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15:13 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
but its true. u step down as captain then pull us out. we were still thru so what did the default matter?
15:15 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
we werent through
thats the point
the defaults kirk done were voided by flumpy coz he didnt agree with them
thats why i pulled the clan - flumpy over ruled kirks default scores
thats the point
the defaults kirk done were voided by flumpy coz he didnt agree with them
thats why i pulled the clan - flumpy over ruled kirks default scores
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15:30 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
Ok i think by reading your posts you have got confused, the defaults were indeed made by me last night, however being newly introduced with no backup i done the best i could not knowing exactly the rules, and unfortunatly i was wrong and admit that.
I was supposed to speak with both captains and i did not do this and listen to both clans. Therefore one of the matches had to be looked at again but flumpy agreed with the psyco match i did.
The default was never given against you however i was awaiting print screens to hopefully resolve it properly and merv pulled out. So really you never lost it was never decided.
I was supposed to speak with both captains and i did not do this and listen to both clans. Therefore one of the matches had to be looked at again but flumpy agreed with the psyco match i did.
The default was never given against you however i was awaiting print screens to hopefully resolve it properly and merv pulled out. So really you never lost it was never decided.
16:12 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
OK Guys
Enough has been said on this matter - we can now put it to bed please
All those selected for the ringbearers, your pic is now available on that thread
I will be looking to arrange a friendly with one of the new teams joining the league within the next few days
Enough has been said on this matter - we can now put it to bed please
All those selected for the ringbearers, your pic is now available on that thread
I will be looking to arrange a friendly with one of the new teams joining the league within the next few days
Deleted User
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16:13 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
actually merv i need to test my players atm as some might not be as active if thats ok?
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18:29 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
fellowship vs sharpshooters
gladul vs doubted
9us 3-2
8us 2-3
8uk 3-2
overall 8-7 for me! Ggs mate,you was close...maybe next time!
gladul vs doubted
9us 3-2
8us 2-3
8uk 3-2
overall 8-7 for me! Ggs mate,you was close...maybe next time!
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18:34 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
will be a problem 2 meet revinax...hes from US!(lol,sry,i dont know that is another match 2 me)
19:07 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
Please watch language on thread and please refrain from using text speak.
Deleted User
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20:18 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
what language mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont speak english very well,but... my little friend...tell me what is your problem?!? I said that is hard 2 play with a guy who sleep when im awake and probably is awake when im sleeping! ... and i dont know if are still matches to play 4 me because im afraid that i dont finished them until the deadlines! thanks too
Edited at 02:45 Wed 16/12/09 (GMT)
horse10000 said:
Please watch language on thread and please refrain from using text speak.
Edited at 02:45 Wed 16/12/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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20:33 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)
my 8th 8us tourney...with no glory because dublindude was logout in final...but a marathon is a marathon and im 1st after the finish line! OMG is 4:30 AM ...I need to rest 1 hour,lol. Good morning fellows !
Deleted User
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00:30 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)
what language mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont speak english very well,but... my little friend...tell me what is your problem?!? I said that is hard 2 play with a guy who sleep when im awake and probably is awake when im sleeping! ... and i dont know if are still matches to play 4 me because im afraid that i dont finished them until the deadlines! thanks too
Edited at 02:45 Wed 16/12/09 (GMT)
well we all have to make sacrifices!
gladul said:
horse10000 said:
Please watch language on thread and please refrain from using text speak.
Edited at 02:45 Wed 16/12/09 (GMT)
well we all have to make sacrifices!
Deleted User
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00:49 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)
gladul, many moderators say "watch the language" when we mean to say "watch the swearing".
I can only presume that the_foxes may have sworn in his post that was removed (only a presumption, I may be wrong as I havent seen it.)
We understand that not everyone here has perfect English skills as we have a diverse mix of members - but he wasnt talking to you
I can only presume that the_foxes may have sworn in his post that was removed (only a presumption, I may be wrong as I havent seen it.)
We understand that not everyone here has perfect English skills as we have a diverse mix of members - but he wasnt talking to you
Deleted User
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01:04 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)
Yes, but he failed to follow the correct procedure
as the correct procedure was not followed
thats all well and good and a good suggestion.
I spoke with zante last night (Aussie time) and we cleared the air a bit. I will say for the 7th time that I, and kirk asked for print screens to show that stryker006 was at fault, these were never offered before, during or after what has happened.
Everyone has a part to blame here, some more than others....zante and myself for not communication with each other as much as we should, the players for not letting us know of any difficulties (not from the fellowship that I am aware of). Kirk for not following the correct procedure. Merv for pulling out without speaking to zante. Also zante, myself, fox and stryker for not posting on the opposing forum.
However I think on the same token a few of us did all we could - I messaged my whole clan looking for a volenteer to sub in and no one responded. Stryker tells me that he checked everytime he was online for his opponent, I am sure that fox did the same thing....
In the end, the result was a disaster, and it spoilt a very good week with a very close result.
One thing I stressed to Zante when we spoke was that while all of this is now history, the FPL is now striving to take steps so this will not happen again.
There is a new default system coming in so every default is treated fairly and equally no matter who is looking at the default. We are also changing a couple of rules (some inspried by Merv) to spice things up a bit.
Mistakes were made, no doubting that - but its one that everyone regrets. Do you think that myself or Blackout are happy we won like this? Of course we arn't, we would rather do it without having to dispute things that were not done properly.
During the whole process, I only acted as captain of my clan and did not try and pursuade kirk into favoring myself because of my position.
But thats enough from me...I wanted to answer a few myths about the whole thing.
I hope the ringbearers will be a strong FPL team next season
gandalf said:
the situation is simple
1 league host made a decision (the right one)
1 league host made a decision (the right one)
Yes, but he failed to follow the correct procedure
gandalf said:
the other one didnt agree with it so it was withdrawn
as the correct procedure was not followed
gandalf said:
not a league i want to be a part of or my clan
if you want to compete in the FPL, you can with another clan
if you want to compete in the FPL, you can with another clan
thats all well and good and a good suggestion.
I spoke with zante last night (Aussie time) and we cleared the air a bit. I will say for the 7th time that I, and kirk asked for print screens to show that stryker006 was at fault, these were never offered before, during or after what has happened.
Everyone has a part to blame here, some more than others....zante and myself for not communication with each other as much as we should, the players for not letting us know of any difficulties (not from the fellowship that I am aware of). Kirk for not following the correct procedure. Merv for pulling out without speaking to zante. Also zante, myself, fox and stryker for not posting on the opposing forum.
However I think on the same token a few of us did all we could - I messaged my whole clan looking for a volenteer to sub in and no one responded. Stryker tells me that he checked everytime he was online for his opponent, I am sure that fox did the same thing....
In the end, the result was a disaster, and it spoilt a very good week with a very close result.
One thing I stressed to Zante when we spoke was that while all of this is now history, the FPL is now striving to take steps so this will not happen again.
There is a new default system coming in so every default is treated fairly and equally no matter who is looking at the default. We are also changing a couple of rules (some inspried by Merv) to spice things up a bit.
Mistakes were made, no doubting that - but its one that everyone regrets. Do you think that myself or Blackout are happy we won like this? Of course we arn't, we would rather do it without having to dispute things that were not done properly.
During the whole process, I only acted as captain of my clan and did not try and pursuade kirk into favoring myself because of my position.
But thats enough from me...I wanted to answer a few myths about the whole thing.
I hope the ringbearers will be a strong FPL team next season
Deleted User
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01:05 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)
wow...sorry for the long post - but thats all I have to say
Deleted User
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01:10 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)
Mistakes were made, no doubting that - but its one that everyone regrets. Do you think that myself or Blackout are happy we won like this? Of course we arn't, we would rather do it without having to dispute things that were not done properly.
i didnt really want to win in that manner but i wish the fellowship ringbeares good luck for next season!
i didnt really want to win in that manner but i wish the fellowship ringbeares good luck for next season!
04:21 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)
8.1 A match that has not been fully finished by the deadline is an in completed game
dont understand how this rule was broken, or how it could really be broken
8.2 After this occurs, the following process will happen:
League organiser will contact captain and vice captain informing them of in completed game
A question of fault will be asked, asking the captain whose ?fault? it was for the in completed game
I think this rule is wrong anyway, it should be up to the captain to tell the league-runner not the league-runner to ask the captain.
I told kirk not him asking me, so it seems we're being punished for being helpful
speaking about breaking rules:
8.4 Captains Disagree
Each captain will be asked to provide evidence that the other player is at fault
Having seen any evidence foxes was at fault and also the matches were given an extended deadline which isn't part of protocol so technically speaking, kirk broke rules (not messaging flumpy) flumpy broke the rules (extending the deadline -rule 3.0 states no rule changes) but not us
master_p00l said:
well gandalf has said your gone out of FPL !
and there is a post be our captain saying he wanted it seen fairly who ever was the doing the defaults didnt ask for blackouts view which is breaking (Rule 8.1, 8.2) plus there is no fellowship so we cant argue but i would like see fellowship back in the FPL for nxt season pull together guys! and i wish you all a nice christmas!!
and there is a post be our captain saying he wanted it seen fairly who ever was the doing the defaults didnt ask for blackouts view which is breaking (Rule 8.1, 8.2) plus there is no fellowship so we cant argue but i would like see fellowship back in the FPL for nxt season pull together guys! and i wish you all a nice christmas!!
8.1 A match that has not been fully finished by the deadline is an in completed game
dont understand how this rule was broken, or how it could really be broken
8.2 After this occurs, the following process will happen:
League organiser will contact captain and vice captain informing them of in completed game
A question of fault will be asked, asking the captain whose ?fault? it was for the in completed game
I think this rule is wrong anyway, it should be up to the captain to tell the league-runner not the league-runner to ask the captain.
I told kirk not him asking me, so it seems we're being punished for being helpful
speaking about breaking rules:
8.4 Captains Disagree
Each captain will be asked to provide evidence that the other player is at fault
Having seen any evidence foxes was at fault and also the matches were given an extended deadline which isn't part of protocol so technically speaking, kirk broke rules (not messaging flumpy) flumpy broke the rules (extending the deadline -rule 3.0 states no rule changes) but not us
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