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ladbrokes advert

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Posts: 23
14:42 Wed 5 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
ladbrokes advert is gash and lags me up 2 death anychance of some 1 helpin me remove it from my game window or turnin it off? ty
Deleted User
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14:57 Wed 5 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Game adverts have been said lots of times.
Nick can't control the adverts till there on but when he see's this he will sort it.

How is the ladbrokes advert lagging you when it does not use active X?
Posts: 23
15:04 Wed 5 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i duno mate .. but a few people iv spoke 2 on here have said the same... just like the jackpot advert
Deleted User
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15:09 Wed 5 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
That same advert is up on my game window and it's fine with it. Ladbrokes advert is run by GIF where Jackpot is run by ActiveX.

There is a few ways i can think of why your lagging, 1 facebook, 2 msn/yahoo messenger, 3 using 2 game windows (1 here and the other on snooker).
Posts: 23
15:37 Wed 5 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
well its that advert... i know that because when the forum advert comes up for the ranking ads the game is fine..
Posts: 14
15:40 Wed 5 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
What is your "Specs" for your computer

I can run the game fine with them adverts and play a high-tech game and watch a film all at once without lag

So basically it is your computer that "causes" the "lag" and not the "adverts"

This needs to be moved to Computer and Console Forum
Deleted User
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16:22 Wed 5 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
What this needs like the others after being sorted is being capped, i've never see the other "advert" threads moved from "Game Queries"
Deleted User
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16:24 Wed 5 Aug 09 (BST)  [Link]  
o2 advert, betting adverts have been queries and sorted as when a advert causes lag it breaches somethink which i can't remember the name for, and as it does that it will be removed in good time.
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ladbrokes advert

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