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Crazy Eights

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Posts: 634
09:42 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
no way rank has deactivated clearly didnt give a dam about the team then just 2 leave us a man down like that

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 19:58 Tue 02/02/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:48 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi that means buzz will get default im sorry to say guys as he has deactivated.

Sorry he left yous
Deleted User
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12:57 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to onevisit (Professional) who won their 2nd ever Straight Tournament!

Dedi to the team we have left!!!!
Deleted User
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14:10 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi m8 are you putting sub in against me for rank__ripper
Deleted User
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14:10 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys, good luck in the games with us. Im on pretty much all the time after 6, if you need to play me, onevisit.

Good Luck again.

Deleted User
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14:21 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah i need someone else to play in FPL against rank__ripper. Can ya post on the FBI thread when you have someone in place. Cheers.

killer_no1 said:
no way rank has deactivated clearly didnt give a dam about the team then just 2 leave us a man down like that

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 19:58 Tue 02/02/10 (GMT)

It's only an online game...
Posts: 634
17:03 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
ye i know its only a game but still u shud give consideration 2 ur team m8s as it is a team game were playing would u want sum1 in ur team that was goin 2 deactivate on u 4 avin 1bad game
Deleted User
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17:08 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'd like people to type full English as well as it's easier to understand, but you can win them all.

I'm fairly sure there would have been more to it than first suggested. It's not the end of the world.

Who's the captain for this clan anyway as the fixtures need sorting. Cheers.

EDIT: Never mind, FPL is not running anymore.

Edited at 23:25 Tue 02/02/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:33 Tue 2 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Crazy Eights 12 vs 18 X Factor

golden_shot vs (Player registrated at x factor at time of fixtures only)
agrovasion vs upforit
turkish_dan vs greyhound
onevisit 4 vs 11 potlimit
DEFAULT vs steve986
midgett vs shady_009
killer_no1 8 vs 7 coolerking
_panda_ vs greenie1983

Warriors 20 vs 25 Crazy Eights

_pr1ncess_ vs golden_shot
kirk__1989 vs agrovasion
cubs12 vs turkish_dan
strobe 7 - 8 onevisit
buzzboxxuk vs DEFAULT
clintusmc vs midgett
unstoppable 9 - 6 killer_no1
vendetta 4 - 11 ucyforit

Edited at 23:35 Tue 02/02/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
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00:01 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
As you may already be aware, the FPL competition has come to an end.

This is due to problems with arguing clans and others who wanted to try and put their two cents on how the FPL is ran a little too aggressively.

We have not yet ruled out starting up the FPL again in due course - this will only happen if some clan tensions calm down, and I along with someone else can build a tighter competition with less public influence on the competition (we will still give some influence to members).

Please keep posted for any updates.
Deleted User
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08:06 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi all,

I thought I was to play greenie 1983.

Just a question.

I have not gone anywhere m8's.

I will be back on this evening 6pm Pacific time and again
in the morning.

Thank you, Ucy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:10 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry ucy mate yeah you have to play greenie1983. i didnt update the list there sorry. you in for Panda.!
Deleted User
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08:23 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
got beat of kirk 11-4

sorry he played immense on uk but i did beat him 3-2 on 9 ball

sorry but what a player he is
Posts: 634
08:30 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
sniff up
Posts: 493
11:26 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
dave_c said:
Please note: It is the responsibility of the captains to ensure that results involving their clans have been entered. Captains are also in charge of managing the players in the forum usergroups.

dave_c said:
You can enter a result for a game involving any member of your clan. However, to do so:
- ...
- you must be a member of the usergroup on the forum that corresponds to your clan.

I have had messages from several players in different clans that have been unable to enter results. The reason is shown in the second quote above.

Players: Contact your captain or group leader (shown below) if you need to be added to the forum group. Remember, this needs to be done to allow you to enter results for your clan.

Captains: This is a reminder that results MUST be entered into the system in order to count.

Any questions, problems, etc, send me a message.

Crazy Eights
Results entered: 6
Forum group members: 0
Forum group leader(s): (none)
Posts: 8,149
15:13 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
News Update

Set 1 deadline: Sunday 7th February 2010 (23:59pm UK time)

Set 2 Start: Sunday 7th February 2010 (20:00pm UK time)

Please can captains send their set 2 list to pot_the_lot by Friday 5th February 2010. Failure to do so will result in a random pick by league host.

The league cup will start on Saturday 27th February 2010

Posts: 1,634
23:27 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hay fellas i would sure like an opprotunity to play on this team i see lots of great players and would be honored to come aboard if youll have me??
Deleted User
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23:33 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys, can you let viking join, He is really good and can beat me quite easily. And he playes well.
Posts: 1,634
23:50 Wed 3 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i wouldnt go that far but thanks king all i can say is i will give it my all and hopefully we have a fun and highly successful team !!!
Deleted User
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09:16 Thu 4 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
viking give me a pm when your on would like to play you 1st
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Crazy Eights

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