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21:05 Tue 30 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
jgo3000 said:
bloodhound said:
nurse said:
jgo3000 said:
Jesus, so we have lost our captain again, Niall, g, dame and jimmy, who's next? Well whoever it is, the set of fixtures up are my last games for this clan, I'm sure this clan is cursed! Had some good times and met some good people, thanks FBI! And I really mean it when I say I hope you guys keep FBI going and keep it the great team it has been!

Jgo is awesome!!

Deffinitley agree!, I just wanna say both you and revinax are class players man, not just in games too, I don't mean to detract from any other current members of the clan with sayin that but jgo, you and revinax were there when the clan first started out, and just wanted to say really appreciate you guys takin a leap of faith into a new clan, I truly hope that if I'm ever in another clan you guys'll be there too (hope youd have better clan mate than me though hahaha) well just felt like sayin that, stay groovy

Mate, one game sticks in my head with you, not mentioning who it was against but you were the last player in the team to play your game, we needed 5 games to win the match. It was against one of the very best players on here and you held it together so, so well, you showed more heart in that game than I've ever seen on this game, and if your in the next clan I'm in I would be chuffed! *staying groovy with you bud!

i remember that to
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:10 Tue 30 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i have enjoyed every minute ive played for fbi and ive made some the best friends i could ask for! this is my official bye bye for now hope one day we all could be re-united and be the awesome FBI we were. i like to thank you all involved and hope someone keeps it going seems a part of me is FBI and it will never fade away thanks all i have played with but its time for me too move on......

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:58 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I see and I hope your regrets are sincere ... on the other hand know that Zante has not the moral right to stick to discussion of another clan, after he demolished one.Maybe indeed there is a connection between you after so long together ... but put yourself in my place, after the failed experience with crazzypotters where 9ball_champ7 (ex robbean) called me and then disappeared, now the story is repeated.I dropped warriors for you and I found myself alone again,lol...somebody said fbi was cursed( I think I am)...I'm still here if a miracle will come.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:40 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
way to interrupt their love-fest gladul haha

Edited at 09:42 Wed 31/03/10 (BST)
Deleted User
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10:28 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
master_p00l said:
i have enjoyed every minute ive played for fbi and ive made some the best friends i could ask for! this is my official bye bye for now hope one day we all could be re-united and be the awesome FBI we were. i like to thank you all involved and hope someone keeps it going seems a part of me is FBI and it will never fade away thanks all i have played with but its time for me too move on......

captain bring down
Posts: 19,967
10:37 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
gladul said:
on the other hand know that Zante has not the moral right to stick to discussion of another clan, after he demolished one

Not for the first time am i telling you this,
It wasnt my fault
It wasnt Mervs fault
It wasnt Emilys fault
It was none of us at fault

I helped you into a clan and you've jumped ship, now you've got to follow your decision
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:09 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
FBI (46) vs (29) Sharpshooters

master_p00l (14) vs (1) warney12
pool_pig (6) vs (9) mr_pink_eyes
ghoulish (11) vs (4) blueberry
jgo3000 vs j_a_m_e_s_
revinax vs straightline

hairwascurly (6) vs (9) metterzrocks
blufadoodle vs deejay
jimmy_1878 (9) vs (6) no1_stokie

FBI 28 - 47 MVP

jgo3000 5-10 mich
ghoulish 6-9 horse10000
_egotistical 8-7 poolviper
pool_pig 6-9 phased
master_p00l 3-12 onua0767
revinax v _robdut_
hairwascurly v nickh87
jimmy_1878 v cool_dude

we need get these games done cmon guys!

Edited at 17:42 Wed 31/03/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:18 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
revinax v _robdut_

is now

bloodhound vs _robdut_
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:29 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i will see if i can find a few players to keep this clan going

so will need players from this clan currently that would like carry on.
Posts: 7
13:46 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
does g.shots still come on
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:18 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
She has deactivated m8.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:38 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
The people recruiting for this clan left it. What are you trying to prove?

If you're going just go. Nobody's interested in your make believe loyalty squirming.

Patronising recruitment ads do more damage than you already did. Go away.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:40 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
blufadoodle said:
The people recruiting for this clan left it. What are you trying to prove?

If you're going just go. Nobody's interested in your make believe loyalty squirming.

Patronising recruitment ads do more damage than you already did. Go away.

i agree mate if there was loyalty they would stay..hope you continue but more chance of arsenal going through in barca
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:14 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
red4ever said:
blufadoodle said:
The people recruiting for this clan left it. What are you trying to prove?

If you're going just go. Nobody's interested in your make believe loyalty squirming.

Patronising recruitment ads do more damage than you already did. Go away.

i agree mate if there was loyalty they would stay..hope you continue but more chance of arsenal going through in barca

well it ended 2.2 i was here day one with fbi it used be a family but people left im trying to keep this clan going if you want to knock it dont play thats simple there is potential in this squad will find you suitable players and a cappo
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:23 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well thanks for that. And your telling us ' if you want to knock it don't play thats simple.'

Are you staying. Eh, no? Then what the hell does it have to do with you? You showed your loyalty..........and your gone. Thanks.

Why do we want the opposition (thats you hero) deciding who plays for us. If you had any (pool)balls you'd still be here.

Edited at 23:26 Wed 31/03/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:26 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
blufadoodle said:
Well thanks for that. And your telling us ' if you want to knock it don't play thats simple.'

Are you staying. Eh, no? Then what the hell does it have to do with you? You showed your loyalty..........and your gone. Thanks.

Why do we want the opposition (thats you hero) deciding who plays for us. If you had any (pool)balls you'd still be here.

i just want see this clan still go. i left to join my mates i wont be your captain none of you have the (pool) balls take up captaincy it isnt hard i would assist the captain and show him the ropes
Posts: 1,274
18:31 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Blu i don't see a FBI pic on your profile you have left so if it has nothing to do with master then what has it got to do with you exactly?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:38 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Do we all have to have a pic, so we can stand in line like you?

Crazy 8's ??? Have you got the wrong thread, or did you want to join?

If you want to join you need to see gladul. Otherwise, maybe you need to get a life. Sorry, better pic.

Edited at 23:41 Wed 31/03/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:43 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
blufadoodle said:
Do we all have to have a pic, so we can stand in line like you?

Crazy 8's ??? Have you got the wrong thread, or did you want to join?

If you want to join you need to see gladul. Otherwise, maybe you need to get a life. Sorry, better pic.

Edited at 23:41 Wed 31/03/10 (BST)

stop arguing guys im trying tonhelp the clan you either want to be part or not ?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:59 Wed 31 Mar 10 (BST)  [Link]  
if you need help let me know if not will watch it go under....
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