Funkypool vs Funkysnooker (2)
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06:09 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
Welcome all to the event of the year!
This is the start of the 2nd annual Pool vs Snooker duel. Led once again by alexander (pool) and nuts_uk (snooker) after our very successful match last year.
This is the link to last years event. The match was a hard fought battle and snooker eventually came out victorious the result finishing ~Funkypool 102 - 126 Funkysnooker. With 87/96 games completed.
Please remember I am an absalute demon and will torment you to death to play these games. Therefore strict reliability is essential. Players will be picked from intrested players who captains see fit as the best to represent them.
Event Format & Schedule
Each team consists of 12 first team players and 4 substitutes. Only substitutes may be used throughout the competition and only used once each. (Exceptions may be made). Each player is assigned to attack one format from the opposite site and defend one format from their home site.
In each discipline you play a simple race to 2 and each player posts on their own forum. Every player will have 2 fixtures and a fortnight to play them both. We will play only 4 other people throughout the course of the competition. As all 8 last year was a bit too much. Here is the proposed schedule for this event:
8th january - All listings to be in.
9th january - First Fixtures handed out.
This is the start of the 2nd annual Pool vs Snooker duel. Led once again by alexander (pool) and nuts_uk (snooker) after our very successful match last year.
This is the link to last years event. The match was a hard fought battle and snooker eventually came out victorious the result finishing ~Funkypool 102 - 126 Funkysnooker. With 87/96 games completed.
Please remember I am an absalute demon and will torment you to death to play these games. Therefore strict reliability is essential. Players will be picked from intrested players who captains see fit as the best to represent them.
Event Format & Schedule
Each team consists of 12 first team players and 4 substitutes. Only substitutes may be used throughout the competition and only used once each. (Exceptions may be made). Each player is assigned to attack one format from the opposite site and defend one format from their home site.
In each discipline you play a simple race to 2 and each player posts on their own forum. Every player will have 2 fixtures and a fortnight to play them both. We will play only 4 other people throughout the course of the competition. As all 8 last year was a bit too much. Here is the proposed schedule for this event:
8th january - All listings to be in.
9th january - First Fixtures handed out.
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06:14 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
23rd january - 2nd and final fixtures handed out
6th Febuary - Unplayed fixtures re-handed out
13th Febuary - Event Completion
The disciplines available are:
8ball US
8ball uk
9ball us
Arcade snooker
Regular snooker
Original snooker
Every fixture and all updates will be frequently posted on here and messaged to ALL participants.
Play offs (Optional)
This is completely optional. If the captain can not choose out of 2 or more players for one spot he may choose to run a play off for the spot. How this operates is completely the captains choice and must be completed by the 8th of january. Pool will almost certainly be running play offs especially for arcade.
How to enter
This is the official entry area. Some places are confirmed but everyone must post on this thread to confirm there spot. You must be reliable and on almost daily. Please post as follows:
Pool account -
Snooker account -
Funkypool first choice -
Funkypool Second choice -
Funkysnooker first choice -
Funkysnooker second choice -
Questions, suggestions and queries
Everything regarding the event must be put on this thread or messaged to one of the following people staffing this event
Pool - alexander (capt), crazzymadman (co)
fly_53 (snook capt) co soon to be announces
Snooker - nuts_uk (capt), co soon to be announces
alexo (pool capt), crazy_dave (pool co)
Thank you!
6th Febuary - Unplayed fixtures re-handed out
13th Febuary - Event Completion
The disciplines available are:
8ball US
8ball uk
9ball us
Arcade snooker
Regular snooker
Original snooker
Every fixture and all updates will be frequently posted on here and messaged to ALL participants.
Play offs (Optional)
This is completely optional. If the captain can not choose out of 2 or more players for one spot he may choose to run a play off for the spot. How this operates is completely the captains choice and must be completed by the 8th of january. Pool will almost certainly be running play offs especially for arcade.
How to enter
This is the official entry area. Some places are confirmed but everyone must post on this thread to confirm there spot. You must be reliable and on almost daily. Please post as follows:
Pool account -
Snooker account -
Funkypool first choice -
Funkypool Second choice -
Funkysnooker first choice -
Funkysnooker second choice -
Questions, suggestions and queries
Everything regarding the event must be put on this thread or messaged to one of the following people staffing this event
Pool - alexander (capt), crazzymadman (co)
fly_53 (snook capt) co soon to be announces
Snooker - nuts_uk (capt), co soon to be announces
alexo (pool capt), crazy_dave (pool co)
Thank you!
06:34 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool account: Funk_p0tter_
Snooker Account: U_r_a_loser
Funkypool first format choice: 9Ball
Funkysnooker first format choice: Original Snooker.
Hope you succeed on this tournament Alex.
Snooker Account: U_r_a_loser
Funkypool first format choice: 9Ball
Funkysnooker first format choice: Original Snooker.
Hope you succeed on this tournament Alex.
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09:27 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool account - kirk__1989
Snooker account - kirk__1989
Funkypool first choice - 8 uk
Funkypool Second choice - 8 us
Funkysnooker first choice - arcade
Funkysnooker second choice - regular
Deja Vu?
Snooker account - kirk__1989
Funkypool first choice - 8 uk
Funkypool Second choice - 8 us
Funkysnooker first choice - arcade
Funkysnooker second choice - regular
Deja Vu?
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09:39 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
Lol, it was clearly stated that was for intrest. It wasn't a waste of time it gives people a chance to practice over there and I get an idea of names and numbers.
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10:14 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
final confirmation from me! lol
high_flyer_j is my account for both sites
regular snooker(even though im good at arcade) lol
and 8 ball uk for pool :)
high_flyer_j is my account for both sites
regular snooker(even though im good at arcade) lol
and 8 ball uk for pool :)
12:28 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool account - ab_rfc
Snooker account - the_bouncer
Funkypool first choice - 8ball us
Funkypool Second choice - 9ball
Funkysnooker first choice - Arcade
Funkysnooker second choice - Regular
Snooker account - the_bouncer
Funkypool first choice - 8ball us
Funkypool Second choice - 9ball
Funkysnooker first choice - Arcade
Funkysnooker second choice - Regular
12:44 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
pool account : red_devil
snooker account : arcade09
Funkypool first choice - 8 ball uk
Funkypool second choice - 9 ball
funkysnooker first choice - arcade
funkysnooker second choice - regular
snooker account : arcade09
Funkypool first choice - 8 ball uk
Funkypool second choice - 9 ball
funkysnooker first choice - arcade
funkysnooker second choice - regular
13:41 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool account - crazzymadman
Snooker account - crazy_dave
Funkypool first choice - 8US
Funkypool Second choice - 8UK
Funkysnooker first choice - Arcade
Funkysnooker second choice - Original or regular dont mind
Snooker account - crazy_dave
Funkypool first choice - 8US
Funkypool Second choice - 8UK
Funkysnooker first choice - Arcade
Funkysnooker second choice - Original or regular dont mind
14:07 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool account - horse10000
Snooker account - horse10000
Funkypool First choice - 8ball us
Funkypool Second choice - 9 ball
Funkysnooker First choice - Original
Funkysnooker Second choice - Arcade
Snooker account - horse10000
Funkypool First choice - 8ball us
Funkypool Second choice - 9 ball
Funkysnooker First choice - Original
Funkysnooker Second choice - Arcade
16:51 Sun 3 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool and Snooker Account: zantetsukenz
1st choice - 9 ball
2nd choice - 8 uk
1st choice - regular
2nd choice - original
(will play on snooker over next few days to get stats up)
1st choice - 9 ball
2nd choice - 8 uk
1st choice - regular
2nd choice - original
(will play on snooker over next few days to get stats up)
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01:33 Mon 4 Jan 10 (GMT)
Oh of course, just testing ya
alexander said:
Lol, it was clearly stated that was for intrest. It wasn't a waste of time it gives people a chance to practice over there and I get an idea of names and numbers.
Oh of course, just testing ya

02:41 Mon 4 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool Account - gandalf
Snooker - backformore
Pool - Any
Snooker - arcade or reg
Snooker - backformore
Pool - Any
Snooker - arcade or reg
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03:11 Mon 4 Jan 10 (GMT)
I'm mich on both
Pool 1st choice uk
Second choice 9 ball
Snooker first choice orig
Second arcade
Pool 1st choice uk
Second choice 9 ball
Snooker first choice orig
Second arcade
04:08 Mon 4 Jan 10 (GMT)
I swear I posted on here saying I would be up for being picked :S
pool - anonymous, snooks - _anonymous_
pool : US9
snooks: arcade
pool - anonymous, snooks - _anonymous_
pool : US9
snooks: arcade
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07:10 Mon 4 Jan 10 (GMT)
I'm eddie_15 on both
Pool 1st choice: 9 ball
Pool 2nd choice: 8us
Snooker 1st choice: Arcade
Snooker 2nd choice: Regular
Pool 1st choice: 9 ball
Pool 2nd choice: 8us
Snooker 1st choice: Arcade
Snooker 2nd choice: Regular
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08:41 Mon 4 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool - power_shot
Snooker - power_shot
Pool first choice - 9 Ball Pool
Pool second choice - 8 Ball Uk
Snooker first choice - Arcade snooker
Snooker second choice - Regular snooker
Snooker - power_shot
Pool first choice - 9 Ball Pool
Pool second choice - 8 Ball Uk
Snooker first choice - Arcade snooker
Snooker second choice - Regular snooker
10:24 Mon 4 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool account - ladysapphire
Snooker account - ladysapphire
Funkypool first choice - 8ball us
Funkypool Second choice - 9ball
Funkysnooker first choice - Original
Funkysnooker second choice - Arcade
Snooker account - ladysapphire
Funkypool first choice - 8ball us
Funkypool Second choice - 9ball
Funkysnooker first choice - Original
Funkysnooker second choice - Arcade
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12:54 Mon 4 Jan 10 (GMT)
Pool account - antione08
Snooker account - antione
Pool first choice - 8US
Pool Second choice - 9US
Snooker first choice - Arcade
Snooker second choice - Regular
Snooker account - antione
Pool first choice - 8US
Pool Second choice - 9US
Snooker first choice - Arcade
Snooker second choice - Regular
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Funkypool vs Funkysnooker (2)
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