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Combination Shot in 8 ball

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Deleted User
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11:28 Mon 14 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I've played this in UK, but its only if you pot your colour and the other colour at the same time, its not allowed on the black. But a rule is that your colour has to go in before the other colour, which is too complicated for here, theres nothing wrong with these rules anyway.
Deleted User
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13:20 Mon 14 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i just want to correct berbetov. I play these rules for a pool team and these rules are used throughout europe too. it does nt matter which ball goes in first its still a legal shot. a combination can also be played on the black.

No one seems to like the idea so this is the last im commenting on the topic thanks for the feed back all
Deleted User
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14:13 Mon 14 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i like the idea being put into 8ball uk... the actual name for this shot is the "sKill Shot"
Deleted User
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09:43 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Just to try and set the record straight I think some people are getting confused and taking the rule to the extremes; I play for Cheshire county blackball team and they do incorporate the combination (skill) shot from BAPTO rules, they are in effect as follows "providing your object ball is potted in said visit (no particular order) then any other object ball can be potted in the said visit, providing a player is on their last coloured ball they can play a combination shot (skill shot) to force the black down in the same visit". Please visit this link for a guide to this rule.

(Please pay specific attention to visual guide 3 and 9)
In my opinion rule does speed up the game when pockets are covered however I am happy to learn any rules and play them to my advantage as I feel all players should strive to do.
Deleted User
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10:12 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't really like this idea. I think it takes away being good defensively and tactically. I think it's fine as it is.
Posts: 5,373
10:52 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
yoda said:
I don't really like this idea. I think it takes away being good defensively and tactically. I think it's fine as it is.

I agree 100%.

Blocking pockets is a valid and interesting tactic in 8 ball... Just like the different approaches of coping with it are.
Posts: 1,330
11:24 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
people are mis-understanding what the subject is here.....

(my posts anyway)


2 balls left on the table (8us)

1 is over the pocket and one is touching it.

there is no way to finish the game without handing your opponent the game (either by hitting your ball and potting the black - foul, or the person on the black hits your ball and pockets the black - foul)

i dont care how much "skill" you have you will not get any other outcome than a foul

players then just keep deliberately missing foul after foul after foul

game goes on for hours

why not re-rack like the real rules

combo shots throughout the frame i dont agree with - but not giving both players the opportunity of a re-rack when the can be no "fair" winner just doesnt make sense

it is a re-rack in every pool game i know.

why not the same here

Edited at 16:27 Tue 15/09/09 (BST)

Edited at 16:28 Tue 15/09/09 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
11:58 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Like I already told you Merv, I do agree with the re-rack (by mutual consent) suggestion.

The original topic of this thread is something completely different tho, and just an attempt of getting around and/or removing a significant tactical aspect of the game.
Posts: 1,330
12:09 Tue 15 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
Like I already told you Merv, I do agree with the re-rack (by mutual consent) suggestion.

The original topic of this thread is something completely different tho, and just an attempt of getting around and/or removing a significant tactical aspect of the game.

i know mate - but didnt want to create another thread
Posts: 33
15:01 Fri 2 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Silly idea
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Combination Shot in 8 ball

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