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Pool vs Snooker roll call!

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05:33 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hello clan players from all around.

In then new year I will be hosting another funkypool vs funkysnooker match.

There is only a slight variation on the rules so that link is good to read. I am posting on the clan chat because here is where the best poolers lie. Now I have posted here to get a head-start on the snooker team as we are well due a win against them.

We lost by a mere 20ish points last year and want to finalls win lol!

I have been spying on the top 100 players of the game for a while and have cherry picked some top players on the snooker game. However nothing is set in stone and I want everyone to post who is intrested in representing us.

You basically defend 1 format of pool and attack one format of snooker each. There are only 3 categories from each and 12 will be chosen with 5 substitutes.


8ball us
9ball us
8ball uk


Arcade snooker
Regular snooker
Original snooker

This way I will have a large pool of players to choose from when the event takes place. My you please lay out your post as follows:

Pool account:

Snooker account:

1st choice pool format:
2nd choise pool format:

1st choice snooker format:
2nd choice snooker format:

I will note down every name and in a few weeks I will pick the best pooler snooker players and the most reliable.

Lets first see if the interest is here get posting!

Edited at 11:36 Thu 24/12/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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05:34 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pool account: alexander

Snooker account: alexo

1st choice pool format: 8ball uk
2nd choise pool format: 8ball us

1st choice snooker format: Arcade snooker
2nd choice snooker format: Regular snooker

I am very flexible and will play pretty much anything though.
Posts: 19,967
06:01 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll add myself to the pool of players

Pool Account: zantetsukenz
Snooker Account: zantetsukenz

1st choice pool format: 9 ball
2nd choice pool format: 8 uk

1st choice snooker format: Arcade snooker
2nd choice snooker format: Original snooker

wouldnt be too bothered with snooker but i just reset stats on there lol, 4 wins 1 loss in arcade atm XD

Good Luck picking the team mate
Posts: 1,060
06:40 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

Pool Account: bazzacu
Snooker Account: bazzacu

1st choice pool format: 8 Ball UK
2nd choice pool format: 8 Ball US

1st choice snooker format: Arcade snooker
2nd choice snooker format: Regular snooker

Reset stats on both recently....

Worth a trail match
Posts: 323
07:01 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

pool account : red_devil

snooker account: arcade09

1st choice pool format : 8 ball us
2nd choice pool format: 9 ball us

1st choice snooker : arcade snooker
2nd choice snooker: regular snooker

reseted snooker account 2 days ago
Posts: 20
07:20 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

Pool Account: super_potter
Snooker Account: super_pooler

1st choice pool format: 9 Ball Pool
2nd choice pool format: 8 Ball uk Pool

1st choice snooker format: Arcade snooker
2nd choice snooker format: Regular snooker

joined snooker today, but i have played on it before ;D
Deleted User
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07:21 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

Pool Account: shaneo51
Snooker Account: cool_potter

1st choice pool format: 8 Ball UK
2nd choice pool format: 8 Ball US

1st choice snooker format: Arcade snooker
2nd choice snooker format: Regular snooker

just started today ;D
Posts: 19,967
08:12 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why're people putting pooler? this is the pool side XD
Deleted User
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08:37 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pool Account - __jayy__
Snooks Account - __jayy__

1st pool - 8 US
2nd pool - 8 uk

1st snooks - arcade
2nd snooks - reg
Posts: 20
08:42 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
Why're people putting pooler? this is the pool side XD

oops lol , i was just doing the same as bazzacu
Deleted User
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09:02 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
bazzacu said:

Pool Account: bazzacu
Snooker Account: bazzacu

1st choice pool format: 8 Ball UK
2nd choice pool format: 8 Ball US

1st choice snooker format: Arcade snooker
2nd choice snooker format: Regular snooker

Reset stats on both recently....

Worth a trail match

This may happen for the last spots mate trial games and play offs for places. Only fair way sometimes

Keep them coming peeps
Deleted User
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09:21 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
pool account: kirk__1989
snooker account: kirk__1989

1st pool: 8 ball uk
2nd pool: 8 ball us

1st snooks: arcade
2nd snooks: regular

Lets show them pool aint no fool
Posts: 323
09:44 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeh lets show em kirk
Posts: 1,060
10:18 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
Why're people putting pooler? this is the pool side XD

Cuz You Did
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:27 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Love how everyone has put arcade as first choice. I do want to play someone at original

I see this thread aint on snooker (unless i'm blind).
Posts: 492
10:42 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pool Account: anonymous

Snooker account: _anonymous_

1st choice pool format: 9 Ball
2nd choice pool format: 8US

1st choice snooker format: arcade
2nd choice snooker format: any (apart from carom)

(snooks I will do anything really just put my preference).

I'd like to wish everyone the best of luck for getting a place and in the comp itself...also MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Deleted User
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11:10 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
dame said:
Love how everyone has put arcade as first choice. I do want to play someone at original

I see this thread aint on snooker (unless i'm blind).

As said this is not the competition yet its the roll call we have head start

And I have the calvary in for original and regular dont you worry damers
Posts: 20
11:10 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah - Merry Christmas! i wont be on tmoz to say it :)
Deleted User
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11:17 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

snooks account is queen_gray

1st choice pool format: us8
2nd choice pool format: uk8

1st choice snooker format: arcade
2nd choice snooker format origg
Posts: 9,926
11:18 Thu 24 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pool Account: horse10000
Snooker Account: horse10000

1st choice pool format: 8 ball
2nd choice pool format: 9 ball

1st choice snooker format: original snooker
2nd choice snooker format: arcade snooker
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Pool vs Snooker roll call!

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