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19:04 Fri 16 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
post removed by forum moderator

Edited by forum moderator psyco05, at 09:42 Sat 17/04/10 (BST)
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19:21 Fri 16 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
post removed by forum moderator

Edited by forum moderator psyco05, at 09:42 Sat 17/04/10 (BST)
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19:28 Fri 16 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
post removed by forum moderator

Edited by forum moderator psyco05, at 09:42 Sat 17/04/10 (BST)
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04:35 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
Arent rules there for a specific reason, if it comes across that they are being changed for others and not consistent then people will moan. The two month rule has to be good for the league to stop idiots joining and then ruining a good season by getting banned or deactivating.

Anyway keep up the good work league runners what is it now the 9th season

well said crazzy
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04:44 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Please keep on topic please. This thread is not for complaining about rules. This thread is for posting about clan news.

There is a thread for discussing league information and rules:

Edited at 09:48 Sat 17/04/10 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
07:51 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
Arent rules there for a specific reason, if it comes across that they are being changed for others and not consistent then people will moan.

No rule is ever being changed for anyone, nor are rules applied any differently to some users compared to others. Never happened and never will.

Problem is people sometimes fail to correctly understand what a rule is and what it isn't, who the rule applies to and who not. You can word a rule as heavily and correctly as you wish, but there will always be someone somewhere getting the wrong idea.

The bottom line in this case, and that applies to ALL rules not just this one, is that no rule will EVER be introduced with retroactive effect. In short, the rule does not govern what has happened before the rule was applied (from, but not including the 13th)

We're still working on the _matt_ case since it may appear I didn't have all info on the numerous accounts this user has had, but that's to be sorted soon enough.

End of story on this rule, that people WILL understand and abide by whether you like it or not, is that we cannot punish people for rules that didn't exist when the "crime" was committed. The fairness in that shouldn't be too hard to grasp. What this means for this case is that no deactivation before or on March 13th counts as a negative. Deactivations after does.

(And mods please leave this where it is, it's league info from league staff, thanks)
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09:15 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Small change to dates i made a small error i was in pool mode when i posted dates lol

Friday 23rd April - final team lists in by midnight

Friday 30th April - first 2 team lists for first fixtures to be in by midnight.

Sunday 2nd May - fixtures released at 8pm
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09:22 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
thats a whiles away
maybe i can get to virtuoso by then
Posts: 1,274
10:11 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
What about division 1 familyguy?

would be cool to see division 1 done to

like what you did familyguy looks cool
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10:14 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks have some extra time later might do it then
Posts: 1,274
10:16 Sat 17 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
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03:22 Fri 23 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Right im a lil bit sick and tired of people constantly accusing and sniping at my staff it stops now please or i will have to seriously consider removing the named peoples from the league my staff do this as do i because we want to and love clans they dont do it to take abuse.

So please take on board what i have said and have no more please


No need for any posts either they will be removed by a mod
Posts: 7,164
05:14 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
some people think you guys do a great job
its just a shame that people dont just ahere to the rules they are there to help us all not hinder us why always

keep up the great work you guys do its appreciated
Posts: 19,967
09:09 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Tell anyone complaining to go and look what clans were like at the very start when no-one knew what was happening and clans were very small
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10:27 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
lol so true
seems whenever they make a change to the clan league i always have opposition to it-then it makes everything better and i look like a fool so i just go a long with it now and don't complain
go potty
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10:53 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
doubted2 said:
some people think you guys do a great job
its just a shame that people dont just ahere to the rules they are there to help us all not hinder us why always

keep up the great work you guys do its appreciated

Thanks mate its nice to be tld we are appreciated

Just a shame one of my staff has stood down hoping to get him back on board hes a damn good asset to me and id hate to lose him.

If only people would abide rules eh

Thanks u guys
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18:26 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Right new recruit to staff list well not so new hes done this job before

The one an only


Welcome to the staff again sir

Hes got an amazing cv btw and great prospects.
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18:45 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
pot_the_lot said:
Right new recruit to staff list well not so new hes done this job before

The one an only


Welcome to the staff again sir

Hes got an amazing cv btw and great prospects.

Glad to be back
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19:22 Sun 25 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i think potty and the team do great a great job. like they dont even get paid or whatever to run this do just do it off there own backs. obv people are going to give out ya have some narrow minded people like that..all i can say is if you think you can do a better job then fair play..
keep up the good work potty, robski and co
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09:38 Mon 26 Apr 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll try and help the work

But i dont deserve any credit as ive only just rejoined the staff chris

but thanks
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