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11:50 Sat 20 Mar 10 (GMT)
they said a simple NO jay not the biggest in the world! lol
nufc_4_life said:

they said a simple NO jay not the biggest in the world! lol
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12:18 Sun 21 Mar 10 (GMT)
Any updates on these games? only a few hrs left and still a few games still to be played
Edited at 19:27 Sun 21/03/10 (GMT)
Edited at 19:35 Sun 21/03/10 (GMT)
antione08 said:
Top Dogs 47 - 73 MVP
nufc_4_life 6 vs 9 _robdut_
mandyford 3 vs 12 onua0767
andyw1 5 vs 10 hightops
__steven_ 6 vs 9 phased
alxima 7 vs 8 mich
gooselfc 9 vs 6 ab_rfc
funk_p0tter_ 9 vs 6 alexander
antione08 2 vs 13 nickh87
FBI 27 - 48 Top Dogs
accuracyisbk 3 vs 12 antione08
jgo3000 vs andyw1
jimmy_1878 8 vs 7 __steven_
pool_pig 4 vs 11 slimeball
_egotistical vs mandyford
master_p00l 8 vs 7 funk_p0tter_
revinax vs gooselfc
bloodhound 4 vs 11 nufc_4_life
Deadline 21st MARCH
Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Edited at 23:23 Thu 18/03/10 (GMT)
nufc_4_life 6 vs 9 _robdut_
mandyford 3 vs 12 onua0767
andyw1 5 vs 10 hightops
__steven_ 6 vs 9 phased
alxima 7 vs 8 mich
gooselfc 9 vs 6 ab_rfc
funk_p0tter_ 9 vs 6 alexander
antione08 2 vs 13 nickh87
FBI 27 - 48 Top Dogs
accuracyisbk 3 vs 12 antione08
jgo3000 vs andyw1
jimmy_1878 8 vs 7 __steven_
pool_pig 4 vs 11 slimeball
_egotistical vs mandyford
master_p00l 8 vs 7 funk_p0tter_
revinax vs gooselfc
bloodhound 4 vs 11 nufc_4_life
Deadline 21st MARCH
Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Edited at 23:23 Thu 18/03/10 (GMT)
Any updates on these games? only a few hrs left and still a few games still to be played
Edited at 19:27 Sun 21/03/10 (GMT)
Edited at 19:35 Sun 21/03/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
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13:29 Sun 21 Mar 10 (GMT)
Sharpshooters 0 0 Top Dogs
warney12 vs gooselfc
mr_pink_eyes vs andyw1
j_a_m_e_s_ vs funk_p0tter_
no1_stokie vs __steven_
straightline vs antione08
metterzrocks vs mandyford
deejay vs tinotoon
blueberry vs alxima
warney12 vs gooselfc
mr_pink_eyes vs andyw1
j_a_m_e_s_ vs funk_p0tter_
no1_stokie vs __steven_
straightline vs antione08
metterzrocks vs mandyford
deejay vs tinotoon
blueberry vs alxima
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15:02 Sun 21 Mar 10 (GMT)
Come on TD, we can beat sharpshooters, we done it before, very convincingly, so we can do it again
Good luck guys and dont forget to post the results on this forum
Good luck guys and dont forget to post the results on this forum
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19:47 Sun 21 Mar 10 (GMT)
no1_stokie said:
sharpshooters vs top dogs
no1_stokie vs __steven_
9us 4-1
8us 2-3
8uk 1-4
overall 7-8
ggs wp mate.
no1_stokie vs __steven_
9us 4-1
8us 2-3
8uk 1-4
overall 7-8
ggs wp mate.
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14:49 Mon 22 Mar 10 (GMT)
Sharpshooters 10 - 10 Top Dogs
warney12 vs gooselfc
mr_pink_eyes vs andyw1
j_a_m_e_s_ vs funk_p0tter_
no1_stokie 7 vs 8 __steven_
straightline 3 vs 2 antione08 (TBC)
metterzrocks vs mandyford
deejay vs tinotoon
blueberry vs alxima
Deadline 4th APRIL
Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Edited at 21:52 Mon 22/03/10 (GMT)
warney12 vs gooselfc
mr_pink_eyes vs andyw1
j_a_m_e_s_ vs funk_p0tter_
no1_stokie 7 vs 8 __steven_
straightline 3 vs 2 antione08 (TBC)
metterzrocks vs mandyford
deejay vs tinotoon
blueberry vs alxima
Deadline 4th APRIL
Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Edited at 21:52 Mon 22/03/10 (GMT)
Deleted User
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14:59 Mon 22 Mar 10 (GMT)
hiya guys i have left a message for tino and also noticed he has not been on in 5 days so if i do not hear from him i will post back on here to arrange a sub
many thanks
many thanks
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16:06 Mon 22 Mar 10 (GMT)
he often comes online, but ill kee an eye out for him on snooks aswel, but dont worry if he dont come online, ill sort a sub out for u to play
deejay said:
hiya guys i have left a message for tino and also noticed he has not been on in 5 days so if i do not hear from him i will post back on here to arrange a sub
many thanks
many thanks
he often comes online, but ill kee an eye out for him on snooks aswel, but dont worry if he dont come online, ill sort a sub out for u to play
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16:50 Mon 22 Mar 10 (GMT)
TD vs Sharpshooters
antione vs straightline
9US 3-2 to straightline
TBC tomorrow
antione vs straightline
9US 3-2 to straightline
TBC tomorrow
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17:00 Mon 22 Mar 10 (GMT)
Just seen this on the "Clan News" thread, so please take note
I dont want Top Dogs going under, so the friendly between each season must be taken seriously, just as serious as a league game
pot_the_lot said:
Hello all,
Due to the severe increase in defaults this season, we (League Staff) believe this may have been caused by having no selection process at the beginning of this season.
After weeks of talks, we have decided to arrange each clan a pre-season friendly.
This one friendly will be most important as it effects your clan in the selection process.
We will be looking at:
- Games being played before deadline
- Subs being made at appropriate times
- Efforts in getting games arranged/played
This will involve EVERY clan.
The method of these friendlies will be the same as league games.
After the deadline has passed all league staff will look into every player, game, and clan.
Any questions please contact the host to this selection process - joker86
Due to the severe increase in defaults this season, we (League Staff) believe this may have been caused by having no selection process at the beginning of this season.
After weeks of talks, we have decided to arrange each clan a pre-season friendly.
This one friendly will be most important as it effects your clan in the selection process.
We will be looking at:
- Games being played before deadline
- Subs being made at appropriate times
- Efforts in getting games arranged/played
This will involve EVERY clan.
The method of these friendlies will be the same as league games.
After the deadline has passed all league staff will look into every player, game, and clan.
Any questions please contact the host to this selection process - joker86
I dont want Top Dogs going under, so the friendly between each season must be taken seriously, just as serious as a league game
Deleted User
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15:31 Tue 23 Mar 10 (GMT)
dont like the sound of that lol
gooselfc said:
Ant and Jayy i have some news.
dont like the sound of that lol
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17:30 Tue 23 Mar 10 (GMT)
TD vs Sharpshooters
antione vs straightline
8US 4-1 to antione08
9US 3-2 to straightline
8UK 3-2 to antione08
Overall 9-6 to antione08
Gg's mate, wp, ul 2night though, id hit form again after a couple of weeks
Come on Top Dogs we can finish this season in great style
Edited at 22:37 Tue 23/03/10 (GMT)
antione vs straightline
8US 4-1 to antione08
9US 3-2 to straightline
8UK 3-2 to antione08
Overall 9-6 to antione08
Gg's mate, wp, ul 2night though, id hit form again after a couple of weeks
Come on Top Dogs we can finish this season in great style
Edited at 22:37 Tue 23/03/10 (GMT)
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17:31 Tue 23 Mar 10 (GMT)
antione08 said:
Sharpshooters 13 - 17 Top Dogs
warney12 vs gooselfc
mr_pink_eyes vs andyw1
j_a_m_e_s_ vs funk_p0tter_
no1_stokie 7 vs 8 __steven_
straightline 6 vs 9 antione08
metterzrocks vs mandyford
deejay vs tinotoon
blueberry vs alxima
Deadline 4th APRIL
Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
warney12 vs gooselfc
mr_pink_eyes vs andyw1
j_a_m_e_s_ vs funk_p0tter_
no1_stokie 7 vs 8 __steven_
straightline 6 vs 9 antione08
metterzrocks vs mandyford
deejay vs tinotoon
blueberry vs alxima
Deadline 4th APRIL
Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Deleted User
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08:21 Wed 24 Mar 10 (GMT)
Well done Ant, sorry didnt come to watch mate, i was swamped at mine, glad we got 2 wins tho, anyone know what is going on with the defaults not entered yet?
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10:05 Wed 24 Mar 10 (GMT)
Thanks mate, yeah we gettin off to the start we need, just got to keep it up now
N nah mate, not sure whats happening with the defaults at the moment, hopefully it'll get sorted soon
gooselfc said:
Well done Ant, sorry didnt come to watch mate, i was swamped at mine, glad we got 2 wins tho, anyone know what is going on with the defaults not entered yet?
Thanks mate, yeah we gettin off to the start we need, just got to keep it up now
N nah mate, not sure whats happening with the defaults at the moment, hopefully it'll get sorted soon
19:09 Wed 24 Mar 10 (GMT)
Sharpshooters vs Top Dogs
mr_pink_eyes vs andyw1
8ball us 2-3
9ball us 2-3
8ball uk 1-4
Overall 10-5 to andyw1
Good games mate, was a pleasure playing you again
mr_pink_eyes vs andyw1
8ball us 2-3
9ball us 2-3
8ball uk 1-4
Overall 10-5 to andyw1
Good games mate, was a pleasure playing you again
Deleted User
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13:44 Thu 25 Mar 10 (GMT)
Well done andy mate , ul pinky, gl with ur last fixture
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13:45 Thu 25 Mar 10 (GMT)
Sharpshooters 18 - 27 Top Dogs
warney12 vs gooselfc
mr_pink_eyes 5 vs 10 andyw1
j_a_m_e_s_ vs funk_p0tter_
no1_stokie 7 vs 8 __steven_
straightline 6 vs 9 antione08
metterzrocks vs mandyford
deejay vs tinotoon
blueberry vs alxima
Deadline 4th APRIL
Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
warney12 vs gooselfc
mr_pink_eyes 5 vs 10 andyw1
j_a_m_e_s_ vs funk_p0tter_
no1_stokie 7 vs 8 __steven_
straightline 6 vs 9 antione08
metterzrocks vs mandyford
deejay vs tinotoon
blueberry vs alxima
Deadline 4th APRIL
Please make sure u send a message to your opponents and arrange a time to play them. Add them to your friends list to see when they come online and remember to post the results on the Top Dogs forum:
Deleted User
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15:01 Fri 26 Mar 10 (GMT)
any updates on these last 5 games?? please post or let me know
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