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12:46 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
coolhandct said:
To Janmb, Pot The Lot and everyone else who Ive ever offended.

I was only having a joke, a play on words with the names etc.

What has happened to freedom of speech and expression of an opinion these days.

I have been verbally trashed by loadsa people on this site and have not asked them to be deactivated etc etc

I have also had gentle ribbing from time to time and took it in good humour.

However, I apologise to you both and everyone who felt my comments were in poor taste or in any way taken as a personal insult.

I genuinely appreciate and take my hat off to all the moderators and league organisers who do a great job as without them this league in any shape or form would not exist.

My comments have just been a culmination of recent events and frustration as in my opinion there are flaws with the system as it is, I genuinely believe I have give legitimte alternatives and there seems to be unfair treatment to certain members and teams in the league.

Its just my opinion and whether you all disagree with it I hope you appreciate my right to express it.

However I will refrain in futue making it in any way even joking, a personal comment.

I apologise again to you both.

As I know there is no longer any point in expressing any views, thoughts, suggestions, opinions and ideas I will refrain from doing so any more and become the robot expected of me

Nuff said and sorry again

Shame no one will read that and thank you
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12:47 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Whats happening with the clans that didnt get in marvelous mervin hagler? Have you arranged anything yet.
Posts: 1,330
13:04 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
just waiting on them getting back to me mate

thought I had something arranged - or close to it - but circumstances changed
Posts: 1,330
13:32 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Team Vs Untouchables


Team Vs TPA


Cup Match

Posts: 1,330
14:05 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Just A Note Guys

Won't Be On Tomorrow Night

Will Be Too Busy Cheering Northern Ireland To World Cup Glory
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15:38 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
the_foxes said:
How is he playing from week 3 and gazer if they are non playing members of the clan. we can only register 12 playing members :S

someone will be dropped from the rest of the season to allow him to be registered for play
whoever is dropped wouldn't be allowed to play until the next season

dont think that is legit! dont want us thrown out of league like
Posts: 1,330
15:44 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
it is completely legit mate
Deleted User
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15:45 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
those 3 players though have no official bond to your clan and are technically free agents so just want you to know
Posts: 1,330
15:47 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
familyguy0 said:
those 3 players though have no official bond to your clan and are technically free agents so just want you to know

those 3 players have specifically asked to join the fellowship and are completely aware of the situation - please see previous post about techno accepting the terms and conditions
Posts: 8,149
16:05 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
gandalf said:
familyguy0 said:
those 3 players though have no official bond to your clan and are technically free agents so just want you to know

those 3 players have specifically asked to join the fellowship and are completely aware of the situation - please see previous post about techno accepting the terms and conditions

yes but for example; if i was to ask one of your non-players to join wipeout and they accepted, they can as they are free agents. just going on the rules and a good point family made.

but away from that subject now, fellowship looks good this season, i wish the best of luck to you guys in the top flight.

Edited at 21:10 Tue 8/09/09 (BST)
Posts: 19,967
16:28 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
a good point that i have made several times
so we are well aware
Posts: 8,149
17:15 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
to all captains.

if you have taken someone from the free agent list from the players waiting for a clan thread, could you please post in the players waiting thread that you have taken a certain player from that list.

i am trying to keep the free agents list up to date and it would help a great deal if you could post there to inform me on any changes witch i have not noticed

thank you

Deleted User
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18:39 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
the_foxes said:
zantetsukenz said:
the_foxes said:
How is he playing from week 3 and gazer if they are non playing members of the clan. we can only register 12 playing members :S

someone will be dropped from the rest of the season to allow him to be registered for play
whoever is dropped wouldn't be allowed to play until the next season

dont think that is legit! dont want us thrown out of league like

So ur dropping a player how nice great captaincy that is no offence like but dont u think thats a bit unfair.

As for this holding 2 players cause u may need them it stops now ive had 2 complaints from captains so im stating now it ends today.

Posts: 2,800
18:40 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
why dont you make another new rule p-lot? its his clan its up to him who he plays and who he drops

Edited at 23:43 Tue 8/09/09 (BST)
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18:42 Tue 8 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
cool_dude said:
why dont you make another new rule plot? its his clan its up to him who he plays and who he drops

Im gonna ask u once more do not call me that do not say its a typo heard that once too often

Rules state 12 maximum but im looking to amend as its unfair on lower teams to not be able to secure an ace player sts

Edit I do not want thi to turn into a debate im simply stating no more please
Posts: 1,330
03:48 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
enough is enough

i am NOT stopping players joining other clans.....

any captain is free to approach ANY member of the fellowship (registered players during transfer window).......

Problem is.......the answer would probably be NO THANKS......

tbh - you run the league steph........and a great job you are doing.....

but i can have as many players in the fellowship clan as I wish......

I know for a fact, that other clans have waiting lists......i just post mine

Can you please post potty how many players the fellowship have registered......

If you go changing rules about anything outside the league, you will be walking on very dangerous ground I might add....

Edited at 08:54 Wed 9/09/09 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
05:55 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
We've had some more discussion about this, and here is the final word:

As much as we'd like to prohibit people from keeping larger teams than 12, this is not within the scope of the league and therefore nothing we can control.

That being said though, we would like to encourage clan captains and players alike to refrain from forming larger teams simply because it takes players away from the total player pool and hinders others from forming new and reliable clans. There is a limited number of players for league play on this site, and one team hogging a lot of them isn't helping anyone.

There won't be any rules on this for now, other than the existing rules regarding how "new" players may and may not be entered into a clan in the league mid-season.

For future seasons though, be advised that the clan hosts may choose to exclude clans from the league at their own discretion, one of many possible reasons being the overall team size.

Edited at 10:59 Wed 9/09/09 (BST)
Posts: 1,330
06:11 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
We've had some more discussion about this, and here is the final word:

As much as we'd like to prohibit people from keeping larger teams than 12, this is not within the scope of the league and therefore nothing we can control.

That being said though, we would like to encourage clan captains and players alike to refrain from forming larger teams simply because it takes players away from the total player pool and hinders others from forming new and reliable clans. There is a limited number of players for league play on this site, and one team hogging a lot of them isn't helping anyone.

There won't be any rules on this for now, other than the existing rules regarding how "new" players may and may not be entered into a clan in the league mid-season.

For future seasons though, be advised that the clan hosts may choose to exclude clans from the league at their own discretion, one of many possible reasons being the overall team size.

Edited at 10:59 Wed 9/09/09 (BST)

i am reading too much into that last comment - or is that a threat to ban the fellowship for the amount of players we have!!!!!!!

this is now ridiculous - these players WANT to be a part of the fellowship.....

they are prepared to wait for a position - would you prefer me to be secret - you are now all taking the perverbials

as for not helping other clans by taking players - please check their threads to see who has been offering them help
Posts: 1,330
06:13 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
please ensure all future correspondance on this matter is done via private message and the fellowship clan thread is left for fellowship business only

and those who aren't on a witch hunt
Deleted User
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06:14 Wed 9 Sept 09 (BST)  [Link]  
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