

Ever since players were made able to input scores themselves, it's imperative that BOTH players and/or captains involved with each game makes sure to ensure correct input on the web.

And how about pointing out which game you are talking about so it can be fixed? Thanks
Deleted User
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07:32 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
It sounds like my match.

X Factor v Unbeatables

run_the_rack v mb1

Was initially entered as 11-4 but needs changing to 7-8 to mb1.

I've messaged pot_the_lot about it but just noticed it being discussed here. I had a subsititution in one match to think about and ended up with 2 players to play with similar names and just got mixed up.

Sorry if its caused a load of problems.
Deleted User
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07:35 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
And how about pointing out which game you are talking about so it can be fixed? Thanks

Sorry didn't want to mention the game incase I got accused of name and shaming or something along those lines
Posts: 5,373
07:38 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  

And no worries, just important that BOTH sides in each game take responsibility for the right score ending up on the web.

To everyone:
Pointing out a game with erroneous score input is far from anything to do with naming and shaming, and is on the contrary essential to ensure correct results for our league.

Of course no need to point fingers toward particular players, although even that would clearly having nothing to do with funkypool rules nor would it imply anything bad about that player. We all makes mistakes, and again, it's BOTH players'/captains' responsibility to ensure correct scores so no fault on one side of the game.

Edited at 12:41 Sun 28/03/10 (BST)
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07:44 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 19,967
07:45 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Not pick on Steph, just wondering why it couldn't wait till default

also found out beefcake = death = booosh
Posts: 5,373
07:48 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
About increasing clan size:

blink182rip said:
wont that give the "better" clans a bigger squad with the better players on the site and the "lesser" clan wont be able to get the better players because they will go to the "bigger" clan?

To a certain point, maybe, but ultimately this gets balanced out by the fact that players ALSO want to be in a clan where you actually get to play.

Besides, the very few who might fall into the category of players who'd rather sit on the bench for an entire season just to be on the winning team are hardly players you really want on your team anyway
Posts: 19,967
07:57 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
fewer clans gives an option of quicker seasons (less drop outs because people cant wait till finish to stop) or play each clan 3 times (more games to play)
Posts: 5,373
12:42 Sun 28 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
mb1 said:
Sorry can I crash the 'lets exclude all the teams' party here.

What exactly is wrong with the current setup?

If a player makes no attempt to play a match they lose by default, opposition gets the advantage and everyone should be happy?

If you exclude a team for 2 defaults you'll ruin the league and have no teams left.

I think you take things far too literally in this case. No one has said teams should be kicked out the moment they get two defaults or more.

We were merely thinking out loud on the idea of punishing teams who lose a lot of defaults *somehow*. There's a lot of middle road to be found between nothing at all vs. out of here.

First of all, ALL punishments/reactions based on defaults applies to the losing side only. Simply since the other side in most cases has done its expected share toward making the game happen.

Secondly, we might need some kind of team punishment to better motivate captains and teams to look after each other and not just leaving each player on their own. A suitable punishment might be point loss. Not from the game at hand, that's handled by the default process as normal, but a fixed, pre-determined penality, much like the bonuses we already have for winning matches.
Posts: 13,570
00:06 Fri 2 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
am gutted! wrote a big spiel but had logged out as i'd taken so bleedin long!

if FPL was to be reborn then a pool of between 14 and 16 clan members would suffice to play in both FPL and clan league giving every1 that wanted to play plenty of opportunity.

given that the deadline for matches is 2 weeks, surely by the 7th or 10th day captains should be organising subs in unless guaranteed their player will fulfill fixture.
i thought that when matches were arranged that these should be posted on own thread, thus giving captain relief in knowing an agreement had been made, players opportunity to go and support their team-mate and those up above evidence toward who is to blame.

and just out of interest how common is a default?
Posts: 8,149
14:00 Fri 2 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont think anyone can determine how common defaults are Gareth.

I really cant see the FPL being reborn to soon either.

It is made clear to all captains to make subs at the most appropriate times. 1 default in the previous set i believe involved a sub being made 2 days before the deadline where the original player was not available for that fixture a week before.

When matches are arranged, incomplete or even complete they should know to post in their clan thread.

We are concerned with the default rate in season 9 and im sure we can get around this with the "Selection process" and the new 2 month rule.
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