Error Occured
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18:36 Fri 25 Dec 09 (GMT)
What in the hell is going wrong with this game seriously?
Now when i enter a tourny game.. it comes up saying 'an error has occured.. please close this window and re-open again' and it has been happening in many tournys today (not all of them.. but most of them) and i am now starting to get very annoyed.........
Now when i enter a tourny game.. it comes up saying 'an error has occured.. please close this window and re-open again' and it has been happening in many tournys today (not all of them.. but most of them) and i am now starting to get very annoyed.........
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03:27 Sat 26 Dec 09 (GMT)
I think it's telling you to stay off pool and come over to snooker
Seriously though, seems to be happening a lot to people does this (only to me once though), does seem a big problem and really needs sorting.
Seriously though, seems to be happening a lot to people does this (only to me once though), does seem a big problem and really needs sorting.
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03:34 Sat 26 Dec 09 (GMT)
Black screen yesterday for me, error:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000000006d52358d, pid=6928, tid=7564
# JRE version: 6.0_17-b04
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (14.3-b01 mixed mode windows-amd64 )
# Problematic frame:
# C jsound.dll+0x1358d
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x000000001418c800): JavaThread "Headspace mixer frame proc thread" daemon _thread_in_native, id=7564, stack(0x000000001a2c0000,0x000000001a3c0000)
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x0000000000000000
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000000006d52358d, pid=6928, tid=7564
# JRE version: 6.0_17-b04
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (14.3-b01 mixed mode windows-amd64 )
# Problematic frame:
# C jsound.dll+0x1358d
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x000000001418c800): JavaThread "Headspace mixer frame proc thread" daemon _thread_in_native, id=7564, stack(0x000000001a2c0000,0x000000001a3c0000)
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x0000000000000000
17:25 Mon 28 Dec 09 (GMT)
For dazpolz, we receive reports each time such an error has occurred and with the current build this happens once for every 2000 hours of use (about 5 times a day). I do collect logs of such incidents and try and reduce these even further.
12:45 Tue 29 Dec 09 (GMT)
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x3dc69b79, pid=3844, tid=5964
JRE version: 6.0_17-b04
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (14.3-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 )
Problematic frame:
C mshtml.dll+0x249b79
If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x0992bc00): JavaThread "Thread-1" _thread_in_native, id=5964, stack 0x0bae0000,0x0bbe0000
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x000000f0
EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x00000000, ECX=0x00000043, EDX=0x0992c31c
ESP=0x0bbdf6a4, EBP=0x0bbdf6bc, ESI=0x061ed2d8, EDI=0x7c8097e0
EIP=0x3dc69b79, EFLAGS=0x00010246
Top of Stack: sp=0x0bbdf6a4
0x0bbdf6a4: 00000000 061ed2d8 1821f610 3db20870
0x0bbdf6b4: 061ed2d8 00000000 0bbdf6d0 3db1dfb9
0x0bbdf6c4: 061ed2d8 0992bc00 06182460 0bbdf6e0
0x0bbdf6d4: 3dafa696 061ed2d8 1821f610 0bbdf72c
0x0bbdf6e4: 6d4130be 06182460 06d69e27 0992bd10
0x0bbdf6f4: 0bbdf734 06182460 00000000 0992c334
0x0bbdf704: 0992c334 fffffffe 0bbdf70c 1821f610
0x0bbdf714: 0bbdf740 18226bd8 00000000 1821f610
Instructions: pc=0x3dc69b79
0x3dc69b69: f4 fa f4 3d 8b 3d b8 13 a2 3d 8b f1 ff d7 33 db
0x3dc69b79: 39 98 f0 00 00 00 74 1f ff 35 f4 fa f4 3d ff d7
Stack: 0x0bae0000,0x0bbe0000, sp=0x0bbdf6a4, free space=1021k
Native frames: J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code
C mshtml.dll+0x249b79
C mshtml.dll+0xfdfb9
C mshtml.dll+0xda696
C jp2iexp.dll+0x30be
j sun.plugin2.main.server.IExplorerPlugin.javaScriptReleaseObject(Lsun/plugin2/liveconnect/BrowserSideObject;)V+4
j sun.plugin2.main.server.LiveConnectSupport$PerPluginInfo.releaseAllObjects()V+34
j sun.plugin2.main.server.LiveConnectSupport.shutdown(I)V+42
j sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.unregisterApplet(I)V+63
j sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.dispose()V+67
j sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.access$2600(Lsun/plugin2/main/server/JVMInstance;)V+1
j sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance$Listener.jvmExited(Lsun/plugin2/jvm/JVMLauncher;)V+86
j sun.plugin2.jvm.JVMLauncher.fireJVMExited()V+31
j sun.plugin2.jvm.JVMLauncher.access$300(Lsun/plugin2/jvm/JVMLauncher;
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x3dc69b79, pid=3844, tid=5964
JRE version: 6.0_17-b04
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (14.3-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 )
Problematic frame:
C mshtml.dll+0x249b79
If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x0992bc00): JavaThread "Thread-1" _thread_in_native, id=5964, stack 0x0bae0000,0x0bbe0000
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x000000f0
EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x00000000, ECX=0x00000043, EDX=0x0992c31c
ESP=0x0bbdf6a4, EBP=0x0bbdf6bc, ESI=0x061ed2d8, EDI=0x7c8097e0
EIP=0x3dc69b79, EFLAGS=0x00010246
Top of Stack: sp=0x0bbdf6a4
0x0bbdf6a4: 00000000 061ed2d8 1821f610 3db20870
0x0bbdf6b4: 061ed2d8 00000000 0bbdf6d0 3db1dfb9
0x0bbdf6c4: 061ed2d8 0992bc00 06182460 0bbdf6e0
0x0bbdf6d4: 3dafa696 061ed2d8 1821f610 0bbdf72c
0x0bbdf6e4: 6d4130be 06182460 06d69e27 0992bd10
0x0bbdf6f4: 0bbdf734 06182460 00000000 0992c334
0x0bbdf704: 0992c334 fffffffe 0bbdf70c 1821f610
0x0bbdf714: 0bbdf740 18226bd8 00000000 1821f610
Instructions: pc=0x3dc69b79
0x3dc69b69: f4 fa f4 3d 8b 3d b8 13 a2 3d 8b f1 ff d7 33 db
0x3dc69b79: 39 98 f0 00 00 00 74 1f ff 35 f4 fa f4 3d ff d7
Stack: 0x0bae0000,0x0bbe0000, sp=0x0bbdf6a4, free space=1021k
Native frames: J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code
C mshtml.dll+0x249b79
C mshtml.dll+0xfdfb9
C mshtml.dll+0xda696
C jp2iexp.dll+0x30be
j sun.plugin2.main.server.IExplorerPlugin.javaScriptReleaseObject(Lsun/plugin2/liveconnect/BrowserSideObject;)V+4
j sun.plugin2.main.server.LiveConnectSupport$PerPluginInfo.releaseAllObjects()V+34
j sun.plugin2.main.server.LiveConnectSupport.shutdown(I)V+42
j sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.unregisterApplet(I)V+63
j sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.dispose()V+67
j sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.access$2600(Lsun/plugin2/main/server/JVMInstance;)V+1
j sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance$Listener.jvmExited(Lsun/plugin2/jvm/JVMLauncher;)V+86
j sun.plugin2.jvm.JVMLauncher.fireJVMExited()V+31
j sun.plugin2.jvm.JVMLauncher.access$300(Lsun/plugin2/jvm/JVMLauncher;
12:32 Wed 30 Dec 09 (GMT)
What version of Internet Explorer is this? Please click Tools, About.
13:28 Wed 30 Dec 09 (GMT)
Thanks - does it happen often and at certain times, eg when opening, closing, when starting a game?
13:45 Wed 30 Dec 09 (GMT)
it seems to happen when the pages are opening slowly, so sometimes quite often other times not so often
10:21 Thu 31 Dec 09 (GMT)
Thank you, however I don't think this happen's every 2000 hours or is it just a coincidence that this happened to me twice in a row whereas if Nick's statement was true the chances for this to happen is 4000000/1.
Edited at 16:31 Thu 31/12/09 (GMT)
Edited at 16:31 Thu 31/12/09 (GMT)
13:43 Thu 31 Dec 09 (GMT)
No, funk_p0tter, it has happened more often to you, I just checked and counted 15 reported problems for you in December, a big share of all the reported errors. For others, there will be no problems at all bringing the average down. Chances are there's a problem according to your usage - do you use the game continuously for long periods, or maybe keep closing and reopening the game?
In any case, it is a game problem and some changes have been aimed at reducing the occurrence of this. However, if it happens again I would suggest updating your Java to the latest version.
In any case, it is a game problem and some changes have been aimed at reducing the occurrence of this. However, if it happens again I would suggest updating your Java to the latest version.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
15:37 Thu 31 Dec 09 (GMT)
Hello nick,
Over the christmas holidays me and funk_potter are both using the same internet connection. We have been having increasingly bad internet problems over the last month and I dont know if this has had anything to do with it. We will be changing to BT in time and hope things get better.
Anyway although my internet is bad, not responding, lag ect is all the same I havent experienced this "error" issue.
He has only had that problem twice so what do you mean exactly when you say "15 reported problems"? Could you also check if I have had these problems?
I am sure we do have the latest java but will check. As for being on long periods of time. He has due to holidays been on for longer than usual is that why? or is he just extremely unlucky?
Over the christmas holidays me and funk_potter are both using the same internet connection. We have been having increasingly bad internet problems over the last month and I dont know if this has had anything to do with it. We will be changing to BT in time and hope things get better.
Anyway although my internet is bad, not responding, lag ect is all the same I havent experienced this "error" issue.
He has only had that problem twice so what do you mean exactly when you say "15 reported problems"? Could you also check if I have had these problems?
I am sure we do have the latest java but will check. As for being on long periods of time. He has due to holidays been on for longer than usual is that why? or is he just extremely unlucky?
12:42 Fri 1 Jan 10 (GMT)
Alexander, I have one logged error for you on in the last couple of months, on the 6th December.
Funk_p0tter_ has had a lot of errors reported recently. In December, on the 21st (*2), 22nd (*4), 23rd (*4), 24th, 29th and 31st (so it's actually 13).
The error log from funk_p0tter indicated he has Java version 1.6.0_07 which isn't the latest and will be worth updating.
I'm not sure why it's affecting him more often.
In any case I'm trying to replicate the problem to fix it, but it is certainly worth you updating to the latest Java version. Visit
Funk_p0tter_ has had a lot of errors reported recently. In December, on the 21st (*2), 22nd (*4), 23rd (*4), 24th, 29th and 31st (so it's actually 13).
The error log from funk_p0tter indicated he has Java version 1.6.0_07 which isn't the latest and will be worth updating.
I'm not sure why it's affecting him more often.
In any case I'm trying to replicate the problem to fix it, but it is certainly worth you updating to the latest Java version. Visit
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
13:19 Fri 1 Jan 10 (GMT)
Right okay thanks for that.
What though is an "error log"? as I cant remember having a problem with the game itself.
Callum has now updated to the latest version so will see how that goes.
What though is an "error log"? as I cant remember having a problem with the game itself.
Callum has now updated to the latest version so will see how that goes.
13:47 Fri 1 Jan 10 (GMT)
i only seem to get an error log when i click off the main pool page and browse on the forum now?
15:01 Fri 1 Jan 10 (GMT)
I do re-open games all the time because I need an 8us gb, however, I have updated to the latest java, so hopefully there will be fewer problems than what I have been getting.
Thanks Nick.
Thanks Nick.
17:39 Fri 1 Jan 10 (GMT)
Alexander, if a problem occurs within the client it sends a message to the server detailing the problem. Here is an excerpt of an error log:
It will also send me the basic technical detail of the error (the error and a stack trace). This will be sent automatically when it says an error has occurred (this has been logged). Analyzing these allow me to patch the games to reduce the occurrence in the future.
Jooodles, can you describe in a bit more detail what happens for you?
funk_p0tter_, no problems and thanks for letting me know. When quickly opening and closing that version of Java it can cause a problem (which is basically the Java plug-in runs out of it's allocated memory).
error log said:
(name) Abortive error (name v name2 mode:moving room... memory:66650112 free:346552 closing:false version:1.61 build:10104 os:Windows XP java:1.6.0_17 Sun Microsystems Inc.)
It will also send me the basic technical detail of the error (the error and a stack trace). This will be sent automatically when it says an error has occurred (this has been logged). Analyzing these allow me to patch the games to reduce the occurrence in the future.
Jooodles, can you describe in a bit more detail what happens for you?
funk_p0tter_, no problems and thanks for letting me know. When quickly opening and closing that version of Java it can cause a problem (which is basically the Java plug-in runs out of it's allocated memory).
18:45 Thu 7 Jan 10 (GMT)
when i click on the red cross on the pool table page i get a warning come up on my screen saying * this tab has been recovered, a problem with this web page caused internet explorer to close and re-open the tab *
nick said:
Jooodles, can you describe in a bit more detail what happens for you?
when i click on the red cross on the pool table page i get a warning come up on my screen saying * this tab has been recovered, a problem with this web page caused internet explorer to close and re-open the tab *
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