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The Untouchables- The Only Ever Clan League and Clan Cup Double Champions!

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Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
joker86 said:
wipeout 44 vs 46 untouchables.

correction lol

:O you lil traitor you :O

only jokin lad
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
walker666 vs punish3rr
us 8 : 4 - 1
us 9 : 1 - 4
uk8 : 3 - 2

overall: 8 - 7

Dave is very sorry he couldnt get the 12-3...he was very tired and had had too many beers to play at his best
Deleted User
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16 years ago  [Link]  
11-4 would have been fine! just likker_1 to lose 8-7 now and the Son's got the title!
Posts: 148
16 years ago  [Link]  
hi UT, just wana apologise for not bein on ive had tonsilitus and not been in a good state lol, good luck in the remaining matches against us guys especially jan
Posts: 5,373
16 years ago  [Link]  
Thanks mate, I'll need it
Posts: 5,373
16 years ago  [Link]  
wo vs ut
ukpoolking (sub) vs janmb
8: 2-3
9: 3-2
UK: 4-1
Total 9-6

Rubbish games from both of us most of the time, I really slipped up in UK this time...

Guess there's a first for everything, losing a game in the league included Most deserved anyway, class opponent. Sorry.

Now go UT!

With a few (really) decent results in the last games we can actually still do this!

23 points behind and 3 games to go... Never until the fat lady sings lads and ladies.

Edited at 21:52 Wed 26/08/09 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
ul Jan..cant win em all in the league...well I can!

wont talk about the cup

11-4 11-4 12-3 would put us level overall...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
Got beat against foddy 8-7 sorry all couldnt get a good win, means they won the league but hey we will retain it next season
Posts: 5,373
16 years ago  [Link]  
Sure will

It's healthy for the league that new clans get up to the top an compete anyway, as well as it's nice to see it's a bit less of a two clan fight than last season.

Lets hope for an even closer battle between 3-4 clans next season, and us grabbing it in the end of course
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
Thanks for the kind words mich on the official results page - much appreciated. Thanks again for the ggs - was a pleasure playing you.

Thanks UT for the sporting way you play the game - best bit for me has been that we clinched it against the best there is.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
UT vs Wipeout

__anaconda__ vs yorkshirepro

US8 2-3
US9 3-2
UK8 4-1

Overall 9-6

Not that it makes any difference now! At least we can say we beat the champs!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
Well done lads and emma and walker... great season its been unfortunately we never won the league but ahh well we cant always win it can we... Well done to wipeout, and good luck for next season for us in league, lets get cup final finished good luck
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  

__anaconda__ vs n3wcastleutd


Don't need to go into details only to say it was probably the worst performance in the history of clan events. Sorry guys, think even emma could have beaten me the way I played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
__anaconda__ said:

__anaconda__ vs n3wcastleutd


Don't need to go into details only to say it was probably the worst performance in the history of clan events. Sorry guys, think even emma could have beaten me the way I played

OI!!!! Iv just had a bad season
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
We have you shaking in yer boots
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
pr1ncess said:
__anaconda__ said:

__anaconda__ vs n3wcastleutd


Don't need to go into details only to say it was probably the worst performance in the history of clan events. Sorry guys, think even emma could have beaten me the way I played

OI!!!! Iv just had a bad season

U tell him em :) put him back in his place :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
Right the time has come to open the transfer window this means all players are now free to poach lol please make sure though that the player informs there captain they are leaving as it does cause friction if they read in your thread that u signed there player.

Transfer window opens at 00.00 tonight and will close on Friday 4th septmber at 11.59pm.

On Sunday 6th september all teams must send me there full team lists so we can decide who makes it into the league and then i can upload onto website also all clans need to post in clan news if they are wishing to join the new season which will start on sunday 12th.

I will also sort fixtures out by tuesday wk so u all know who u will be playing.

On friday 11th u will need to send me first 2 weeks line ups if u fail to do so i will take the first 8 ppl in team lists sent in.

Right well let battle commence in next few days :)

Well done to everyone this season been a few ups and downs but we all got there in the end :)

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
UT vs TD r pooheads lol
son vs 4ph3x
8US: 3-2
9US: 3-2
8UK: 4-1

Overall: 10-5

Shame to say I wont be playing next season as I cannot commit to any games over the next few weeks and would only be a liability. I'll get onto Dave and Adam as to my availability for the following season or if I'm up and running in Canada sooner that expected.

Was a pleasure playing with you folk the last 3 seasons..dont let the forums get too boring while I'm away


Wouldnt be a Son post without the ---->


Message to Mich: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posts: 5,373
16 years ago  [Link]  
Please Red, have a fun time over there and be back soon!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16 years ago  [Link]  
Im so sorry to see the departure of red, yet we cant let this get to us as we have another season to look forward to, and im sure sooner rather than later Red will be back at ut!

Please post here, or message me with your wishes of whether to stay or leave the clan please so i know what im dealing with in places to get other people in... I do however wish to keep the current squad but will need to know, thank you!
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The Untouchables- The Only Ever Clan League and Clan Cup Double Champions!

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