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Crazy Eights

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07:40 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Looks good red

I have joined it!
Posts: 1,634
13:31 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Viking4life vs an1h0ny

us8 4 to 1 viking

nineball 3 to 2 an1h0ny

uk8 3 to 2 an1h0ny

overall 8 to 7 viking4life

very close games he is a super shot and one hell of a sport could of went either way !!!
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14:17 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
deano75 (sub for cuequeen) - jerry

8us 0-5
9us 1-4
8uk 3-2

Total 4-11 for me

vggs m8, you need some more luck.
You deserve more than this.
Posts: 634
17:20 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
X Factor 41 vs 64 Crazy Eights

greyhound 7 vs 8 golden_shot
dannyaustin4 3 vs 12 killer_no1
setanta10 vs 5 seasider
qpounder 3 vs 12 ucyforit
red4ever 8 vs 7 viking4life
run_the_rack 3 vs 12 jerry
no_talking vs steviejones
weirdo_17 vs 8 fired up cue

Crazzy Clan 53 vs 67 Crazy Eights

lemmy 7 vs 8 golden_shot
bricktricity 8 vs 7 killer_no1
robski 5 vs 10 seasider
daveygee 4 vs 11 ucyforit
cueprince 9 vs 6 clooneman
deano 4 vs 11 jerry
blink182rip 8 vs 7 viking4life
presh_86 8 vs 7 fired_up_cue

Deadline: 21st of March

well done jerry m8

looks like the no_talking an steviejones will go 2 default but we still won both games so well done every1 get ur selfs a drink on me

Edited at 22:22 Thu 18/03/10 (GMT)
Posts: 634
17:23 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
well done viking m8 a great result keep up the good work lad
Posts: 1,634
19:11 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
A little word of advice to all lol!!!!

Killer no1 is on the prowel and wanting to play , he has yet get his ten tourny wins of the day , he foams from the mouth and stomps his feet , looking for fresh victims he will soon meet, to dominate fully without any care , beads of sweat falling from his hair , his strides are long and thump the ground just hoping there is fresh meat lurking around. He strikes like a snake with out a care so to all you tourny goers i suggest beware !!!!
Posts: 634
19:34 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
another word of advice lol

ye ole viking was far but now near, take a deep breath try and show no fear, the fear will show wether u like it or not, u will be saying wow what a shot, he kills 4 fun and loves those who run, he will be laffing and u will be crying, as he pots the black on the final frame u will run away and feel the shame, bring on the next victim r his next words, but 2 him u all look like little nerds, so my word of advice is just run and dont look back if u do then bang bang crack
Posts: 8,149
19:42 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
News Update

Set 4 Deadline: Sunday 21st March 2010 (23:59pm UK time)

Final Set Release: Sunday 21st March 2010 (20:00pm UK time)

* Please send your set 5 list(s) to pot_the_lot ASAP!!

Posts: 1,634
19:46 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ode to cap!!

There is a storm a brewing the animals of funkyland are in dissaray, there is a terror of a captain his name is jay , he stalks around this whacky site looking for victims to take a bite . He snaps out and shows no compassion, to those who challenge or think they are man enough , He shoots with the power of the gods he has the vision and aim of hawks, he says very little and dont lose sight , of the task at hand and the newly found fight, With little effort applied , no discouragement needed, his opponents are unhappy and surely beaten, and with just a smile and a friendly nod he stalks of into funkyland knowing another win closer to being a god!!!!
Posts: 1,274
19:49 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
haha these are all class
Posts: 1,634
19:52 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks goes out my my friend killer thanks for adding me into the cool forum posts lol i was starting to think no one liked me but me lol jk very well worded and highly creative thank you brother!!! another one to add to my profile page

Edited at 00:56 Fri 19/03/10 (GMT)
Posts: 634
19:56 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
golden shot ..=.. the captain of captains

my main man golden is scary and mean, but only on the table is were he shows hes keen, he knocks people out like muhamed ali, but u will be happy that uve been set free, tyson and haye av got nothin on jay, get him on the table and he will make u pay, 1 torny, 2 torny, 3 tornys and more, when will it stop, im not sure, but 1 thing i know is that u will be sorry, u will feel like uve been hit by a lorry, is he a tornado or a hurricane we all feel the same, step on up and come an feel the pain, u will want him 2 deactivate but thats not guna happen, me main man jay has caught u nappin
Posts: 1,634
20:10 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Crazy eights are the top team in division 2 right now and you know what that means !!!

The goal is close the machine is complete, the phenoms known as the crazy eights are close to their feat. To be the best and grasp the gold, something we'll remember til we grow old , we came together played as a team won our battles eventually got our dream. Performed together and acted like men and became funkypool champions of 2010
Posts: 634
20:11 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
agrovasion = a fallin comrade

agro's the man who puts the beats down, on all u fools who r guna get the smack down, hes a little whirl wind on table its true, 8ball uk is were is he shows his killer cue, ur gone but not forgotton and i know its jolly rotton, but keep ur cue blazin and keep the 8ball droppin, ur still me main kid, a comrade, a brother if u like, u make ur opponants get on there bike, so fight the good fight that i know u can, and remember 2 me ur still apart of this clan
Posts: 634
20:13 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
well thats enuff rhyming 4 me, my brain is in shock ere

nite all
Posts: 1,274
20:20 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Very nice guy's.
Posts: 1,274
20:20 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Night Liam mate
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20:32 Thu 18 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
killer_no1 said:
agrovasion = a fallin comrade

agro's the man who puts the beats down, on all u fools who r guna get the smack down, hes a little whirl wind on table its true, 8ball uk is were is he shows his killer cue, ur gone but not forgotton and i know its jolly rotton, but keep ur cue blazin and keep the 8ball droppin, ur still me main kid, a comrade, a brother if u like, u make ur opponants get on there bike, so fight the good fight that i know u can, and remember 2 me ur still apart of this clan

i love the whole thing m8 the last sentence the most.. and mate your deffo like a brother to me.. youve seen my x girlfriend naked..not many people can say that well blink can haha cheers pal
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07:05 Fri 19 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to Rodrigo (Professional) who won their 5th ever 8 Ball Tournament!

Posts: 1,274
08:29 Fri 19 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done Rodrigo
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Crazy Eights

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