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killer points

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Posts: 36
16:57 Tue 7 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
surely u need to get more points for winning,ive not even been getting a full point(0.8),hardly worth having,then u get beat once and that costs u 6 points. My maths say id need to win 8 times just to get back to square one.
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17:18 Tue 7 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't play low ranked players all the time then.
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17:44 Tue 7 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
That's a true point Damee.

If you feel your not gaining enough points then find some higher ranks or a 10 man game and then you can't complain.

Posts: 1,630
19:02 Tue 7 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
See here truehotshot:

Explains all about the ranking systems in place accross all games
Posts: 36
04:13 Wed 8 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
you cant choose who u play like the other pool games which have ranking options to play ppl who have similar scores,anybody low ranked can play against you on killer lewis i won a 5 player yesterday and got a whooping 3 points
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04:29 Wed 8 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats nothing, i won a 10 man game yesterday and won 1.7.

It all depends on the opponents because a bit ago now, when i was a bit lower, not much, than my current rank, played a 10 man and got over 10 points due to their being 4 900+ in the game.
Posts: 36
07:31 Wed 8 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i'll soon have no points to lose
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07:57 Wed 8 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i think that in games like killer, there should be a different type of ranking system.

even if it resembles fake money, people can 'gamble' points that goes into a pot, then winner takes all.

To cover the point for "oh what about not teaching kids to gamble" - well its not true gambling, and you can have a disclaimer to say that kids should not gamble
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08:30 Wed 8 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
KIller was based on points when it first started but changed to ranking soon after. I prefer it as ranked.
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09:09 Wed 8 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
true - i forgot that, so maybe we need to change that system up a bit??

maybe people can enter how many points they want to put into a pot - with a minimum and maximum amounts allowed to placed into a pot.

I think that if this site ever wants a real money service, then what a better way to actually test this out, with killer!!
Posts: 5,373
12:40 Wed 8 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
i think that in games like killer, there should be a different type of ranking system.

No reason to change a system that isn't flawed in the first place.

A system where you wage bets would be fun, but also impossible as long as we base our progress rates on daily reductions.
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23:58 Wed 8 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
how about two systems then??

or would that get too confusing??

I think it would be an excellent idea to wage fantasy points on a game type - and I think killer is the best game to do this on.

i think that rankings on killer may be misleading as well. you might play a lot of 10 player games and come 2nd or 3rd a lot of the time and get no recognition for it. yet the guy who plays 3 player games may win 90% of the time with a lot less competition and be rewarded acordingly...

Killer, in my opinion is one of those games on here that does not really require a strict ranking system.

A true ranking system on here would be the percentage of balls potted - i may be wrong though.

So maybe a fun, 'Funky Dollars' could come in to lighten things up, and perhaps make Killer a very popular game again where we see multiple 10 man games going at once.
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02:40 Thu 9 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Or perhaps 'Funky Pounds' for us Brits
Posts: 36
04:16 Thu 9 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
ive looked at the ranking system but cant find any bonus points based on safety success?
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08:57 Thu 9 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats because you don't. Its just part of your stats on your profile and its part of the killer leaderboards.
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08:59 Thu 9 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
how about two systems then??

or would that get too confusing??

I think it would be an excellent idea to wage fantasy points on a game type - and I think killer is the best game to do this on.

i think that rankings on killer may be misleading as well. you might play a lot of 10 player games and come 2nd or 3rd a lot of the time and get no recognition for it. yet the guy who plays 3 player games may win 90% of the time with a lot less competition and be rewarded acordingly...

Killer, in my opinion is one of those games on here that does not really require a strict ranking system.

A true ranking system on here would be the percentage of balls potted - i may be wrong though.

So maybe a fun, 'Funky Dollars' could come in to lighten things up, and perhaps make Killer a very popular game again where we see multiple 10 man games going at once.

Something that hits me a lot. I've ended 2nd a good few times in 10 man games, really gutting it is
Posts: 5,373
08:59 Thu 9 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
A true ranking system on here would be the percentage of balls potted - i may be wrong though

That would lose the aspect of taking into account which opponents you are playing.

A players rating should be based on how good that player is - period. And to get a more or less correct picture of that, you need to include the opponents' skill into the equation too - which the current ranking system in fact does very well.

Pot percentage is a great indicator, but suffers from not taking into account opponent level.

Nor is it really always a good representation of skill in killer. Skill in killer also should include, to some extent, safeties.

A really good player can win his/her games after 10 shots, at only 1 life remaining, because of being a great safety player - thus killing others fast.

OR the same player could win after 40 of 40 pots, with non-existant focus on safety play.

Both are fine ways to win the game and should count equally toward the rating.

The current ranking system does precisely that.

Conclusion: No need to change what isn't broken.
Posts: 36
14:11 Thu 9 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
without safety the game is a non event for me
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15:23 Thu 9 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hot shot? PMSL
Posts: 5,373
16:15 Thu 9 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
truehotshot said:
without safety the game is a non event for me

Safeties is a statistic, not a goal. Sure, they are fun to play and an important part of the game to master if you want to do well, but in the end it's important to remember they are a means to an end, and not the goal in its own right.
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killer points

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