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MVP (Most Valuable Poolers) - DIV 1 Champions

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Posts: 9,926
12:38 Fri 26 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBI 16 - 19 MVP

revinax 8-7 poolviper
dame 7-8 onua0767
bloodhound 1-4 alexander (tbc)
jimmy_1878 v ab_rfc
jgo3000 v cool_dude
accuracyisbk v anonymous
_egotistical v phased
master_p00l v nickh87

Sharpshooters 26 - 28 MVP

doubted2 7-8 alexander
straightline 9-6 mich
metterzrocks 2-7 onua0767 (tbc)
deejay 8-7 hightops
mr_pink_eyes v ab_rfc
yorkshirepro v anonymous
justforplay v horse10000
eddie_15 v nickh87

Deadline = 7th March

Good Luck All

Come on MVP we need to get these games played, any problems please let me know.
Posts: 8,149
06:43 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Clan Cup Quater Finals

Can the captain please send their team list to pot_the_lot ASAP.

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08:24 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
Clan Cup Quater Finals

Can the person responsible for the cup team please send their team list to pot_the_lot ASAP.

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12:09 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hightops said:
Good start alex

Thanks buddy were all doing well!

I would play my game today but I am in one hell of a lot of pain and somewhat depressed with the rugby some im going to slink off for the night. Tommorow
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16:19 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hightops said:
joker86 said:
Clan Cup Quater Finals

Can the person responsible for the cup team please send their team list to pot_the_lot ASAP.


Love the edit there topsy

i have used your list keith sent me one as a precaution this morn bless him
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16:29 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Omg I can't take it anymore!!!!

It's QUARTER okay not quater were not discussing the four quadrants of the earth were discussing an online pool tournament.

Both of you have taken the time to quote and edit the post why did you decide to not put in the sacred letter "R" it's now on every thread spelt incorrectly and going to set off my OCD big time thanks guys.
Deleted User
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17:02 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
alexander said:
Omg I can't take it anymore!!!!

It's QUARTER okay not quater we're not discussing the four quadrants of the Earth we're discussing an online pool tournament.

Both of you have taken the time to quote and edit the post why did you decide to not put in the sacred letter "R" it's now on every thread spelt incorrectly and going to set off my OCD big time thanks guys.

*Cough cough.*
Posts: 19,967
17:06 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
mich said:
alexander said:
Omg I can't take it anymore!!!!

It's QUARTER okay not quater we're not discussing the four quadrants of the Earth we're discussing an online pool tournament.

Both of you have taken the time to quote and edit the post why did you decide to not put in the sacred letter "R" it's now on every thread spelt incorrectly and going to set off my OCD big time thanks guys.

*Cough cough.*

Just so its clear
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02:36 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
alexander said:
Omg I can't take it anymore!!!!

It's QUARTER okay not quater were not discussing the four quadrants of the earth were discussing an online pool tournament.

Both of you have taken the time to quote and edit the post why did you decide to not put in the sacred letter "R" it's now on every thread spelt incorrectly and going to set off my OCD big time thanks guys.

Oh dear
Deleted User
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03:51 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Our lists were basically the same anyway
Deleted User
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04:31 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
alexander said:
Omg I can't take it anymore!!!!

It's QUARTER okay not quater were not discussing the four quadrants of the earth were discussing an online pool tournament.

Both of you have taken the time to quote and edit the post why did you decide to not put in the sacred letter "R" it's now on every thread spelt incorrectly and going to set off my OCD big time thanks guys.

" r " they getting your back up lol
Deleted User
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04:32 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi everyone, how we all doing ?
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04:54 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 492
04:56 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
great cheers and the wonderful Coventry city are winning nowadays so thats fantastic too looking like a good end to the season too, hopefully we can see off peterborough next game and then plymouth to probably take us into the dizzy heights of the playoffs

but yeah I'm fantasic tar, got a lot of uni work to do though, plus I haven't seen any sight of my clan opponents yet , how about you Kev?
Deleted User
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05:11 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
mornin' lads! Alex you're not on your own

keep looking for your opponents make sure you've messaged them and posted on their threads!
Deleted User
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05:26 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
haha good

Reading 5-0 Owls wooooooo!!!
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05:36 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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11:14 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
US8 anonymous 3-2 yorkshirepro

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11:24 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Solid result so far keep it up mate
Posts: 7,940
13:08 Sun 28 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBI 16 - 19 MVP

revinax 8-7 poolviper
dame 7-8 onua0767
bloodhound 1-4 alexander (tbc)
jimmy_1878 v ab_rfc
jgo3000 v cool_dude
accuracyisbk v anonymous
_egotistical v phased
g_shot v nickh87

Sharpshooters 28 - 31 MVP

doubted2 7-8 alexander
straightline 9-6 mich
deejay 8-7 hightops
metterzrocks 2-7 onua0767 (tbc)
yorkshirepro 2-3 anonymous (tbc)
mr_pink_eyes v ab_rfc
justforplay v horse10000
eddie_15 v nickh87

Deadline = 7th March

Good Luck All

Come on MVP we need to get these games played.

Edited at 19:13 Sun 28/02/10 (GMT)
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MVP (Most Valuable Poolers) - DIV 1 Champions

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