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19:11 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
brutal said:
Hi Peteypro.. i will play with horse10000 this weekend..
by the way who is the captain of our clan now?

I have messaged asking for times to play through the week as i am wanting this game played before the weekend.
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19:29 Tue 15 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
If the weekend is a problem, alexander and you could swap, with me then playing you, and get it out the road fast, dunno if that suits people better. See if you can arrange a date first tho.
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02:56 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah as Obero says, have you and brutal discussed playing though the week? If there's definitly no dates you can agree on then we'll have to swap things round as emntioned above,if you'd be happy with that mate?
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12:15 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
familyguy0 said:
Look I would like to say how proud I am of you guys
When this clan fell apart and I tried to help I didn't think it would go to well
I ran down the roster of players waiting for a clan in order to find a captain and one of the first to respond was jimmy___efc
At first I didn't know if he was ready for such a role, but who was I to judge (a newbie myself when I created Gladiator)
However, Jimmy really stepped up in an enormous way
I hardly had to tell him what to do and he had a full clan
Over the time this clan has turned into a very admirable, and respectable clan with reliable players and is also to be feared among the ranks of clans

Thankyou mate, very kind words! Jimmy can't post just yet as he reset his stats but i'm sure he's very gratefull for you're comments as i'm sure the rest of the clan are too. Jimmy's done a great job in building the clan up and thanks to you too by the sounds of it for helping us out! We hope to push on and really compete against the big boys and hopefully be in both leagues at some point i'd have thought.

Thanks again buddy!
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12:17 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Although i am the only clan member who ever really seems to post on here nowadays
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12:39 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
!! Playing alexander just now so cant swap any more :(
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13:19 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Obero vs Alexander

UK 4-0
US 3-1
8ball 1-3
Straight 0-4

Had no shot in straight, should of had a good win. Sorry guys.
Deleted User
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13:23 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats not bad result at all mate so don't apologise! Thanks for getting you're games played so quickly!
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13:26 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah well, if it wasn't for straight, meuh cest la vie. He did play an awesome game of straight. I had 3 shots, first i missed long one down the cusion from crap angle, 2nd i had only a plant on and there were 14 balls on the table, and 3rd he had me tight to another ball, potted it and another ball went in...

Like i said, should of been a nice easy win, but nevermind...
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13:33 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol like the way you conveniently forgot the fact that I experienced heavy lag and router issues throughout the 8ball types.

Cost me the whole set evidently as 7-1 proves
Without internet problems I won 7-1 happy with that

ggs v wp
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13:34 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lag in no way changes how you paly the game, it lags the server in receiving data, so in actual fact, you palyed as you normally would, and lost 7-1. But wp in pullin it back. Ggs
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13:38 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I feel so childish in answering back but your ignorance & miss-guidance compels me to.

Lag is proven on this game to change the speed of the cueball played as the information sent from the mouse is not correctly recieved and transferred onto the game. This was evident on the game as on multiple occassions the critical balls were drastically under/over hit and also cost me an 8us runout.

My theory is completely backed up by the fact this did not occur after I started "responding" and went on to smashing frames home that I should of done in the first 2 sets.
Deleted User
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13:41 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
You missed the pockets mate. You didn't over or under hit, which is bad angles not lag related power...

But ggs anyway...
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13:58 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
This is the last time I will post as its getting tedious.

I think you were watching a different game as you must of forgotten the fact that I drastically underhit and overhit throughout the 8ball games.

Only one way to settle and thats to have a race to 10 in the 8ball games and see if you can beat me like that again lol

Your on
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14:02 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
8us smokin(2) adidas(3)
8uk smokin(3) adidas(2) plus 7 baller to smokin
9us smokin(0) adidas(3)
straight smokin(42) adidas(24)
smokin(1) adidas(0)
wp gg m8
Deleted User
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14:03 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
make sure that you dont have "router problems" first tho :)
Deleted User
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14:43 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well played lads, smokin that a good result against adidas pal!

Let's get the rest of these games played lads, we're only slighly behind MVP and can definitly do this, just need a big effort guys! Let us know how the game organising is going please!
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14:48 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
ITZ 17 - 22 MVP (Deadline Monday 21st Dec)

obero 8-8 alexander
smokin 7-8 adidas
bigcjl 2-6 anonymous (tbc)
deejay v killer_1
dazpolz v techno
brutal v horse10000

lets get these games played guys, chase your opponents
Posts: 9,926
14:50 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
peteypro7 said:
Yeah as Obero says, have you and brutal discussed playing though the week? If there's definitly no dates you can agree on then we'll have to swap things round as emntioned above,if you'd be happy with that mate?

I have told him times that i am available and that if they didn't suit him let me know what time he can get on and i will play then as long as it is in the evening uk times which is the times he has been on.

I can play on weekend but i prefer to get games played rather than wait to weekend as if you miss each other on the weekend the game doesn't get played and it goes to default which is pointless when there is 5 nights through the week that i can play. Without even worrying about weekend.
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14:50 Wed 16 Dec 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
smokin said:
8us smokin(2) adidas(3)
8uk smokin(3) adidas(2) plus 7 baller to smokin
9us smokin(0) adidas(3)
straight smokin(42) adidas(24)
smokin(1) adidas(0)
wp gg m8

ggs mate and thank you
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