Why does the screen go white?
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16:54 Wed 25 Nov 09 (GMT)
Hey guys and girls, im wondering why when im playing a game and click on to another window then come back to my game which is playing, goes white and nothing is happening. no sounds at all. only thing i see is the links on left side, rest is all white. which leaves me to press the X button
Any ideas why? what i can do about it ? my java is upto date. i do clean ups, and only have problems with the game window, nothing else has any problems.
Until i fix this problem, i wont be coming back on.
see you guys/girls soon.
Any ideas why? what i can do about it ? my java is upto date. i do clean ups, and only have problems with the game window, nothing else has any problems.
Until i fix this problem, i wont be coming back on.
see you guys/girls soon.
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17:01 Wed 25 Nov 09 (GMT)
Could be lag james, it takes me 1 minute to load up after it.
Try to minmize computer activity while playing pool, i only run funkypool and msn. Other activities may cause lag and the white screen to occur.
Try to minmize computer activity while playing pool, i only run funkypool and msn. Other activities may cause lag and the white screen to occur.
17:48 Wed 25 Nov 09 (GMT)
Same happened to me earlier aswell.. leaving me to get knocked out of the 8ball tournament due to 3 consecutive fouls.
Dunno if it has anything to do with the update, but it was fine before.
Dunno if it has anything to do with the update, but it was fine before.
13:25 Thu 26 Nov 09 (GMT)
Dazpolz, were there any sounds when you were getting knocked out on 3 fouls?
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13:35 Thu 26 Nov 09 (GMT)
Common. Try simply maximiznig window and minimizing it. Tends to work.Techno's advice was also very good. Try running as few external programmes as possible. Eg another Java game applet or Msn Messenger. Hope this helps
14:37 Thu 26 Nov 09 (GMT)
Please remember to give full details, eg Java version, browser and operating system.
Java version:
Java version:
09:28 Fri 27 Nov 09 (GMT)
Your java properties:
Java version: 1.6.0_17
Java vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Operating system: Windows Vista
VERDICT: success
using windows vista on a sony laptop. its only started doing it in the last few weeks or so. some times i go few days with out it happening, then like the other day it happened twice in few hours.
Java version: 1.6.0_17
Java vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Operating system: Windows Vista
VERDICT: success
using windows vista on a sony laptop. its only started doing it in the last few weeks or so. some times i go few days with out it happening, then like the other day it happened twice in few hours.
13:22 Fri 27 Nov 09 (GMT)
I just got it in the 8 ball final get this sorted it is nothing to do with java i have checked and checked i am absolutly raging now. first no invites sent what has been doen about that huh and now this that is 2 finals now what ya going to do
14:21 Fri 27 Nov 09 (GMT)
Which browser j_a_m_e_s_?
Golden_shot, I'm sorry to hear about your problems, but this problem has only been reported 3 times. Again, please can you detail your Java version and browser?
This might be related to a specific Java version (even the latest one).
Edited by forum moderator nick, at 01:56 Sat 28/11/09 (GMT)
Golden_shot, I'm sorry to hear about your problems, but this problem has only been reported 3 times. Again, please can you detail your Java version and browser?
This might be related to a specific Java version (even the latest one).
Edited by forum moderator nick, at 01:56 Sat 28/11/09 (GMT)
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12:45 Sat 28 Nov 09 (GMT)
Nick this is exactly the same complaint as the black screen one, its exactly the same apart from one screen goes black one goes white, if you fix either one it should be both problems sorted with.
As for those, it has nothing to do with the updates as far as i am aware as there was an exact same problem before hand apart from as mentioned above the screen was black. Bare with him and all will be sorted soon.
As for those, it has nothing to do with the updates as far as i am aware as there was an exact same problem before hand apart from as mentioned above the screen was black. Bare with him and all will be sorted soon.
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12:56 Sat 28 Nov 09 (GMT)
I have the exact same problem as james here apart from mine doesn't go white mine has the pool table still and a "please wait..." this occurs maybe 1-2 times a week for me, it actually occured today. Once it comes up it wont let me even X the page, so i have too do Ctrl, Alt and Del then have too restart.
I dont know why it does this, my guess is probably lag, but hopfully it does get resolved soon.
I dont know why it does this, my guess is probably lag, but hopfully it does get resolved soon.
14:53 Sat 28 Nov 09 (GMT)
If the game has crashed it would usually create a file of the format hs_err_pid*.log.
If you search for hs_err_pid you can see more information about the crash. The time of creation will show you when the crash was made.
If you can post the first part of the information (upto and including the current thread) like so:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d530883, pid=2928, tid=3372
# JRE version: 6.0_15-b03
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (14.1-b02 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C jsound.dll+0x10883
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x031a1000): JavaThread "Headspace mixer frame proc thread" daemon _thread_in_native, id=3372, stack(0x042a0000,0x042f0000)
You will need to remove any square brackets to post.
If you search for hs_err_pid you can see more information about the crash. The time of creation will show you when the crash was made.
If you can post the first part of the information (upto and including the current thread) like so:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d530883, pid=2928, tid=3372
# JRE version: 6.0_15-b03
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (14.1-b02 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C jsound.dll+0x10883
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x031a1000): JavaThread "Headspace mixer frame proc thread" daemon _thread_in_native, id=3372, stack(0x042a0000,0x042f0000)
You will need to remove any square brackets to post.
19:24 Sun 29 Nov 09 (GMT)
In a normal windows setup it will default to the desktop, but going to Start>Search and entering hs_err_pid* will find it for you.
If you have had problems for a while, there may be a few.
If you have had problems for a while, there may be a few.
06:59 Tue 8 Dec 09 (GMT)
also iv got this problem ... happened quite a few times now and about 5 mins ago durin a tourney...
07:14 Tue 29 Dec 09 (GMT)
Instead of just saying 'I have got this problem as well' please have a look at what Nick and Spinner have said.
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08:55 Tue 29 Dec 09 (GMT)
Unfortunately your trying to tell someone who posted over 20 days ago... I'm unsure if they'll even remember they've posted to be honst!
10:07 Tue 29 Dec 09 (GMT)
I suppose lol.
Edited at 17:07 Tue 29/12/09 (GMT)
Edited at 17:07 Tue 29/12/09 (GMT)
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Why does the screen go white?
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