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23:40 Tue 20 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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23:45 Tue 20 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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23:46 Tue 20 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Care to educate a triangle on what that is?
Deleted User
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23:49 Tue 20 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Umm.. the incomplete expansion of a lung and alveoli i think.. if i remember correctly from last semester
Deleted User
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23:53 Tue 20 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Haha ok, good to see you don't forget things on a semesterly basis, how do you do it?!
Deleted User
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23:59 Tue 20 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Haha umm i think it's the fact i realise i'll need it next year and so on.. so i retain a lot of it out of necessity!.. do you forget things on a semesterly basis?
Deleted User
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00:03 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Oh right, I guess that woudl be a good incentive to remember those sorts of things! Even worse than that, I think it's actually half-semesterly...
Deleted User
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00:11 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Haha i think it would yes! does knowing you'll probably need the stuff act as an incentive for you?haha really?! that's.. funny yet terrible! although i'm sure you'll be able to wing it so no need to remember the stuff *shifty eyes*
Deleted User
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00:16 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Well seeing as I don't see how most of the stuff I do will be needed, can't say whether that is an incentive for me or not... It is so not funny, I did important stuff in the first half of the semester! ...I'm assuming I don't know, seems like my days of winging it are over!
Deleted User
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00:21 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Oh right.. well maybe you realy won't need it, if you can't see how you will!.. might not need it to be an incentive Haha! you're assuming? so you could just assume you didn't do anything important thenThey do?! no! they can't be! what'll you do without it?! :O
Deleted User
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00:29 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

But then what's the point in doing it, not much of a degree if you don't learn anything you need in it! I could yes, but then what if I've assumed wrong and it comes up in the exam?Can't hurt to assume my way at least! I'm not sure, though I've heard rumours of something called... "revision"? you wouldn't know anything about it, would you?
Deleted User
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00:40 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Haha i don't know, they think it'll help you for things you will elarn later on that will be used? just filling up the curriculum?Umm well then you hope you can remember something at least? or pull a fire alarm exam day?..No i suppose there's no problem in assuming your way!.. Oh well you don't need to do the revision! just because you have heard rumours, doesn't need to happen.. umm i would, but it would bore you, no need to know!
Deleted User
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00:49 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Oh well if they made that clear I'd have the incentive and know if it worked for me! Haha, I hope not, I'd shave years off my degree if they removed this filling! Haha thanks for that, like they won't just make us resit the exam and keep a closer eye on the fire alams! So then I'll carry on assuming liek this, thanks! Oh but it sounds perfect, reminding you of the important bits from the first half and the second, which is just what I need! But I do need to know, my degree depends on it!:O:P
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:12 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

I knwo you would! maybe you coudl ask them to make it clearer and you'll know?! i know you would! it'd be almost like a normal degree you're doing if they did! Not if you being telling people that there's smoke?! it'll be a while before you have to go in, just enough time to cram some info!Oh but all means continue assuming!.. Yeah but it stops you doing things you really want to do and takes time and effort.. it does? you mean you couldn't just do well without it?Posted Image
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:17 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Haha ok I'll try that, maybe ask how this applies to anything really... A normal degree? I couldn't possibly stoop so low, not as spectacular just failing at a single degree! Haha right, and the fact they can't see any themselves wouldn't make them at all suspicious? But if I start now I don't even need to cram! Haha yea but haven't you found it's worth the effort in the end? Can do the things you really enjoy after, right? haha somehow I doubt I could no, if it doesn't help at all why woul anyone do it?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:28 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Yes! i mean if you cna't see how it applies to anything then it probably doesn't! see if they have an answerYes a normal one! why not? what's wrong with one that it would be stooping?! :O.. no but with a single degree you have less chance of failingNo, well not if you scream it out in a way they think you're terrified! they'll jsut want to run!.. that's true, but are you going to start now?.. Umm i suppose it is worth the effort in the end yes.. that's true too, but it's still time you've lost doing things in replacement for revision!Posted ImageUmm they think it helps? haven't realised that it's all down to luck?!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:36 Wed 21 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  

Ooh that's true, what with my knowledge of the sort of things I have ahead in the degree(!) But what if they don't have an answer? An entire semester wasted, would've been better asked at the start! I don't know really, it wouldn't be stooping, more knowing what I actually want to do with myself... Haha right, even though I'd be doing the same amount of work per year? Not one person would be level-headed enough to check? Just takes one and my entire plan is ruined! ...Plus that would mean acting, you really think I could scream that believably? I'm hoping to, that was the plan for this 4 hours until you provided a much more enjoyable diversion Well then! I know but it's better than losing more time having to retake a subject or sit 2 supps in the middle of your holiday... Posted Image Oh right, but then if revision doesn't help and my luck's obviously running out... what do I do?! :O:P
Deleted User
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02:04 Thu 22 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  
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02:10 Thu 22 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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02:18 Thu 22 Oct 09 (BST)  [Link]  
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