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Warriors clan - division 2 champions

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03:33 Fri 26 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wp Giant

Sharpshooters vs The Warriors

mr_pink_eyes vs strobe

8ball us 2-3
9ball us 2-3
8ball uk 0-5

Overall 11-4 to strobe

taken from SS thread. ggs m8
Deleted User
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07:29 Fri 26 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi Guys,

I am waiting for a reply from unstoppable about a game we have to play deadline is sunday is there any chance of a sub if nobody hears from him by sat? much appreciated if someone was to pm me

Many Thanks
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:32 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
deejay said:
Hi Guys,

I am waiting for a reply from unstoppable about a game we have to play deadline is sunday is there any chance of a sub if nobody hears from him by sat? much appreciated if someone was to pm me

Many Thanks

Deadline is today at 12.00pm actually dee
Deleted User
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05:34 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
ahhh crikey, looks like half of our games haven't been played
Posts: 1,274
05:38 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
vandetta has not been on for 4 days now any chance of a sub for our clan league match please

if so please poist in crazy eights thread also
Deleted User
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06:23 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
message from Emma :

Sharpshooters - If you would like to get some people on today I will make every effort to sort out some subs today so we can get some fixtures played.

Crazzy Eights - With a week remaining in the fixtures it seems rather stupid to sub players in now as there are still 8 more days of time to play. Therefore Id prefer not to waste a sub this early in a fixture
Sent 4 minutes ago
Posts: 8,149
06:39 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right 1st round deadline is now over.

Can the captains of the unplayed games please send info to pot_the_lot ASAP as we would like to release quarter finals today.
Deleted User
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07:15 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Warriors Vs Nutters

Strobe Vs Colio

8US - 3-2
9US - 4-1
8UK - 4-1

11-4 Overall

ggs m8. You were very ul in many of those games.

Good luck to you guys for the rest of the season

Deleted User
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09:35 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi warriers can i join ur clan
Posts: 634
10:57 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
lucky_7 said:
hi warriers can i join ur clan

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:24 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i have loadsa matches with people in the usa and austrailia for some reason and i cant stay up until 2 am in the slight chance they are there
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:52 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
removed cause i cba

Edited at 19:20 Sat 27/02/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
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15:06 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
vendetta said:
i have loadsa matches with people in the usa and austrailia for some reason and i cant stay up until 2 am in the slight chance they are there

australia if you boithered look the game was changed around so it was easier for you too get the game played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:58 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
strobe said:
Wp Giant

Sharpshooters vs The Warriors

mr_pink_eyes vs strobe

8ball us 2-3
9ball us 2-3
8ball uk 0-5

Overall 11-4 to strobe

taken from SS thread. ggs m8

thanks mate. well done for your victories over pink_eyes and colio
Posts: 57
10:12 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
my computer has been awful for 4 days got a big problem with it im posting on my bros laptop but cnt be on much on here. i messaged deejay a couple times b4 he messaged me now hes sayin i didnt reply well i cdnt he didnt make much of an effort for the three days after i messaged him so wot can i do?? gettin fed up with this match business now i dno if i will be on enough to commit to the clan regularly so guna have to take a break sorry guys.
Posts: 1,274
10:58 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
_aphr0dite_ vs viking4life

Viking has just been talking to me about this match, its the 4th time he has tried to play this match with you Emma, and either you log off or just don't answer him if you don't want to play the match sub someone in for you who will play.
Posts: 57
11:05 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
clan game

unstoppable v albal

warriors v nutters

8us 3-2
9us 2-3
8uk 4-1

overall 9-6

dno how i won on a laptop lol, ah well gg's albal u played v well m8
Deleted User
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14:39 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
golden_shot said:
_aphr0dite_ vs viking4life

Viking has just been talking to me about this match, its the 4th time he has tried to play this match with you Emma, and either you log off or just don't answer him if you don't want to play the match sub someone in for you who will play.

in response to this

Golden message from _aphrodite_ - im posting as clan runner here and to to try and get the game played

iv seen one effort by viking to get the game completed in which about 2mins later he logged out telling me hed be on "tonight usa time" when i said that meant nothing to me being uk time he logged out and made no effort to reply, i cannot stay up all night guessing when "usa tonight" is so if he would like to take 2 minutes to work out a time that both of us understand it would be greatly appreciated

And i can provide staff with print screens to support the situation if it goes unplayed

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:00 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
copy n pasted from the dedications thread, incase some fellow warriors dont see it:

gentle_giant said:
hey, i'd like to dedicate my first 8 ball tournament win (unbeaten in all games) to the warriors clan. even though things are in a bit of a state of disorder right now... keep on keepin on
Posts: 634
06:30 Mon 1 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
well how about aphrodite adds viking4life as a friend coz wen he tries 2 contact her she doesnt accept private messages so wats he supposed 2 do about that
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Warriors clan - division 2 champions

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