Warriors clan - division 2 champions
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12:37 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
It does affect you though zante because it tells you guys he cant play in the league.
Thats all im saying
Im aloud to post here zante im league runner and the post Affects the warriors as a clan
Thats all im saying
Im aloud to post here zante im league runner and the post Affects the warriors as a clan
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12:38 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
Zante it doesnt matter where it is done its posted here because it affects the clan as a whole
zantetsukenz said:
IM captain
you could've done that in pm (more appropriate in pm than posting the rules to more than 1 person)
DONT 'chime in' when you dont like others doing it
IM captain
you could've done that in pm (more appropriate in pm than posting the rules to more than 1 person)
DONT 'chime in' when you dont like others doing it
Zante it doesnt matter where it is done its posted here because it affects the clan as a whole
12:45 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
He's not part of the clan though
thats like saying cphaynes represents nutters because he posts there
and he said he didnt want to be in your clan league
since kirk ISNT involved with warriors it doesnt affect us yet
and since clans are governed by your league they're just a part of it you shouldn't post unless its officially to warriors (e.g. defaults, fixtures) not to an individual. That should be done in a pm to me or the individual
as he wasn't with us he could play for other clans when his 2 months were up so its clear you've just targetted us as i dont see it posted on any other clan thread or official thread
So i'll say it again - unless it affects every member of the warriors and is official clan stuff then....
Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 18:13 Sun 16/05/10 (BST)
thats like saying cphaynes represents nutters because he posts there
and he said he didnt want to be in your clan league
since kirk ISNT involved with warriors it doesnt affect us yet
and since clans are governed by your league they're just a part of it you shouldn't post unless its officially to warriors (e.g. defaults, fixtures) not to an individual. That should be done in a pm to me or the individual
as he wasn't with us he could play for other clans when his 2 months were up so its clear you've just targetted us as i dont see it posted on any other clan thread or official thread
So i'll say it again - unless it affects every member of the warriors and is official clan stuff then....
...removed by site admin.
Please respect others on the forum.
- C
Please respect others on the forum.
- C
Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 18:13 Sun 16/05/10 (BST)
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12:46 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
There no need for that spoiler zante
Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 18:14 Sun 16/05/10 (BST)
zantetsukenz said:
He's not part of the clan though
thats like saying cphaynes represents nutters because he posts there
and he said he didnt want to be in your clan league
since kirk ISNT involved with warriors it doesnt affect us yet
and since clans are governed by your league they're just a part of it you shouldn't post unless its officially to warriors (e.g. defaults, fixtures) not to an individual. That should be done in a pm to me or the individual
as he wasn't with us he could play for other clans when his 2 months were up so its clear you've just targetted us as i dont see it posted on any other clan thread or official thread
So i'll say it again - unless it affects every member of the warriors and is official clan stuff then....
thats like saying cphaynes represents nutters because he posts there
and he said he didnt want to be in your clan league
since kirk ISNT involved with warriors it doesnt affect us yet
and since clans are governed by your league they're just a part of it you shouldn't post unless its officially to warriors (e.g. defaults, fixtures) not to an individual. That should be done in a pm to me or the individual
as he wasn't with us he could play for other clans when his 2 months were up so its clear you've just targetted us as i dont see it posted on any other clan thread or official thread
So i'll say it again - unless it affects every member of the warriors and is official clan stuff then....
...removed by staff
There no need for that spoiler zante
Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 18:14 Sun 16/05/10 (BST)
12:48 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
no need for you to post here at the present
yet you dont get the message
im trying to make it as clear as possible for you so:
yet you dont get the message
im trying to make it as clear as possible for you so:
Deleted User
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12:51 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
you cant tell us where we can or cant post!
12:52 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
You're right, as long as its on topic, shes posting to an individual not a warrior (oh and she was telling me where i can or cant post so im just returning the favour)
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12:52 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
and fyi, i never said that i didnt want to be in ths NUTTERS clan, I just wanted to make my own, as a friend of potty's and of the Nutters, if they wish me to post for them or vis versa then we will
Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 22:19 Sun 16/05/10 (BST)
zantetsukenz said:
He's not part of the clan though
thats like saying cphaynes represents nutters because he posts there
and he said he didnt want to be in your clan league
since kirk ISNT involved with warriors it doesnt affect us yet
and since clans are governed by your league they're just a part of it you shouldn't post unless its officially to warriors (e.g. defaults, fixtures) not to an individual. That should be done in a pm to me or the individual
as he wasn't with us he could play for other clans when his 2 months were up so its clear you've just targetted us as i dont see it posted on any other clan thread or official thread
So i'll say it again - unless it affects every member of the warriors and is official clan stuff then....
thats like saying cphaynes represents nutters because he posts there
and he said he didnt want to be in your clan league
since kirk ISNT involved with warriors it doesnt affect us yet
and since clans are governed by your league they're just a part of it you shouldn't post unless its officially to warriors (e.g. defaults, fixtures) not to an individual. That should be done in a pm to me or the individual
as he wasn't with us he could play for other clans when his 2 months were up so its clear you've just targetted us as i dont see it posted on any other clan thread or official thread
So i'll say it again - unless it affects every member of the warriors and is official clan stuff then....
removed by forum moderator
and fyi, i never said that i didnt want to be in ths NUTTERS clan, I just wanted to make my own, as a friend of potty's and of the Nutters, if they wish me to post for them or vis versa then we will
Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 22:19 Sun 16/05/10 (BST)
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12:53 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
Ill state again
It does affect warriors as kirk posted on about returning to WARRIORS and ive posted saying to kirk and to the clan he cant how are you missing what im saying zante
zantetsukenz said:
You're right, as long as its on topic, shes posting to an individual not a warrior (oh and she was telling me where i can or cant post so im just returning the favour)
Ill state again
It does affect warriors as kirk posted on about returning to WARRIORS and ive posted saying to kirk and to the clan he cant how are you missing what im saying zante
12:54 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
you CLEARLY dont get me
what im saying is, just because you post on their thread, doesnt mean you play for them or represent them
you play for (and represent) your new clan 'snipers'
kirk plays for no-one and isn't involved with this clan as of yet and stated he has no real intent to play in this league
so WHY is she posting here?
what im saying is, just because you post on their thread, doesnt mean you play for them or represent them
you play for (and represent) your new clan 'snipers'
kirk plays for no-one and isn't involved with this clan as of yet and stated he has no real intent to play in this league
so WHY is she posting here?
Deleted User
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12:57 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
He states here he will rejoin the clan if you guys currently in the clan want him to so he is wanting to rejoin thats why im posting
ive had enough now zante
kirk89 said:
Hey warriors unfortunatly i have some bad news, i cant really be bothered carrying on in the clan league as i find the runners of it to be a joke and i wont be bending to their orders. Also im a bit pessimistic to whether this clan is going to get through this time.
If enough of you actually want me back and want to make it work then i will try and i can get emma back after her ban but that's up to you guys, but i can't do nothing yet until my 2 month is up apart from help zante and get new players if needs be. Up to you guys what you want to do.
If enough of you actually want me back and want to make it work then i will try and i can get emma back after her ban but that's up to you guys, but i can't do nothing yet until my 2 month is up apart from help zante and get new players if needs be. Up to you guys what you want to do.
He states here he will rejoin the clan if you guys currently in the clan want him to so he is wanting to rejoin thats why im posting
ive had enough now zante
12:58 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
Ill state again
It does affect warriors as kirk posted on about returning to WARRIORS and ive posted saying to kirk and to the clan he cant how are you missing what im saying zante
Well thats outright wrong
Yes quite clear that kirk wants to play for us when despite being in contact with me for a while now, he posts asking to join other clans
Last warning Steph, kirk isn't part of warriors
so you're posting off-topic
i WILL get a moderator to remove all these posts if you persist in this nonsense!
pot_the_lot said:
zantetsukenz said:
You're right, as long as its on topic, shes posting to an individual not a warrior (oh and she was telling me where i can or cant post so im just returning the favour)
Ill state again
It does affect warriors as kirk posted on about returning to WARRIORS and ive posted saying to kirk and to the clan he cant how are you missing what im saying zante
Well thats outright wrong
kirk89 said:
Guess il put my name down for when im eligable. If im not banned already lol.
Yes quite clear that kirk wants to play for us when despite being in contact with me for a while now, he posts asking to join other clans
Last warning Steph, kirk isn't part of warriors
so you're posting off-topic
i WILL get a moderator to remove all these posts if you persist in this nonsense!
13:00 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
Hes referring to helping keep the clan afloat there, which he can do as the clan isnt affiliated with the league and he wouldn't be ablke to play for 2 months which makes it quite clear hes talking about helping out
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13:04 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
Ok to set things clear, all i stated was i would help warriors out, and people have spoken, so yeah you have banned me from your league that i wont join lmao.
However im still going to captain this clan i think guys, of course i wont be able to do it officially but il just get zante and you all to post things officially so really, you cant ban me you can only stop me playing, hich wont be for long because the fpl will be starting.
So guys this just goes to prove my previous post the clan league is a joke and i indeed have no intention of joining but i will keep this clan going as you have stated you would like me to.
So all i have to say potty is
Edited at 18:07 Sun 16/05/10 (BST)
However im still going to captain this clan i think guys, of course i wont be able to do it officially but il just get zante and you all to post things officially so really, you cant ban me you can only stop me playing, hich wont be for long because the fpl will be starting.
So guys this just goes to prove my previous post the clan league is a joke and i indeed have no intention of joining but i will keep this clan going as you have stated you would like me to.
So all i have to say potty is
nice try gg ul
Edited at 18:07 Sun 16/05/10 (BST)
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13:10 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
Right guys i have had it on good word they intend to boot the clan out of the league but if this happens the clan will still go on.
If needs be il make a little league until the FPL comes so we have nothing to worry about.
Thanks your co-captain Kirk
If needs be il make a little league until the FPL comes so we have nothing to worry about.
Thanks your co-captain Kirk
13:17 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
Let me start by saying I am not taking sides in this disagreement.
1. My understanding is that pot_the_lot, as league runner, is perfectly entitled to post on any thread she wishes to mention the eligibility or ineligibility of a player and not run the risk of such a post being off-topic.
2. Please respect all members on the forums at all times. Please visit http://www.funkypool.com/viewPostingRules.do for any clarification needed.
zantetsukenz said:
Last warning Steph, kirk isn't part of warriors
so you're posting off-topic
i WILL get a moderator to remove all these posts if you persist in this nonsense!
so you're posting off-topic
i WILL get a moderator to remove all these posts if you persist in this nonsense!
Let me start by saying I am not taking sides in this disagreement.
1. My understanding is that pot_the_lot, as league runner, is perfectly entitled to post on any thread she wishes to mention the eligibility or ineligibility of a player and not run the risk of such a post being off-topic.
2. Please respect all members on the forums at all times. Please visit http://www.funkypool.com/viewPostingRules.do for any clarification needed.
13:25 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
Yes but should that not be done in a pm to the individual instead of a random clan thread? (which she seems to hold a grudge against)
13:27 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
In general, you PM someone when the message is meant for a single individual alone and holds no relevancy for anyone else. As has been explained to you numerous times already, that was not the case here - the message was for the clan and thus belongs in a post and not a PM.
Deleted User
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13:33 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)
What if the clan doesnt care, the captain himself could tell them himself in my opinion.
Oh and if that's the case why was emma banned in private message i think i stop there smirking in the knowledge that you just got served
Oh and if that's the case why was emma banned in private message i think i stop there smirking in the knowledge that you just got served
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Warriors clan - division 2 champions
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