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23:01 Thu 5 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
janmb said:
No one is fussed flumpy, I'm merely pointing out that the intended reminder failed completely as no one apparently was able to see the purpose of the post.

A simple comment "Less text speech please" accompanying that link would done nicely - nothing more to it.

i have tried that jan on a couple of clan threads and by messages, posting the link was last resort
Posts: 5,373
09:32 Fri 6 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
adidas said:
i have tried that jan on a couple of clan threads and by messages, posting the link was last resort

Yeah I agree on posting the link, just need to add some more info on why
Posts: 292
22:59 Fri 6 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Whats happening since i been gone any spaces if not then get rid of someone lol...

mich i heard your captain update me if you can, nice one
Deleted User
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02:46 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
janmb said:
No one is fussed flumpy, I'm merely pointing out that the intended reminder failed completely as no one apparently was able to see the purpose of the post.

A simple comment "Less text speech please" accompanying that link would done nicely - nothing more to it.

That being just yourself? I'm sure you would have been able to work it out
Deleted User
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02:47 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
janmb said:
adidas said:
i have tried that jan on a couple of clan threads and by messages, posting the link was last resort

Yeah I agree on posting the link, just need to add some more info on why

however i agree with this
Posts: 5,373
04:13 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
hightops said:
That being just yourself? I'm sure you would have been able to work it out

In fact no, I wouldn't, and I refuse to believe anyone else would too.

The point here was that Kev intended the message to be "less text speech please". I claim that no one that isn't a mind reader or otherwise magically inclined could possibly translate a rule link into that message.

This was never an argument until people start making it one topsy. I was being helpful by letting Kev know his message did not get, and couldn't possibly have gotten across in its current format - no more and no less.
Deleted User
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04:34 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hence why i agreed with you that it did need slight clarification but not for myself, i checked out the link and assumed that was why it was there as 'txt spch' is the only thing in nicks post relevant to the rest of the forum i think.

However this is a clan thread so i'll let it remain so
Deleted User
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05:50 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Got beat by some guy 9-1 then give him the 5-0 UK win as i couldn't be bothered ... can't be bothered with this clan either, soz.

Edited by forum moderator adidas, at 16:43 Sat 7/11/09 (GMT)
Posts: 5,373
09:27 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alright, that's it for me.

I'm not one to jump ship mid-season, I'll be around and do my best until asked otherwise, but this is the last season for me.

With Adam more or less gone, and the same with Red and Mich too, and certain others having their panties in a bunch, the community I once joined is all but gone.

I respect that people put in whatever level of dedication they choose, that's for each to decide on their own. But what *I* can't be bothered to do is to stretch my real life schedules and put in every last ounce of effort I possibly can into making good results for the clan while other members don't care what so ever. Sorry.

I'm out of here after end of season, or as soon as Mich wants me to.

Edited by forum moderator adidas, at 11:22 Sun 8/11/09 (GMT)
Posts: 38,097
09:36 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
whats going on here, everyones leaving
Deleted User
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09:43 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
nooo "my only love sprang from my only hate"

my clan nemesis of many years can not collapse although I see your reason jan.

Hope you can sort yourselves out
Deleted User
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10:09 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
ste_efc said:
Got beat by some guy 9-1 then give him the 5-0 UK win as i couldn't be bothered ... can't be bothered with this clan either, soz.

that some guy was yorkshirepro lol

Edited by forum moderator adidas, at 11:20 Sun 8/11/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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10:14 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
if there is space can i join?
Posts: 292
14:22 Sat 7 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh dear the clans goin cockadoodledoo will someone tell me whats happening or shall i post for nothing lol...
Deleted User
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05:20 Sun 8 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

alxima for ste_c07 against UT
Deleted User
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05:38 Sun 8 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
andyw1 vs mich

3 2 to andy 8 ball
3 2 to mich 9 ball
3 2 to mich uk

8 7 to mich
Posts: 38,097
15:25 Sun 8 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Top Dogs vs Untouchables

alxima vs dgen

UK 2-3

US 2-3

9 ball: 3-2

Overall: 7-8

ggs mate, both had bit of bad luck, UT's mouse ran out of batteries so i had to do this on a touchpad which im not very good at so im happy about the result
Posts: 5,373
16:22 Sun 8 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good one James
Posts: 292
20:04 Sun 8 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seeing As I Haven't Been Involved With The Clan As I've Been Away I'm Quitting The Clan As I Feel Its Time For A Change....

Deleted User
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01:36 Mon 9 Nov 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry everyone, thanks for the effort being put in recently, but I think it's time UT finally folded, weve had many successful seasons i just think that everyone cant be bothered to play anymore, and im only on 2 days a week so cant really run the clan, I will however be opening it back up when I make a full return at around xmas/new year I think it's time for a change for everyone, soory and thank you!
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