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Funky Legends Clan

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Deleted User
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19:16 Thu 15 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
let matt, grace and emad play if they want and keep this clan going.. but we get to sign jayrah and certain people stop moaning about a petty issue! are we aever going to get down to the bottom of this.. and emad after our convo on snooks earlier i thought you said you would never return to pool!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:25 Thu 15 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
pot_the_lot said:
emad said:
zantetsukenz said:
onua0767 said:
yeah i know dame lol.

i know his new username but im just waiting for a confirmation if hes gonna join or not :P

Maybe he means this? not sure,

but joker was created before rule but had to wait, which was unfair

I don't remember him asking

But anyway, isn't it better if this clan have a reliable team ready for next season rather than enforcing a rule which can stop this clan from entering? Surely if the clan is reliable, then there should be no real issues? Or am i totally missing the point?

And there be the problem u grace and matt are 3 people out of a squad of 12 so therefore leaving 9 players which some have shown to be very unreliable and we havent even started clan season yet.

Surely then if the extra players were allowed in then the clan would be more reliable than having the less players? You've just proven my point there more than anything.

Also, i don't plan on coming back to clans are they turning out to be a bit of a farce now (my opinion, don't snap at me for it!)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:44 Thu 15 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Now theres a sight for sore eyes!
Deleted User
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21:47 Thu 15 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hey gracey babyyy, missed you where ye been!!
Deleted User
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07:05 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey, ste here.
Just been reading through the read, whats all the fuss about so called "invalid" players? and so on blah blah blah, if this clan needs active players, regardless of whether they de-activated or made new accounts, whats the problem?
It's silly, some people take this game and "their" rules far too's meant to be fun!
Posts: 7,940
08:25 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
it is fun mate, but like all competitions online or in real life you need rules and a rule was created to keep the league fair for all,
the 2 month account rule was created over a month ago and everyone made aware at the time and everyone agrees it was needed untill it affects them.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:01 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
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Funky Legends Clan

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