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14:02 Thu 4 Feb 10 (GMT)
Ima Do The Best i Can 2 Help This Team Win And Steve Thanks For Ur Help And For Letting Me Join Yall Are So Helpful
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10:49 Fri 5 Feb 10 (GMT)
hi lads just to let you know coolerking has deactivated so still 1 short now if anyone knows of any players looking gl
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13:04 Sat 6 Feb 10 (GMT)
As turkish_dan still hasnt been on we will have to default his games. We dont have anyone we can sub till next round. Not good enough really
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17:10 Sat 6 Feb 10 (GMT)
and the prize for sore loser goes to...............steve986
better luck next time
better luck next time
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06:39 Sun 7 Feb 10 (GMT)
and the prize for 2 games given to you goes to badger_two .should have done the lottery last night would have won it lol
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07:17 Sun 7 Feb 10 (GMT)
hahahahahaha given is right m8!
steve986 said:
and the prize for 2 games given to you goes to badger_two .should have done the lottery last night would have won it lol
hahahahahaha given is right m8!
Deleted User
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14:02 Sun 7 Feb 10 (GMT)
hi does any1 no wen th fixtures r getin realised lol sry 2 bother u all
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15:59 Sun 7 Feb 10 (GMT)
next fixtures are against unbeatables
four vs greyhound
david5 vs poolskillz
vader vs potlimit
_vip_ vs upforit
prounpreston vs triick_shot
raymondrfc52 vs p00l_3n0m
davidmiklo vs greenie1983
centurions vs red4ever
against warriors
steve986 vs kirk_1989
greyhound vs gentle_giant
potlimit vs dav3m
upforit vs buzzboxxuk
triick_shot vs vendetta
p00l_ph3n0m vs cubs12
red4ever vs wrexhamlad
crash1237 vs mdj
all fixtures 5 games of 8us,8uk,and 9 ball no straight
gl to you all in games.
four vs greyhound
david5 vs poolskillz
vader vs potlimit
_vip_ vs upforit
prounpreston vs triick_shot
raymondrfc52 vs p00l_3n0m
davidmiklo vs greenie1983
centurions vs red4ever
against warriors
steve986 vs kirk_1989
greyhound vs gentle_giant
potlimit vs dav3m
upforit vs buzzboxxuk
triick_shot vs vendetta
p00l_ph3n0m vs cubs12
red4ever vs wrexhamlad
crash1237 vs mdj
all fixtures 5 games of 8us,8uk,and 9 ball no straight
gl to you all in games.
16:17 Sun 7 Feb 10 (GMT)
left message with oppenents to arrange clan matches
Deleted User
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11:58 Mon 8 Feb 10 (GMT)
hi lads no_talking is joining again to play if needed.
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13:12 Mon 8 Feb 10 (GMT)
centurions vs. red4ever
is now
mb1 vs. red4ever
centurions vs. red4ever
is now
mb1 vs. red4ever
13:32 Mon 8 Feb 10 (GMT)
Sorry steve league rules states that no_talking can not return to this clan untill next season as he was with this clan already this season.
Please read rule 1.9
steve986 said:
hi lads no_talking is joining again to play if needed.
Sorry steve league rules states that no_talking can not return to this clan untill next season as he was with this clan already this season.
Please read rule 1.9
Deleted User
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15:19 Mon 8 Feb 10 (GMT)
Dont kow where to post official results
8US: mb1 3 red4ever 2
8UK: red4ever 3 mb1 2
9ball: red4ever 5 mb1 0
Overall 10-5 red4ever
he was very unlucky on 9ball..Gud lad to play though.
8US: mb1 3 red4ever 2
8UK: red4ever 3 mb1 2
9ball: red4ever 5 mb1 0
Overall 10-5 red4ever
he was very unlucky on 9ball..Gud lad to play though.
16:06 Mon 8 Feb 10 (GMT)
joker86 said:
Hold on a while whilst i confirm with hosts
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16:42 Mon 8 Feb 10 (GMT)
_pr1ncess_ said:
Just so you all know untill futher notice kirk's going to take back captain. I got to school at 8am and only got home at 10.15pm, and at min am dead and a mess! So think its best for everyone at min
06:47 Tue 9 Feb 10 (GMT)
We have discussed about no_talking returning and have come to the decision that he can come back for this season, but he can not be subbed into your current fixtures.
I have been made aware of the personal reasons as to why he had to leave at the start of this season.
I have been made aware of the personal reasons as to why he had to leave at the start of this season.
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