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Posts: 2,056
16:25 Mon 18 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
AC130 is much harder to shoot down so i'd say thats the better option. The killstreak awards i have set up is Sentry Gun (5 Kills) Attack Helicopter (7 kills) Emergency Airdrop (8 kills) sometimes change it to Pavelow (9 kills) they stay around for a good while unless they get shot down and they dont half rack the kills up.
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17:29 Mon 18 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
The AC130 takes 3 rockets to shoot down, chopper gunner takes 2 and sometimes 3, so I'd still think that's the better option.
Posts: 492
01:56 Tue 19 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
cool cheers guys, just wondering do the kills you get from that reward (whilst still on same life) count towards your killstreak?

i.e. I get to 9 kills and get a harrier strike and it kills 6 people, does my killstreak then go to 15? or am I still on 9 and need to make up the rest?
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09:35 Tue 19 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
As long as you don't die it will continue your killstreak

Games like ground war or domination are (in my opinion) the best games to get high kill streaks because there's a lot of people and in domination you know where people are coming from or going to. (The capture points)

Care packages and Emergency airdrops don't continue your killstreak though

Edited at 15:38 Tue 19/01/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
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09:47 Tue 19 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
AC130 is by far the better option for game modes like domination and headquarters pro., as players tend to be in the same place.

But out of chopper gunner and AC130, overall there is little difference in what they can do for you. I'd just go for what you prefer.

Domination and headquarters pro are the best for killstreaks IMO.
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12:25 Sun 24 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I also think AC130 is the better of the 2, just cause it takes 3 rockets and can't be effected by bullets.

Just a quick question to all of u, what do u think is the best killstreak set up for an average player, personally I choose (1)Care Package or Pred missle, (2) Harrier, (3) AC130.
Deleted User
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16:43 Sun 24 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I consider myself a pretty average player and I swap between killstreaks depending on how well I'm playing.

My usual set up is Predator, Harriers and Chopper Gunner, but sometimes I change to Harriers, CG, EMP, just because I like using the EMP

If I'm feeling a bit mental I'll put the nuke on, but I don't do it much, and I've only ever managed to get one, so.
Deleted User
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16:10 Sun 31 Jan 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i am now prestige 1 rank 47
have 3 nukes
and use care packadge,preditor,emergency airdrop
and the care packadge/emergency airdrop glitch
Posts: 5,223
11:43 Mon 1 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
how do u do the glitch?
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13:12 Mon 1 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Youtube it, there's about 1,000 videos.
Posts: 8,149
17:09 Thu 4 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I finally got this game at the weekend and after playing it for a week now i really enjoy it, i love the online gaming and feel free to add me........ azz_86 (PS3)

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17:53 Thu 4 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Best game ever

I got a 26 killstreak but didnt have nuke unlocked lol.

Estate and Terminal mad fun with riot shields
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21:56 Mon 15 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
now 2nd prestige lvl 46

prestiged yesterday
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20:15 Sat 27 Feb 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is it just me that actually sees no point in using the glitches? As it is only yourself you are cheating
Deleted User
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11:05 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right now i am 8th prestige, level 53

My killstreaks vary depending on what i'm shooting for:
If i'm going for a nuke, i go 7(Harrier), 11(Chopper Gunner), 25(Nuke)...currently i'm on 31 nukes

When I'm playing Search and Destroy, i go 3,4,5.

Normally, i go 5(PM), 7, 11(AC130) I've got the chopper gunner challanged completed.

I've grown quite fond of the ACR

My usual class is Silenced ACR with M10 shotgun with grip, Scavenger Pro, Cold-Blooded Pro, and Ninja Pro

I've finally gotten into the to 5,000 in score rank, and in a group of almost 7,000,000....i think that's pretty good :)
Deleted User
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11:26 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

I'm level 33 of the first prestige! I'm using the Scar with Scavenger Pro, Cold-Blooded and Ninja. And I love using throwing knives instead of grenades.

I don't play nearly as often as I could.
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13:55 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I sold my copy as I needed some money

Got £30 for it which wasn't so bad.

Only got one xbox game at the mo and that's Borderlands, which I've just finished for the second time. (Good game BTW )

I think I might buy MW2 back, but then there's FF XIII and BFBC2 to get as well!

This is getting expensive
Deleted User
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15:40 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOVE Borderlands. Probably my favorite game at the moment.

I lose interest in MW2... once I start doing badly.
Deleted User
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16:21 Wed 10 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
tip dont get airdrop right where you are cos i was dropped on top of me and i died
Deleted User
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02:59 Thu 11 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've had that happen to me as well. It's quite embarassing
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