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Potting 2 ball rule in straight.

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Deleted User
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12:22 Mon 26 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
This potting 2 ball rule in straight has really got me racked off lateley, as i was about too win a game and pot 2 balls then they go and win. I dont think this rule should be here.

What are other people's thoughts?
Deleted User
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12:26 Mon 26 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah i dont like this rule aswell isnt there a way that it could be changed?
Deleted User
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12:29 Mon 26 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
oh i dnt agree either the most ridiculous rule ive everheard of it spoils straight! like when your on a gd run and you pot 2 you shud just get 2 points of someate like that plz plz plz change it
Deleted User
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12:37 Mon 26 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
aflumpire's post from Straight - more than one ball potted said:
it has been said many times.

also as they advise do a forum search before making a new thread
Deleted User
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12:48 Mon 26 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh sorry, i forgot too search first
Posts: 31,220
Deleted User
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14:24 Mon 26 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
its funny cos u guys say u hate the rule but ir works both ways i mean what about wen ur opponent does it :P
Posts: 31,220
14:48 Mon 26 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Exactly... It's unlucky for the opponent when he/she does it but you don't mind tbh! The rule exists to stop fluky (sp?) players smashing balls everywhere (especially off the re-rack) and to encourage skillful shots. A lot of people would be happy with a change in the rules, but that would necessitate the introduction of nominating ball and pocket.
Posts: 455
15:53 Mon 26 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
its all about skill! dont pot 2 your be okay. if u pot 2 then its your own problem. keep it how it is.
Deleted User
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17:46 Mon 26 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
this is the thing with straight it takes skill and sometimes a little luck or in my case loadsa luck
Deleted User
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04:26 Wed 28 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
It generally happens at a re-rack when you pot one smash into the rack and pot's a skilled shot and you're punished...
Deleted User
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06:49 Wed 28 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree with red there, on my run of 57 it was halted by that exact thing, so its not me going for a fluke shot, its potting and developing the other balls.

As for the rule it does suck but if it wasnt there i think it would be a lot easier for people to smash and clear with no worries, making for a less interesting game. So yeah i hate it but i think it maybe should be done on a trial basis and see how it goes one something.
Posts: 13,570
07:03 Wed 28 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
totally agree.....would be far too easy if 2 ball rule wasn't in place
Deleted User
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07:21 Wed 28 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
kirk__1989 said:
my run of 57

nice one!
Deleted User
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07:59 Wed 28 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
ul_son said:
kirk__1989 said:
my run of 57

nice one!

Thanks mate, just thought id throw it in
Deleted User
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09:26 Wed 28 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
maybe the server cant keep up if you pot 2 balls an they were to count as 2 points?
Posts: 9,456
09:59 Wed 28 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
silenthill said:
maybe the server cant keep up if you pot 2 balls an they were to count as 2 points?

Nope not the case here mate think about that over on snooker If you pot two reds its two points
Posts: 31,220
13:59 Wed 28 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snooker doesn't have a rule about calling pockets; you can fluke all day long and you'll still get the points. Straight pool, however, has such a rule, which FP cannot handle yet, so the 2-ball rule exists as a compromise.
Posts: 10
04:57 Fri 30 Oct 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know it won't be changed. I have just lost the umpteenth game because of this rule. Following a good bout of safety - an opening presented for a pot and entry into the pack.

Yep - an excellent pot followed by two other balls dropping. Lost game - punished again for skillfu, positive play - not hit and hope.

Ruining the gamr for me.

Also noticed that the cue ball drops way too easily, in my humble opinion.
Deleted User
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15:31 Mon 9 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
that rule should say it about a bit off skill getting on your next ball not crash bang whollop all the time
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Potting 2 ball rule in straight.

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