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15:45 Tue 13 Oct 09 (BST)
there is no reason to be so rude to a player that is traying to arrange there game with you ste_efc so i hope your captain deal with this in the right way also being rude to my vic captain this should not be lot allowed form a player so if you like to read our forum your see what he was staying to doubted and my vic captain
thanks rick
Edited at 20:48 Tue 13/10/09 (BST)
thanks rick
Edited at 20:48 Tue 13/10/09 (BST)
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16:17 Tue 13 Oct 09 (BST)
pot as u can see this why i got involved
doubted said:
Rick i have posted this message on there page it needs sorting
Your never on when am on... so we'll just have to catch each other based on luck.
ste_efc message back to me ....i dont think this answer is acceptable do you about arrange with me a time to play ...will the team captain please sort this please
Your never on when am on... so we'll just have to catch each other based on luck.
ste_efc message back to me ....i dont think this answer is acceptable do you about arrange with me a time to play ...will the team captain please sort this please
pot as u can see this why i got involved
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08:46 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
pot_the_loti have been reminded i was meant to change a certain sumones name i totally forgot and with mich not having much pc access hes not seen me to remind me i do apologise to all .
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
08:58 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
A message for no_talking and greyhound.
Congratualtions on being selected to respresent TPA to compete against Divsion 2 in the All Star Game.
Please reply to my message to confirm you are happy to participate.
Congratualtions on being selected to respresent TPA to compete against Divsion 2 in the All Star Game.
Please reply to my message to confirm you are happy to participate.
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10:19 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
Out of interest rick, who was picked for this?
aflumpire said:
A message to the captain and vice captain;
please send your three nominees for the clan All Star Game to joker86 and mich as soon as you can (dont send them to me).
It is important you do this so the All Star Game will have representation from all clans.
If your captain is away, then can the next person in charge please send nominations in ASAP.
please send your three nominees for the clan All Star Game to joker86 and mich as soon as you can (dont send them to me).
It is important you do this so the All Star Game will have representation from all clans.
If your captain is away, then can the next person in charge please send nominations in ASAP.
Out of interest rick, who was picked for this?
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11:35 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
Jon_l no_talking and greyhound were those selected from this clan
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12:46 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
i have been reminded i was meant to change a certain sumones name i totally forgot and with mich not having much pc access hes not seen me to remind me i do apologise to all .
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
Same person dozy......and when did you change your name from Donald to Rick anyway
Im 9-1 up with US8 to play, your man is ignoring me, 14-1 suits me fine, or he can play me and not ignore my pms.....Im only playing the game cos Mich is short handed this week, it needs to be played next time I see him!
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
Same person dozy......and when did you change your name from Donald to Rick anyway
Im 9-1 up with US8 to play, your man is ignoring me, 14-1 suits me fine, or he can play me and not ignore my pms.....Im only playing the game cos Mich is short handed this week, it needs to be played next time I see him!
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12:47 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
well i glad u can make a joke off it cause what i call breaking the rules off the league playing in a different name
no_talking said:
i have been reminded i was meant to change a certain sumones name i totally forgot and with mich not having much pc access hes not seen me to remind me i do apologise to all .
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
Same person dozy......and when did you change your name from Donald to Rick anyway
Im 9-1 up with US8 to play, your man is ignoring me, 14-1 suits me fine, or he can play me and not ignore my pms.....Im only playing the game cos Mich is short handed this week, it needs to be played next time I see him!
mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change
right let get this clean up it not our mistake as u pointed out with me last week i lost my connection so i could not put my team in. so this down 2 the league for all we know this can be a different player all together as my player pm our message madmiketyson so there for he not register in mmt this can not stand this is breaking the rules in my eyes that who ever fault that did not register him our her i looking foward on your reply to this thanks rick
Same person dozy......and when did you change your name from Donald to Rick anyway
Im 9-1 up with US8 to play, your man is ignoring me, 14-1 suits me fine, or he can play me and not ignore my pms.....Im only playing the game cos Mich is short handed this week, it needs to be played next time I see him!
Deleted User
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12:48 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
pot_the_lotlook its simple mmt is madmiketyson i was meant to change but wot with me getting a job last week i have been at work and forgot to do so i have apologised.
so result will stand and ur player needs to finish
as i stated to u in msg i couldnt change the lists deadlines are deadlines as u wquite rightly told me ur vice is there to help out so he should have sent a list in.
its not breaking rules i forgot like i did with 3004rob he changed accounts and i forgot to change on web i have apologised let it go will u rick.
And stop posting here msg me
so there a different me telling u the same yesteday pot i want every one 2 see this that why i posted it here
so result will stand and ur player needs to finish
as i stated to u in msg i couldnt change the lists deadlines are deadlines as u wquite rightly told me ur vice is there to help out so he should have sent a list in.
its not breaking rules i forgot like i did with 3004rob he changed accounts and i forgot to change on web i have apologised let it go will u rick.
And stop posting here msg me
so there a different me telling u the same yesteday pot i want every one 2 see this that why i posted it here
13:10 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
Giving new forums a shot for next season, look here for more info:
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13:47 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
well done to greyhound and no_talking making the all star team gl both
15:09 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
i am sorry for being a person who would like to play a game.
would it be possible for ste_efc to arrange this game please.
i take it.. litte derogatory remarks such as get a life etc. its only a game its not important. well if that were the case why do we bother at all. im not and do not like confrontation. remember part of the game is to play and organise the fixture. you mock and twist may i ask why ?? all in doing is trying to arrange a fixture.
is it that i shouldnt bother at all no effort at is being made to date ....your player came on for 20seconds pm me and said ""game"" i replied i will be 5 minutes im playing straight so he logs out.. not arranging to play another time to suit himself nothing me a favour ppl get a grip i wont bother contacting him again ok you and your captain sort this out
what is the point in having rules ...and for the record i have a life a dam good one i happen to like this site have many friends is that sad ? i ask if that is the case why are we all on
yours in sport
message to ste_efc and there clan
why have rules ....can people not just be polite instead of being ignorant .....
Edited at 20:15 Wed 14/10/09 (BST)
would it be possible for ste_efc to arrange this game please.
i take it.. litte derogatory remarks such as get a life etc. its only a game its not important. well if that were the case why do we bother at all. im not and do not like confrontation. remember part of the game is to play and organise the fixture. you mock and twist may i ask why ?? all in doing is trying to arrange a fixture.
is it that i shouldnt bother at all no effort at is being made to date ....your player came on for 20seconds pm me and said ""game"" i replied i will be 5 minutes im playing straight so he logs out.. not arranging to play another time to suit himself nothing me a favour ppl get a grip i wont bother contacting him again ok you and your captain sort this out
what is the point in having rules ...and for the record i have a life a dam good one i happen to like this site have many friends is that sad ? i ask if that is the case why are we all on
yours in sport
message to ste_efc and there clan
why have rules ....can people not just be polite instead of being ignorant .....
Edited at 20:15 Wed 14/10/09 (BST)
15:16 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
madmiketyson v blueberry
uk 5 - 0
8 4-1
9 4-1
madmiketyson winning 13 to 2 blueberry
respect mate wp
uk 5 - 0
8 4-1
9 4-1
madmiketyson winning 13 to 2 blueberry
respect mate wp
16:06 Wed 14 Oct 09 (BST)
To all captains and vice-captains,
End of this season is near.
Please post in "clan news" to confirm your entry request into neaxt season (season 8).
Thank you
End of this season is near.
Please post in "clan news" to confirm your entry request into neaxt season (season 8).
Thank you
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10:10 Thu 15 Oct 09 (BST)
no_talking said:
jon_l said:
Untouchables 35 25 Top Pool Aces
vixen vs jon_l
janmb8 vs 7 greyhound
ste_efc vs doubted
madmiketyson 13 vs 2 blueberry
strobe vs lena_rus
mich 9 vs 6 ionic
dgeneratio 5 vs 10 no_talking
destiny vs jgo3000
ok all tpa we only got 1 week to get games played so message opponant asap and post here gl
vixen vs jon_l
janmb8 vs 7 greyhound
ste_efc vs doubted
madmiketyson 13 vs 2 blueberry
strobe vs lena_rus
mich 9 vs 6 ionic
dgeneratio 5 vs 10 no_talking
destiny vs jgo3000
ok all tpa we only got 1 week to get games played so message opponant asap and post here gl
13:27 Thu 15 Oct 09 (BST)
janmb said:
Giving new forums a shot for next season, look here for more info:
14:54 Thu 15 Oct 09 (BST)
how long do i need to wait for ste_efc to make contact so we can play this game totally sickened off player
ps would the captain of this team please advise me what to do...ur player is representing the divison 1 team what a joke
ps would the captain of this team please advise me what to do...ur player is representing the divison 1 team what a joke
15:13 Thu 15 Oct 09 (BST)
rick i have sent yet another unaswered message to ste_efc ..again no reply
this is the message i have sent
will u tell me please when we can play this game i dont no why you are trying to avoid playing,,and why you are being so rude,,, just forget the game refer this to your captain i will now only speak to them regards this game
yours in sport
this is the message i have sent
will u tell me please when we can play this game i dont no why you are trying to avoid playing,,and why you are being so rude,,, just forget the game refer this to your captain i will now only speak to them regards this game
yours in sport
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