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09:10 Sun 9 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh yeah that's another thing I'd like to moan about.

No party chat for most game types, I understand why, but boosters will just use the Private Chat to talk to one another anyway...

Sometimes I want to play some domination, but my mates are playing Borderlands or something, and I can't stay in party chat.

Taking party chat out of it assume that all of the people you'd like to talk to are also playing MW2.. which they aren't.

Rant over
Deleted User
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12:29 Sun 9 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
We've sent our PS3 to be fixed, so we're not currently able to play the new map pack. But I'm excited to see them anyway.
Deleted User
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15:41 Sun 9 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i think my friend set a new record

his team lost 200-0 in domination i mean how is that even possible??????

also i was playing a game and a nuke was called in and noone had more then 16 kills????? hack or luckiest care package ever you decide

5th prestige badge is the best
Posts: 2,106
11:19 Mon 10 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I play this on PC, are all players mixed in the game? (xbox, ps3 & PC players together) or do I just get PC gamers when I play?
Deleted User
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11:54 Mon 10 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
You just get PC gamers.

There's no multi-platform gaming yet, across the main consoles that I know of anyway.

Possibly something for the future.

I suppose it keeps everyone on a level playing field (Or battlefield as the case my be)
Deleted User
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14:12 Mon 10 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
shadowrun was a sort of multi-platform game, however it only connected PC ( although it had to be very high spec) and 360 users together, it's the only game to date to do so though and that was in 07-08.

Don't think we'll see it anythime soon because all of the major manufacturers (sony, Microsoft and nintendo) all need to agree a contact and with them being such huge rivals, it's unlikely they will do so, I'd love to see it however.
Deleted User
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14:15 Mon 10 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I wouldn't like to see it myself, I don't see the point if it was only for selected games and if it was for all games then you might as well just make one master-console that plays everything...

Plus, the PS3 pad is better for some things, xbox pad better for others, and PC controls better for others, certain advantages or disadvantages could be a problem.
Posts: 2,106
15:33 Mon 10 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  

Thought that was the case but thought it might of been done by now, will have to wait & see if it can be done on future games
Deleted User
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16:24 Mon 10 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
007jb1 said:
i think my friend set a new record

his team lost 200-0 in domination i mean how is that even possible??????

also i was playing a game and a nuke was called in and noone had more then 16 kills????? hack or luckiest care package ever you decide

5th prestige badge is the best

You can't get a nuke in a care package
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:03 Mon 10 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
There was a hack on xbox a while ago that if you had it applied you would 100% get a nuke from a care package, it's on youtube somewhere.
Deleted User
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17:54 Mon 10 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
aww i shoulda thrown my cp then
Deleted User
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06:28 Fri 14 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
New map pack out early June.

Don't think I'll get it, getting bored of the game now.

Resurgence pack I think it's called.
Posts: 5,223
04:58 Sat 15 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i doubt many people will buy it if its 1200 again
Deleted User
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08:37 Sat 15 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I'ma see if I can get hold of a free code like I did for the Stimulus maps, I have my sources
Posts: 5,223
08:38 Sat 15 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
:O thats not fair :(
Posts: 2,106
10:18 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Mate of mine was playin the other night, he's not long played the game so was only upto 30 rank and looking foward to getting to 70 to start prestiging and started a game and found himself at lvl 70 with all his weapon upgrades unlocked, he was gutted, felt he was robbed from doing it himself, looks like the server he had played on had applied a hack to his stats, bad that in my opinion.
Deleted User
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11:32 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
rogan said:
I wouldn't like to see it myself, I don't see the point if it was only for selected games and if it was for all games then you might as well just make one master-console that plays everything...

Plus, the PS3 pad is better for some things, xbox pad better for others, and PC controls better for others, certain advantages or disadvantages could be a problem.

advantages/diasadvantages were accounted for in shadowrun

Because of the lack of 'pixel-accuracy' with the Xbox 360 analog thumbstick (compared to computer movements) , the designers have included an aim-assisting technology, which basically interpolates the player's movement and causes the reticle to stay over an enemy player like a weak magnet. FASA has implemented a feature which causes the cross-hair to expand during quick movements, thus lowering the player's accuracy, making it impossible to quickly turn and maintain accuracy, reducing the potential advantage of playing with a mouse. PC players, who have a more sensitive control scheme, are able to turn significantly faster than their controller-using counterparts and would have gained an unfair advantage.

If they were to bring games out on a multi platform, I'm sure like above, they'd do their best to even everything out, obviously there'd still be subtle differences though
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:33 Sun 16 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Personally I just want to see it happen because it means I could just buy on version of fifa or UFC etc and play all of mates on different consoles, rather than paying for 2 or more versions of the same game just for different platforms
Deleted User
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07:01 Mon 17 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Here's a link to information about the new map pack coming out in June.,news-6803.html
Posts: 2,106
08:58 Mon 17 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Certainly a good way to make a quick buck for themselves.
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Call Of Duty Modern Warefare 2

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