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Posts: 16
12:38 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hi all (especially merv)

bad day at the in the office but it is only a friendly lol

was 9-3 down whilst was in uk but managed to pull it bk to 9-6 loss

sorry all was very poorly played by myself until uk came along i was a bit more daring and paid off i no how to play yet am not myself yet soon will prove myself

come on guys pull it bk :D

playa v poolman_90

9 ball 4-2 loss
8 us 3-1 loss
uk 3-2 win
9-6 loss overall
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13:18 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
__playa__ said:
hi all (especially merv)

bad day at the in the office but it is only a friendly lol

was 9-3 down whilst was in uk but managed to pull it bk to 9-6 loss

sorry all was very poorly played by myself until uk came along i was a bit more daring and paid off i no how to play yet am not myself yet soon will prove myself

come on guys pull it bk :D

playa v poolman_90

9 ball 4-2 loss
8 us 3-1 loss
uk 3-2 win
9-6 loss overall
no need to apologise to anyone for your performance _playa_ m8.......we win as a team - we lose as a team - very simple and straight aim this season is to form a clan where there is no chopping and changing of personnel and we get all our matches played - wins will come - losses will come.......but if we enjoy it, then it has been worthwhile........

with each game we play we will learn something from players more experienced and we can then take that on to the next round of matches
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13:20 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mc_enemy (5) v (10) bigmerv1973
u_s_a_rule v sarahh
jon_l (9) v (3) zante
gladul v gossy555
pool_man90 (9) v (6) __playa__
m-20 v the_rookie
greyhound (6) v (7) _flame_
no_talking (8) v (6) smoothy

Deadline Saturday 25th July 10pm

Good Luck All


Top Pool Aces 37 vs 32 Fellowship
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13:29 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mc_enemy (5) v (10) bigmerv1973
u_s_a_rule (8) v (4) sarahh
jon_l (9) v (3) zante
gladul v gossy555
pool_man90 (9) v (6) __playa__
m-20 v the_rookie
greyhound (6) v (7) _flame_
no_talking (8) v (6) smoothy

Deadline Saturday 25th July 10pm

Good Luck All


Top Pool Aces 45 vs 36 Fellowship
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13:32 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Support Your Team

Guys - Hate to be slightly negative here, but when I log on to find a team mate playing a clan match I will always try to watch.......

I logged on this evening with 4 fellowship members online and 1 playing a match.....

Our opponent had 5 ppl watching and we had none.......

Please support your team-mates
Posts: 16
14:02 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
bigmerv1973 said:
Support Your Team

Guys - Hate to be slightly negative here, but when I log on to find a team mate playing a clan match I will always try to watch.......

I logged on this evening with 4 fellowship members online and 1 playing a match.....

Our opponent had 5 ppl watching and we had none.......

Please support your team-mates

i was gonna say the same thing, if ur referring to my game cos i had four or 5 in there and just me :D
Posts: 230
14:04 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
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14:13 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mc__enemy said:
i invite sensible comments on this thread!!!!
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15:26 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
yh same _playa_ ther was like 3 of ther peeps in my match
But thankfully thery were supporting me a bit aswell.
Posts: 230
15:31 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
bigmerv1973 said:
mc__enemy said:
i invite sensible comments on this thread!!!!
grip needed i think lol
Posts: 728
16:03 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
my brother said if hes online and anyone has games then pm him he will always support
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17:28 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Just got done playing zantetsukenz.

Nice to have met him. He was unlucky but we had good matches thanx for playin.

2-1 me
3-0 me
2-1 me
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22:54 Tue 21 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
the_rookie vs. m_20

3-2 the_rookie

3-2 the_rookie

4-0 m_20

Great games. He can make some amazing shots!! I was probably lucky to get most of the games i did.
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02:46 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mc_enemy (5) v (10) bigmerv1973
u_s_a_rule (8) v (4) sarahh
jon_l (9) v (3) zante

gladul v gossy555
pool_man90 (9) v (6) __playa__
m-20 (8) v (7) the_rookie
greyhound (6) v (7) _flame_
no_talking (8) v (6) smoothy

Deadline Saturday 25th July 10pm

Good Luck All


Top Pool Aces 53 vs 43 Fellowship

quite a respectable score here guys considering i purposely left out 4 of our top players

Edited at 08:01 Wed 22/07/09 (BST)
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06:05 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hi folks

sorry ive been a bit quiet....lots going on at the moment and havent had much time.

if im on and your in a match let me know and if i can i will come and watch.

will still try to get friendly game played. we have both been on at diff times due to commitments.

But you know me merv I will get my matches played when it counts and wont let team down
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06:27 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
coolhandct said:
hi folks

sorry ive been a bit quiet....lots going on at the moment and havent had much time.

if im on and your in a match let me know and if i can i will come and watch.

will still try to get friendly game played. we have both been on at diff times due to commitments.

But you know me merv I will get my matches played when it counts and wont let team down
mate - dont be worrying about the match with wipeout too much as they are taking part in the new format matches - only play it if your opponent messages you when you are online
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06:49 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi all,

I have read all options and posts and welcome discussion but please dont adopt the "any changes are too complicated so we will do nothing approach"

I accept the point re awarding 3 pts for a win argument that states if a player is ahead and cant be caught he will simply give up which doesnt seem a good idea, but the existing system has a similiar flaw as if a couple of players get a hammering whether unlucky or not it disincentivises the team for all other games and makes them effectively pointless.

In my opinion you should be awarded a point for each format won and 2 or 3 points for an overall win or 1 each for a draw with frame scores being used as a kind of goal/frames difference in event of equal points.

This makes season interesting and competative for all teams all the way through.

It also negates argument that players will chuck it if they cannot recover match as they can still get points for format win.

This really isnt very complicated to put in place and I cannot see any negatives.

As for straight being included I personally dont mind it but think it would place more pressure in getting time to complete games.

As for default under my system award 4 points but do not use frame count in figures as game was not played.

Your thoughts people
Posts: 230
06:52 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi fellowship, just to change to match with gladul vs gossy555
Gossy555 vs _pau1_ is to go ahead
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08:01 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
mc__enemy said:
Hi fellowship, just to change to match with gladul vs gossy555
Gossy555 vs _pau1_ is to go ahead
why the change??????
Posts: 19,967
08:57 Wed 22 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
i think he hadnt been on for a few days or something merv.

Also coolhand the points from individual matches go to the overall table so there still is an incentive to play on for the frames when a match against a particular clan is beyond recovery
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