Straight Tournaments

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Deleted User
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20:24 Fri 24 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I think there should be a straight marathon at some point in the 24 hours.

But I think adding one more would be sufficient (one straight tournament every 6 hours? One being a marathon, or speedy, whatever), the amount of DQs in the first two or three rounds, which is often the case, might suggest they aren't the most popular of tournaments and the other three tournaments are definitely more popular and reach a wider amount of players so I think it's only right to keep them more 'common'.

By the way, sorry if anyone else has said any of this, I only read the first two posts.
Deleted User
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05:46 Sat 25 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
ukpoolking said:
theres 3 in 24 hours not fair considering its pretty much all i play theres plenty of others but i only enjoy straight

its not fair on you, because you dont like the other games.

what about person A who doesnt like straight or the others and only likes 9 ball, is it fair on him to have another straight tournament that he doesnt want to play?

what about person B who only ever plays 8 ball and never plays anything else is it fair on him because he has some of his tournaments removed because its not fair on you.

the tournament schedules are based on popularity based on the numbers entering them over a period of time, words from nick himself.

they wont be changed unless straights popularity sky rockets and people stop playing the other games entirely.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:57 Sat 25 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
rogan said:
I think there should be a straight marathon at some point in the 24 hours.

first rounds to 50, the final to 70!! (double the normal score)
Posts: 728
06:03 Sat 25 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
yeh wat i said in the first place flumpy!! lol
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Straight Tournaments

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