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10:37 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
pot_the_lot said:
master_p00l said:
ive never looked at it except when i post results!
it is a bit diffrent but im afraid if marc dont play the whole clan wont im sorry put it that way!

Well that would be a tad silly hes one player out of 12

we are a team and a family
Deleted User
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10:40 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
kirk__1989 said:
Aint it that he should be banned for a few games and given another chance im sure that was the rules although could have changed now?

8.4 League exclusion for multiple defaults
Any player getting two defaults against them (and receiving fewer points than the opponent each time) may be excluded from the league at the league hosts' discretion.

League hosts discretion usualy we remove for remainder of season but as were at end we have agreed a season removal from clans im afraid everyone gets treated the same when 2 defaults against
Deleted User
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10:44 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
so i think FBI may not be in next year!
Deleted User
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10:47 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
stupid rule tbh - every other season _marc_ has played in, he has most of the time played all of his games.

if he was still playing for nutters i bet he wouldnt be banned
Posts: 7,324
10:48 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I wasn't gonna go there with the nutters thing jayy, but I'm so glad you did
Posts: 8,539
10:49 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
__jayy__ said:
stupid rule tbh - every other season _marc_ has played in, he has most of the time played all of his games.

if he was still playing for nutters i bet he wouldnt be banned

someone goin to get banned from next season
Deleted User
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10:50 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
well does marc get come back its the season to be jolly!
Deleted User
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10:51 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
for what, saying the truth - i was going to be joining FBI next season and if they fold because marc has been unfairly banned for not playing 2 games then looks like im clanless
Deleted User
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10:54 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
__jayy__ said:
stupid rule tbh - every other season _marc_ has played in, he has most of the time played all of his games.

if he was still playing for nutters i bet he wouldnt be banned

He would jayy dont start that rule applys to players no matter what clan there in

blink182rip said:
__jayy__ said:
stupid rule tbh - every other season _marc_ has played in, he has most of the time played all of his games.

if he was still playing for nutters i bet he wouldnt be banned

someone goin to get banned from next season

Says you

Jayy hes not been banned just excluded for a season there is a difference

Enough said on the matter
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:55 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
so this season hasnt ended so he should be avalable for next!
Deleted User
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10:55 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 8,539
10:56 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
pot_the_lot said:
__jayy__ said:
stupid rule tbh - every other season _marc_ has played in, he has most of the time played all of his games.

if he was still playing for nutters i bet he wouldnt be banned

He would jayy dont start that rule applys to players no matter what clan there in

blink182rip said:
__jayy__ said:
stupid rule tbh - every other season _marc_ has played in, he has most of the time played all of his games.

if he was still playing for nutters i bet he wouldnt be banned

someone goin to get banned from next season

Says you

Jayy hes not been banned just excluded for a season there is a difference

Enough said on the matter

go for it then thats 2 very reliable clans you have lost
Posts: 7,324
10:56 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Bring back mmt
Deleted User
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10:57 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
_niall_ said:
Bring back mmt

lol love that guy! MMT
Posts: 8,539
10:58 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
master_p00l said:
_niall_ said:
Bring back mmt

lol love that guy! MMT

me 2 even tho hes a forest fan
Deleted User
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10:58 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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11:04 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hmm ok then potty sorry bout that must have got mixed up somewhere but you could introduce it, for example give marc like a 2 game ban or something to start with then if it progresses a season ban, that way its doing the best to keep peace?
Deleted User
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11:07 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
surely it should be just defaults that are given anyway in the league - one was in the cup and one was in the league - with the cup you only have a week to play whereas in the league you have two weeks which makes it easier to play your game
Deleted User
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11:11 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
__jayy__ said:
surely it should be just defaults that are given anyway in the league - one was in the cup and one was in the league - with the cup you only have a week to play whereas in the league you have two weeks which makes it easier to play your game

Nope its all defaults

Niall has already admitted hes at fault for not telling marc till weds
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:13 Mon 21 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
pot_the_lot said:
__jayy__ said:
surely it should be just defaults that are given anyway in the league - one was in the cup and one was in the league - with the cup you only have a week to play whereas in the league you have two weeks which makes it easier to play your game

Nope its all defaults

Niall has already admitted hes at fault for not telling marc till weds

Is that then fair on marc though by banning him?
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