The Untouchables- The Only Ever Clan League and Clan Cup Double Champions!
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02:05 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
Far above the dignity threshold of yours I'd imagine
ul_son said:
or for Kitchen not too fussy..
hey a job's a job right
hey a job's a job right
Far above the dignity threshold of yours I'd imagine
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08:45 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
pot_the_lot said:
i have been reminded i was meant to change a certain sumones name i totally forgot and with mich not having much pc access hes not seen me to remind me i do apologise to all .
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
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08:53 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
look its simple mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change but wot with me getting a job last week i have been at work and forgot to do so i have apologised.
so result will stand and ur player needs to finish
as i stated to u in msg i couldnt change the lists deadlines are deadlines as u wquite rightly told me ur vice is there to help out so he should have sent a list in.
its not breaking rules i forgot like i did with 3004rob he changed accounts and i forgot to change on web i have apologised let it go will u rick.
And stop posting here msg me
so result will stand and ur player needs to finish
as i stated to u in msg i couldnt change the lists deadlines are deadlines as u wquite rightly told me ur vice is there to help out so he should have sent a list in.
its not breaking rules i forgot like i did with 3004rob he changed accounts and i forgot to change on web i have apologised let it go will u rick.
And stop posting here msg me
08:57 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
A message for destiny and ste_efc.
Congratualtions on being selected to respresent UT to compete against Divsion 2 in the All Star Game.
Please reply to my message to confirm you are happy to participate.
Congratualtions on being selected to respresent UT to compete against Divsion 2 in the All Star Game.
Please reply to my message to confirm you are happy to participate.
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09:11 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
PMSL at your earlier posts Red Tickled me!
Jeez guys, its an online game, seriously stop using words such as crime and disgusted, they get used for serious offenses! I have "yet" to complete this fixture an most of use are acting as if I've just robbed the queen! Lighten up, they will get played
Joker86, whoop! lets kick some asss Destiny
Jeez guys, its an online game, seriously stop using words such as crime and disgusted, they get used for serious offenses! I have "yet" to complete this fixture an most of use are acting as if I've just robbed the queen! Lighten up, they will get played
Joker86, whoop! lets kick some asss Destiny
09:13 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
i take that as a "YES" then?
I will also take it that destiny will participate as he is mostly on snooker.
Good to have you on the team guys
I will also take it that destiny will participate as he is mostly on snooker.
Good to have you on the team guys
09:26 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
i wil inform destiny when i see him. good luck guys
09:34 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
and no_talking and everyone else, as ste rightfully said its an online game and the clan games will be finished so drop the petty arguments and move on.
09:45 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
Same person dozy......and when did you change your name from Donald to Rick anyway
Im 9-1 up with US8 to play, your man is ignoring me, 14-1 suits me fine, or he can play me and not ignore my pms.....Im only playing the game cos Mich is short handed this week, it needs to be played next time I see him!
no_talking said:
pot_the_lot said:
i have been reminded i was meant to change a certain sumones name i totally forgot and with mich not having much pc access hes not seen me to remind me i do apologise to all .
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
Same person dozy......and when did you change your name from Donald to Rick anyway
Im 9-1 up with US8 to play, your man is ignoring me, 14-1 suits me fine, or he can play me and not ignore my pms.....Im only playing the game cos Mich is short handed this week, it needs to be played next time I see him!
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10:02 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
well said ste
adam ty for ur input too i feel like im talking to a brick wall
ste_efc said:
PMSL at your earlier posts Red Tickled me!
Jeez guys, its an online game, seriously stop using words such as crime and disgusted, they get used for serious offenses! I have "yet" to complete this fixture an most of use are acting as if I've just robbed the queen! Lighten up, they will get played
Joker86, whoop! lets kick some asss Destiny
Jeez guys, its an online game, seriously stop using words such as crime and disgusted, they get used for serious offenses! I have "yet" to complete this fixture an most of use are acting as if I've just robbed the queen! Lighten up, they will get played
Joker86, whoop! lets kick some asss Destiny
well said ste
adam ty for ur input too i feel like im talking to a brick wall
10:59 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
destiny told me on snooks hes got too much going on at the moment, including learning spanish. so he cant compete in this competition.
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11:41 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
Come on ladies let's not take this too serious arguing over a name and because someone has a life... its beyond a joke just chill and play! :)
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12:31 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
Hi mate, if you see destiny on snooker could you let him know im on most days so whens good for him i'll play, be it today or sunday im in no rush thanks
dgeneratio said:
destiny told me on snooks hes got too much going on at the moment, including learning spanish. so he cant compete in this competition.
Hi mate, if you see destiny on snooker could you let him know im on most days so whens good for him i'll play, be it today or sunday im in no rush thanks
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12:41 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
Same person dozy......and when did you change your name from Donald to Rick anyway
Im 9-1 up with US8 to play, your man is ignoring me, 14-1 suits me fine, or he can play me and not ignore my pms.....Im only playing the game cos Mich is short handed this week, it needs to be played next time I see him!
well i glad u can make a joke off it cause what i call breaking the rules off the league playing in a different name
Edited at 17:43 Wed 14/10/09 (BST)
madmiketyson said:
no_talking said:
pot_the_lot said:
i have been reminded i was meant to change a certain sumones name i totally forgot and with mich not having much pc access hes not seen me to remind me i do apologise to all .
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
Same person dozy......and when did you change your name from Donald to Rick anyway
Im 9-1 up with US8 to play, your man is ignoring me, 14-1 suits me fine, or he can play me and not ignore my pms.....Im only playing the game cos Mich is short handed this week, it needs to be played next time I see him!
well i glad u can make a joke off it cause what i call breaking the rules off the league playing in a different name
Edited at 17:43 Wed 14/10/09 (BST)
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12:43 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
so there a different me telling u the same yesteday pot i want every one 2 see this that why i posted it here
pot_the_lot said:
look its simple mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change but wot with me getting a job last week i have been at work and forgot to do so i have apologised.
so result will stand and ur player needs to finish
as i stated to u in msg i couldnt change the lists deadlines are deadlines as u wquite rightly told me ur vice is there to help out so he should have sent a list in.
its not breaking rules i forgot like i did with 3004rob he changed accounts and i forgot to change on web i have apologised let it go will u rick.
And stop posting here msg me
so result will stand and ur player needs to finish
as i stated to u in msg i couldnt change the lists deadlines are deadlines as u wquite rightly told me ur vice is there to help out so he should have sent a list in.
its not breaking rules i forgot like i did with 3004rob he changed accounts and i forgot to change on web i have apologised let it go will u rick.
And stop posting here msg me
so there a different me telling u the same yesteday pot i want every one 2 see this that why i posted it here
12:46 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
If players break rules that's one thing.
If players follow the rules and league runners are slow to update, that's another.
If players follow the rules and league runners are slow to update, that's another.
13:07 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
Giving new forums a shot for next season, look here for more info:
Edited at 18:10 Wed 14/10/09 (BST)
Giving new forums a shot for next season, look here for more info:
Edited at 18:10 Wed 14/10/09 (BST)
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