Talk and it turns to caps.
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12:43 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)
I came across this idea when I was talking with great grammar and people were talking rubbish grammar.
For instance:
good luck can be changed to Good luck.
See what I mean?
This will make it much tidier and better.
Your say.
For instance:
good luck can be changed to Good luck.
See what I mean?
This will make it much tidier and better.
Your say.
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13:09 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)
t0p_ca11um said:
I came across this idea when I was talking with great grammar and people were talking rubbish grammar.
13:18 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)
I fail to see how this site can benefit from this...
It's a real-time internet chat, therefore people don't pay particular attention to the way they type because it aint worth it!
"how r u" gets across the same message as "How are you?" and is a lot more simple to type.
Humans are known to find the easiest route possible, and full spelling, capital letters and punctuation gets in the way of that.
EDIT: This isn't a flaming in any way, just my opinion
It's a real-time internet chat, therefore people don't pay particular attention to the way they type because it aint worth it!
"how r u" gets across the same message as "How are you?" and is a lot more simple to type.
Humans are known to find the easiest route possible, and full spelling, capital letters and punctuation gets in the way of that.
EDIT: This isn't a flaming in any way, just my opinion
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15:24 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)
Ahh but my phone the Google G1 does this as you type it out, which in my eyes is absolutely brilliant.
However this is only with the likes of ful stops capital letters and spelling such as theyre will be turned in to they're etc.
However this is only with the likes of ful stops capital letters and spelling such as theyre will be turned in to they're etc.
15:27 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)
Most real-time spelling aids are just a plain nuisance, but it depends...
if I start a sentence with a lower case letter it is because I mean to - and having it auto-corrected every time would definitely be a royal pain in the donkey.
if I start a sentence with a lower case letter it is because I mean to - and having it auto-corrected every time would definitely be a royal pain in the donkey.
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16:50 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)
But I find that because of the internet, its the same as text messaging - its more rexlaxed online as its a social site where people come to chat or play pool, and the last things on their mind is correct grammer.
So I see where you are coming from, but because its only a social game, I dont really see the need of it.
So I see where you are coming from, but because its only a social game, I dont really see the need of it.
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18:01 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)
well that raises a good point jan lol - does it really matter if its not a capital I???
i can still see its the letter I, and as I said earlier, its a social setting, so it I feel it doesnt matter.
I agree with the no 'txt spk' rule...sometimes that can get annoying when people go; "smetimes tht cn gt annoyin whn ppl go;"
but all someone has to ask is to type it out in full if they dont understnad - but i am not phased on capitals and full stops, keep it for the classrooms.
i can still see its the letter I, and as I said earlier, its a social setting, so it I feel it doesnt matter.
I agree with the no 'txt spk' rule...sometimes that can get annoying when people go; "smetimes tht cn gt annoyin whn ppl go;"
but all someone has to ask is to type it out in full if they dont understnad - but i am not phased on capitals and full stops, keep it for the classrooms.
18:59 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)
Not one bit
aflumpire said:
well that raises a good point jan lol - does it really matter if its not a capital I???
Not one bit
19:00 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)
yOu mEaN sOmEtHinG lIkE tHiS?
spinner said:
My keyboard has a <shift> key
yOu mEaN sOmEtHinG lIkE tHiS?
20:57 Fri 18 Sept 09 (BST)
I think that if people want to type "good game" instead of "Good Game" then leave them to it. It's wen ppl start 2 typ lyk dis in a mst obscur way thts almst uninteligbl n levs u 2nd gesing wt dere on abut thts wen ppl shud b mor considder8 no1 lyks to nt no wot ppl r tlkin bout
(m8 )
21:01 Fri 18 Sept 09 (BST)
Right, I hope that last post of mine gave you all food for thought. That way I wrote must have left some of you in tears trying to work out phonemes and codas and stuff (never mind). That's the thing that needs to be avoided by people.
22:46 Fri 18 Sept 09 (BST)
Bold one make me PMSL.....oh Cloony, its DATS not thts
clooneman said:
I think that if people want to type "good game" instead of "Good Game" then leave them to it. It's wen ppl start 2 typ lyk dis in a mst obscur way thts almst uninteligbl n levs u 2nd gesing wt dere on abut thts wen ppl shud b mor considder8 no1 lyks to nt no wot ppl r tlkin bout
(m8 )
Bold one make me PMSL.....oh Cloony, its DATS not thts
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20:56 Mon 21 Sept 09 (BST)
Edited at 01:59 Tue 22/09/09 (BST)
clooneman retyped incase others don't understand said:
I think that if people want to type "good game" instead of "Good Game" then leave them to it. It's when people start to type like this in a most obscure way thats almost uninteligbl (clueless with this one) and leaves you second guessing what they are on about, thats when people should be more considerate, noone likes to not know what people are talking about.
Edited at 01:59 Tue 22/09/09 (BST)
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21:03 Mon 21 Sept 09 (BST)
The only thing "txt spk" is good for is on a mobile so you don't get charged double for being seven letters over.
22:44 Mon 21 Sept 09 (BST)
jackbauer said:
clooneman retyped incase others don't understand said:
I think that if people want to type "good game" instead of "Good Game" then leave them to it. It's when people start to type like this in a most obscure way thats almost uninteligbl (clueless with this one) and leaves you second guessing what they are on about, thats when people should be more considerate, noone likes to not know what people are talking about.
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